Further possible projects on EA reform

By Julia_Wise🔸, Ozzie Gooen @ 2023-11-09T19:06 (+43)

As part of this project on reforms, we collected a rough list of potential projects for EA organizational reform. Each idea was pretty interesting to at least one of us (Julia Wise, Ozzie Gooen, Sam Donald), but we don’t necessarily agree about them.

This list represents a lightly-edited snapshot of projects we were considering around July 2023, which we listed in order to get feedback from others on how to prioritize. Some of these were completed as part of the reform project, but most are still available if someone wants to make them happen.

There’s an appendix with a rough grid of projects by our guess at importance and tractability.


Key Factors

Factors that might influence which projects people might like, if any:

Centralization vs. Decentralization

How much should EA aim to be more centralized / closely integrated vs. more like a loose network?

Big vs. Small Changes

Are existing orgs basically doing good stuff and just need some adjustments, or are some things in seriously bad shape?

Short-term vs. Long-term

How much do you want to focus on things that could get done in the next few months vs changes that would take more time and resources?

Risk appetite 

Is EA already solid enough that we should mostly aim to preserve its value and be risk-averse, or is most of the impact in the future in a way that makes it more important to stay nimble and be wary of losing the ability to jump at opportunities?

Issue Tractability

How much are dynamics like sexual misconduct within the realm of organizations to influence, vs. mostly a broad social problem that orgs aren’t going to be able to change much?

Long-term Overhead

How much operations/infrastructure/management overhead do we want to aim for? Do we think that EA gets this balance about right, or could use significantly more or less?


Advice on board composition


FTX investigation

New general-purpose investigation team

Alternative to the CEA community health team

(note that one of the authors, Julia, works on this team)


(See also investigation team above which would likely receive whistleblowing reports)

Improve awareness of whistleblowing resources


Improve coordination between orgs 

Internal communications infrastructure 

Operations & org policies

Ops support for newer/smaller (<~10 person) orgs

COI policy sharing

Advice for new grantmakers

Designate an “EA COO” 

Code of conduct for EA leaders

EA organization landscape assessment

Risk management

EA risk management

Fundraising assistance

EA-internal fundraising support

Fundraising training for GH&D charities

EA fundraising expansion

Share information about EA organizations

Get more staff / former staff of EA orgs to use Glassdoor

EA organization information center


Further organizational improvement research

Appendix 1: Importance and tractability grid

Sorting ideas by importance and tractability (this estimate is by Julia, others would do it differently!)

 Easier to implementHarder to implement
Bigger benefit (if it goes well)Ops support for newer/smaller orgs

Investigation team


Risk management person/team

More fundraising e.g. in Bay

More capacity on reform work

Medium benefit

Awareness of whistleblowing resources

Alternative to community health team

Coordination between orgs

Advice for new grantmakers

Fundraising training for GH&D charities

Get staff to use Glassdoor

FTX investigation

Ops / management evaluation

EA org info center

Smaller benefit

Advice on board composition

Mapping of board members

Code of conduct for leaders

Internal communications infrastructure

EA-internal fundraising support



Appendix 2: Areas of possible improvements

Instead of imagining a list of specific projects, we could attempt to break down the areas of potential improvement into a set of domains. It could later be interesting to work to identify which domains are the most important, neglected, and tractable.

As with much of this document, this is a fairly rough draft. We could improve it if there were interest.

SofiaBalderson @ 2023-11-12T13:39 (+6)

Hey Julia and Ozzie, thanks a lot for writing this! I enjoyed reading it and agree with your points, nice to see the gaps highlighted, hopefully it will lead to more people considering and starting these projects! I actually used the gap approach to start Impactful Animal Advocacy, and we now have a very active Slack space which the readers of this forum (interested in animal advocacy) are welcome to join. The main purpose is coordination and knowledge sharing in animal advocacy, and we also have a regular newsletter among other programmes like resource databases and wikis (building these up at the moment).

Ozzie Gooen @ 2023-11-14T18:08 (+2)

Thanks for linking! I've heard of IAA, happy to see community work here. 

SummaryBot @ 2023-11-10T14:14 (+1)

Executive summary: The post outlines potential projects to reform and improve EA organizations and infrastructure. It considers changes to boards, investigations, whistleblowing, coordination, operations, risk management, fundraising support, and information sharing.

Key points:

  1. Advising EA organizations on board composition could help ensure necessary skills and oversight.
  2. An investigation team could review major problems like fraud or HR issues at EA organizations.
  3. Improving whistleblowing procedures could facilitate reporting problems.
  4. Better coordination between organizations on gaps and staff working in similar areas could be valuable.
  5. Operations support through funding, advising, and sharing policies could help smaller EA organizations.
  6. An "EA COO" could pursue efforts improving operations and management across organizations.
  7. A risk management project could identify and monitor multi-organization risks.
  8. Fundraising training and assistance could help diversify funding sources.
  9. Sharing more information on organizations could aid decision-making by staff, donors, and partners.
  10. Further research into organizational improvements could build on this preliminary overview.


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