
I’d like to devote my career to serving the world and its inhabitants. Currently working to reduce the suffering of farmed animals. I’m interested in many EA topics in general and always happy to connect to like-minded and non-like minded individuals ;)


What I wish I knew when I started out in animal advocacy
by SofiaBalderson @ 2024-07-30 | +92 | 0 comments
Resources for farmed animal advocacy: 2023 roundup
by SofiaBalderson, Hive @ 2023-12-29 | +41 | 0 comments
Writing about my job: Co-founder of a new charity (early stage)
by SofiaBalderson @ 2023-09-13 | +61 | 0 comments
[job ad] AAC is looking for a Learning and Digital Manager
by SofiaBalderson @ 2023-06-07 | +10 | 0 comments
Starting and running your own mini projects: What I've learnt running a...
by SofiaBalderson @ 2023-04-16 | +62 | 0 comments
Effective & Inclusive Hiring Workshop Series from AAC and Tania Luna (deadlines...
by SofiaBalderson @ 2023-03-08 | +8 | 0 comments
Join a new slack for animal advocacy
by SofiaBalderson, Cameron.K @ 2023-02-20 | +65 | 0 comments
We're hiring! Researcher and M&E Manager role at AAC (apply by 20th Nov)
by SofiaBalderson @ 2022-11-09 | +20 | 0 comments
Creative EA job hunting: things you can do in addition to filling out job...
by SofiaBalderson @ 2022-10-27 | +49 | 0 comments
The impact we achieved to date: Animal Advocacy Careers
by SofiaBalderson @ 2022-09-02 | +42 | 0 comments
Doing good is a privilege. This needs to change if we want to do good long-term....
by SofiaBalderson @ 2022-08-03 | +76 | 0 comments
Get organised for EAG: use Google Calendar for meetings
by SofiaBalderson @ 2022-07-26 | +17 | 0 comments
Introducing Impactful Animal Advocacy Community Newsletter!
by SofiaBalderson @ 2022-06-15 | +35 | 0 comments
Job Profile: Project Manager
by SofiaBalderson @ 2022-02-12 | +32 | 0 comments
How to Make Your First EAG a Success
by SofiaBalderson @ 2021-12-06 | +38 | 0 comments
How to Get an EA-aligned Job: My Experience
by SofiaBalderson @ 2021-12-03 | +152 | 0 comments
Why You Should Consider Skilled Volunteering
by SofiaBalderson @ 2021-11-25 | +73 | 0 comments