Get organised for EAG: use Google Calendar for meetings

By SofiaBalderson @ 2022-07-26T18:54 (+17)

Tl;dr: You should use Google Calendar in addition to Swapcard to avoid missing, double booking meetings. 

Why am I writing about this? Because I spoke to many people who were confused about Swapcard, missed meetings, and didn't know about a more organised solution. You can read more on why I think Swapcard doesn't work as well for a calendar view below my proposed solution.

My solution for being extra organised for EAG:


I’ve attached a picture from one of my EAG London 2022 days for your reference (real schedule with names hidden).


This does involve some manual work but it makes it so much more organised, especially during the stage of filling your schedule when you need to see everything in one view. I don’t think that this took me more time than trying to figure Swapcard out.

You can also export meetings from Swapcard to your calendar automatically, but was told that the calendar won't delete old meetings and as you get new invites, the calendar will show two meetings (old and new) next to each other, which is a bit confusing.  In addition, I think I’d still like to add a note about what we are talking about, and have a link to all my notes right there. It's worth trying to see how the automatic transfer works and whether unconfirmed meetings go in your calendar too.

During the conference, I still used the app to communicate with others, and the in-app reminders were great too. I found that I didn’t have any discrepancies between my calendar and Swapcard, so I could rely on either. 

I also know that some people abandoned Swapcard's own scheduling system and just used Calendly. It didn't work for me because people still send you meeting invites on Swapcard and you can see other people's slots there.

Why use Google Calendar? 

Some issues with using Swapcard's own calendar:

I’d also love to hear your solutions and how you keep organised at EAGs.

Hope this helps and have an amazing EAG!

astikadist @ 2022-08-20T00:40 (+1)

Thanks for the tip. I find it rather difficult to use google calendar, but I will try to learn to use it.