
I'm one of the contact people for the effective altruism community. I work at CEA as a community liaison, trying to support the EA community in addressing problems and being a healthy and welcoming community.

Please feel free to contact me at julia.wise@centreforeffectivealtruism.org.

Besides effective altruism, I'm interested in folk dance and trying to keep up with my three children.


Contact people for the EA community
by Julia_Wise🔸, Catherine Low🔸, Charlotte Darnell @ 2024-09-06 | +47 | 0 comments
Advice for early-career people seeking jobs in EA
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2024-06-20 | +128 | 0 comments
Stories from the origins of the animal welfare movement
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2024-03-12 | +69 | 0 comments
Things to check about a job or internship
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2024-02-12 | +201 | 0 comments
Further possible projects on EA reform
by Julia_Wise🔸, Ozzie Gooen @ 2023-11-09 | +41 | 0 comments
Resource on whistleblowing and other ways of escalating concerns
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2023-11-09 | +22 | 0 comments
Takes from staff at orgs with leadership that went off the rails
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2023-11-09 | +132 | 0 comments
COI policies for grantmakers
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2023-11-09 | +59 | 0 comments
Advice for EA boards
by Julia_Wise🔸, Ozzie Gooen @ 2023-11-09 | +57 | 0 comments
Project on organizational reforms in EA: summary
by Julia_Wise🔸, Ozzie Gooen, Sam Donald @ 2023-11-09 | +81 | 0 comments
Update on project on reforms at EA organizations
by Julia_Wise🔸, Sam Donald, Ozzie Gooen @ 2023-06-17 | +89 | 0 comments
Seeking expertise to improve EA organizations
by Julia_Wise🔸, Ozzie Gooen @ 2023-04-27 | +146 | 0 comments
Media attention on EA (again)
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2022-11-17 | +170 | 0 comments
Community support given FTX situation
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2022-11-10 | +265 | 0 comments
Things for grant applicants to remember about living expenses
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2022-10-07 | +78 | 0 comments
The community health team’s work on interpersonal harm in the community
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2022-08-19 | +283 | 0 comments
Power dynamics between people in EA
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2022-06-01 | +478 | 0 comments
EA will likely get more attention soon
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2022-05-12 | +225 | 0 comments
Messy personal stuff that affected my cause prioritization (or: how I started to...
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2022-05-05 | +264 | 0 comments
It could be useful if someone ran a copyediting service
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2022-04-29 | +87 | 0 comments
Advice to a new EA org employee
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2022-03-30 | +94 | 0 comments
How should altruistic blogs be different?
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2022-02-26 | +25 | 0 comments
Donations and budgeting, 15 years in
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2022-02-21 | +116 | 0 comments
It's ok to leave EA
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2022-01-28 | +246 | 0 comments
Running an EA outreach project involving high school students? Let us know!
by Julia_Wise🔸, Catherine Low🔸 @ 2021-12-28 | +83 | 0 comments
Snapshot of a career choice 10 years ago
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2021-09-23 | +237 | 0 comments
Backyard dinner and discussion
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2021-09-09 | +7 | 0 comments
Backyard dinner and discussion with Ajeya Cotra
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2021-08-19 | +10 | 0 comments
Julia_Wise's Quick takes
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2021-04-29 | +8 | 0 comments
Charges against BitMEX and cofounders
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2020-10-02 | +44 | 0 comments
Introducing Luke Freeman as head of Giving What We Can
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2020-07-27 | +69 | 0 comments
Finding equilibrium in a difficult time
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2020-03-18 | +150 | 0 comments
It's OK to feed stray cats
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2020-01-28 | +131 | 0 comments
More info on EA Global admissions
by Julia_Wise🔸, Centre for Effective Altruism @ 2019-12-23 | +56 | 0 comments
Countering imposter syndrome
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2019-08-28 | +73 | 0 comments
You have more than one goal, and that's fine
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2019-02-20 | +292 | 0 comments
Submit questions about Giving What We Can for Q&A session December 30
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2018-12-30 | +17 | 0 comments
Open beta of the new EA Forum now available
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2018-10-18 | +12 | 0 comments
Forum moving to open beta this week
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2018-10-15 | +4 | 0 comments
Additional plans for the new EA Forum
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2018-09-07 | +20 | 0 comments
Self-care sessions for EA groups
by Julia_Wise🔸, weeatquince @ 2018-09-06 | +14 | 0 comments
EA syllabi and teaching materials
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2018-09-05 | +101 | 0 comments
How to use the Forum
by Julia_Wise🔸, Aaron Gertler 🔸 @ 2018-09-05 | +99 | 0 comments
Upcoming AMA with Holden Karnofsky on job openings at the Open Philanthropy...
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2018-03-23 | +9 | 0 comments
Contact people for the EA community
by Julia_Wise🔸, Catherine Low🔸 @ 2018-01-12 | +107 | 0 comments
Changes to the EA Forum
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2017-07-02 | +19 | 0 comments
Upcoming AMA with Luke Muehlhauser on consciousness and moral patienthood (June...
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2017-06-21 | +13 | 0 comments
A mental health resource for EA community
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2017-05-06 | +38 | 0 comments
Advisory panel at CEA
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2017-03-07 | +22 | 0 comments
Practical political action on global health
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2017-02-27 | +24 | 0 comments
Clarifying the Giving What We Can pledge
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2017-02-06 | +45 | 0 comments
EAs write about where they give
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2016-12-09 | +18 | 0 comments
Running an EA reading group
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2016-12-02 | +14 | 0 comments
Making EA groups more welcoming
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2016-07-29 | +30 | 0 comments
Guidelines on depicting poverty
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2016-03-28 | +41 | 0 comments
Against segregating EAs
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2016-01-21 | +30 | 0 comments
An embarrassment of riches
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2015-11-19 | +54 | 0 comments
Burnout and self-care
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2015-10-23 | +29 | 0 comments
Meetup : Boston dinner/discussion
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2015-02-20 | 0 | 0 comments
On making spaces friendlier to parents
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2015-01-27 | +15 | 0 comments
How much does it cost to have a child?
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2014-12-24 | +19 | 0 comments
Aim high, even if you fall short
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2014-10-11 | +151 | 0 comments
Where I'm giving and why: Julia Wise
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2013-12-27 | +3 | 0 comments
Giving now vs. later: a summary
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2013-07-23 | +43 | 0 comments
by Julia_Wise🔸 @ 2013-06-21 | +126 | 0 comments