Writing about my job: Co-founder of a new charity (early stage)

By SofiaBalderson @ 2023-09-13T09:57 (+61)

Tl;dr: This is my very personal take on what it’s like to start and run a self-started charity. This job can be very interesting, fun, and high impact, but it’s also very challenging and it’s not for everyone. 


Epistemic status/disclaimer: This is a post with my personal experience to suit the format of the career week and shouldn't be confused with a comprehensive guide on how to start a charity. I do not claim that my experience will be the same as other charity founders as all the charities are different. For the purpose of brevity this post doesn't cover everything that I do in my job. Starting a charity is a big commitment and requires serious consideration so I recommend checking out other resources on how to start charities before you make a decision to become a founder, e.g. Charity Entrepreneurship.


Thanks to Allison Agnello, Christina Schmidt Ibanez and Constance Li for your valuable feedback and suggestions! 🙏


What’s my current job and how I got here:

Co-founder of Hive (joinhive.org) - an ecosystem of community, knowledge, and tools that supports a more coordinated and strategic animal advocacy movement.

I started this as a volunteer project in June 2022, first with a monthly newsletter then expanding to include a Slack community. Last month, I decided to work on Hive full-time after seeing significant community growth and a path for counterfactual impact. 

Who is this post for

People who are interested in starting a charity or people who are curious about what it’s like.

As a relatively recent charity founder, I can make comparisons between what is a “normal job” and this job (while it’s relatively fresh in my head).

Because my charity does community building, I speak to many people about their work and plans, and some advocates are considering starting their own organization. I hope this will help you evaluate whether the job is for you, and should you decide to start a new organization, you’ll be all the more prepared for it.

What’s the job about

You start, build, and run the charity. Because it’s likely that it will just be you or your co-founder(s), you’ll be doing a lot of different things (more about this below). This is a senior management position and it’s a lot of responsibility. However, it’s different from senior roles in more established organizations in a couple of ways. For example, the variety of tasks you have to do (both high-level and admin work) is higher, there is a lot more uncertainty and risk, and a lot more freedom in which interventions to run and how to run them. Starting a charity could be one of the most impactful things you can do with your career if you’re the right fit for it.

Past job experiences that may help

My most recent role was Head of Programmes at Animal Advocacy Careers. Before that, I was a Project Manager and a Partnership Manager at Veganuary where I took on various roles in management and marketing. I’ve also worked in a couple of start-ups which added to my entrepreneurial experience. All these roles combined have helped me a lot. The skills that help me most from my past experiences are bootstrapping projects, project and people management. 

On the whole, I don’t think there is any set of experiences that are essential for this job. Each charity idea will have its own requirements and even the best co-founder pair won’t have all of them. For example, if you start a charity in policy, experience in policy change is likely to make your job much easier, but there are still many other skills that you need to have to succeed. Looking at our community-building project, both my co-founder and I are very good at networking and relationship-building, which are key skills that our project needs. However, we are still learning many other skills that we need, like fundraising. 

Some founders succeed without any experience, often coming right out of college (Charity Entrepreneurship has incubated several orgs like this!). If you think this kind of role is a great personal fit, but you don’t have much working experience, it might be worthwhile to trial or test. I started the newsletter as a volunteer project and it gave me one year of feedback before deciding to take the project full-time.  

What helps to do this role well

There are a couple of paths to starting a charity: you can do it yourself, you can start it with someone else, or you can go through an incubator to be matched with an idea and a co-founder. 

I had an idea for Hive on my own, worked on it part-time on the side, then found a co-founder half a year later, and then found the money for the project (after a year of doing it as a volunteer). I didn’t go through an incubator. I have also started other projects before, mostly myself, and I’ve learned about what works and what doesn’t.

Here are some factors that are likely to increase your chances of success:

  1. A good co-founder. 
    I’ve started projects both on my own and with a co-founder and, in my opinion (which coincides with the entrepreneurship community in EA), it’s so much better to do it together with another person. It’s been shown that two co-founder teams do much better and for a good reason. You’ll need so many skills to build an organization that it’s impossible for just one person to have all of them. 

    Choose a co-founder wisely: I’m not an expert at co-founder matching, but in my experience, it helps if you’re both passionate about the cause and have complementary skills and you both enjoy working together. 

    Co-founders can be helpful! Having a co-founder may help you to make better decisions and produce work of higher quality because you have two pairs of eyes and two minds that have different perspectives. Running a charity together helps cope with the role emotionally as well because you will have harder days and your motivation will waiver sometimes, and having someone who is just as committed as you helps a lot. 

    There are downsides to having a co-founder. You will “co-own” the organization together, so every decision is not 100% up to you. You will have to negotiate and compromise on some things. However, I’ve found that if you have a good relationship and take ownership of different areas of the nonprofit, it’s not as large of a problem.

  2. Going through an incubator. 
    There are a couple of charity/project incubators around, such as Charity Entrepreneurship (CE) (by the way, they are looking for founders until 30th September) or Kickstart for Good

    Incubators can be helpful: with ideas, co-founder matching, training, mentorship, and even funding. They have significant experience and that can help you avoid common pitfalls that new charities may face. 

    Downsides of an incubator: They are often highly competitive and selective about the founders accepted to participate in their programs. Additionally, the program may restrict your charity’s idea and execution, because the money and support team are sponsored by the incubator. All incubators differ when it comes to the freedom you’ll have in decision-making, so it’s worth asking about this before you apply/start the program. The takeaway is that if you go through an incubator, you’re not going to have 100% freedom on your charity/project idea and how to execute it. 
  3. A good network of smart people who can advise you
    It’s impossible to know everything needed to lead a charity effectively. Thankfully, you can access these skills and knowledge through other people. A good network helps a lot. This could be an entrepreneurship hub, a mentor, other charity founders, or industry experts that support your organization’s mission.
  4. Mental and physical wellness Starting a charity may be more intense than just starting a new job – I had to put in more hours than into a normal job (60+ a week) and go through a roller-coaster of new experiences and emotions. I also had to put a lot of personal things on hold to focus on my new project (other side projects, buying a house, hobbies like language learning). I would recommend being mentally and physically healthy in order to go through this process. I have an accountability coach who helps me keep my wellness habits up every day and this supports my work a lot. I also have a partner who helps me with chores and life admin tasks when I’m short on time.

What I do day-to-day

Every day is different - this is what I like most about this job. For example, on Monday I might work on budget and marketing, on Tuesday I could be applying for funding and meeting collaborators, and on Wednesday I might be reviewing my team’s work and focusing on personnel management.

Every week I have about 10 hours worth of meetings, about 50% external and 50% internal. This is likely to go up as I progress in this role. Since most of my team is in the US and I’m in the UK, I have most mornings free to focus on getting tasks done and then afternoons are frequently back-to-back meetings with some breaks. Many European people who work with US colleagues often say that they have to work later (up until 9pm) to accommodate different time zones, which is true for me too. I am lucky to have focus time, but I’ve been told that this will diminish as the team and their needs grow. I try to block off at least two meeting-free days which have been very useful so far.

I was surprised by the quantity of admin tasks that are needed to co-found a charity. Registering for various things, updating passwords, booking travel, entering data – it’s a lot! As a new charity founder, you’ll have to do all the tasks whether you like them or not, and you are unlikely to be able to delegate them to others until you hire an operations manager or an assistant.


The best things about this role


The skills I use most

Main challenges[1]


Traits that really help in this role

  1. ^

    These challenges and helpful traits are specific to my situation founding Hive, and I recognize they might not be applicable to every co-founder or charity. I love learning about the journeys of other entrepreneurs because while we have a lot in common, the paths can be very different. The lists are not exhaustive, and there are many other topics that I think are important but didn’t have the chance to address here.


Jessica Wen @ 2023-09-13T14:06 (+11)

I was planning on writing something similar for my experience as a co-founder of High Impact Engineers, but your post covers a lot of my thoughts and experience. Thanks for sharing!

SofiaBalderson @ 2023-09-24T14:46 (+2)

Thanks for reading Jessica and glad it resonated with you! I used to feel quite isolated at the beginning but I've been sharing my experience with other entrepreneurs and it has helped a lot to feel like my experience has been "normal" and others are going through similar stuff:) 
Anything in particular do you think resonated with you, or any experience sounds different?

Luke Eure @ 2023-09-13T17:43 (+5)

Thanks a lot for sharing, and thanks for working so hard to make the world a better place! 

SofiaBalderson @ 2023-09-24T14:44 (+1)

Thanks for reading Luke and thank you for the kind words 😊

Corentin Biteau @ 2023-09-15T07:13 (+2)

Thanks for the post ! This is useful, especially as I intend to launch en organization as well.

SofiaBalderson @ 2023-09-24T14:44 (+1)

Thanks a lot Corentin for reading and wow new org - exciting!!! 

Simon Newstead @ 2023-09-15T01:12 (+2)

Thanks for sharing the experience, can resonate with the emotional rollercoaster - always the challenge to figure out how to soften the lows and maintain separation when the failures and setbacks inevitably happen but still be able to enjoy and celebrate the wins and little steps forward. 

Agreed about the increased need to to consciously plan for physical/mental health to help provide a strong foundation for taking on this type of role.

SofiaBalderson @ 2023-09-24T14:42 (+1)

thanks for reading Simon and thanks for keeping us entrepreneurs mentally and physically healthy:)