
Jamie is a Program Associate at Macroscopic Ventures, doing grantmaking focused on s-risks (suffering). In particular, reducing catastrophic AI misuse by malevolent or fanatical actors (e.g., via compute governance or infosec), conflict (e.g., cooperative AI) and improving AI welfare. Polaris' focus areas include AI governance, digital sentience, plus reducing risks from fanatical ideologies and malevolent actors.

He also spend a few hours a week as a Fund Manager at the Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund, which aims to increase the impact of projects that use the principles of effective altruism, by increasing their access to talent, capital, and knowledge.

Lastly, Jamie is President of Leaf, an independent nonprofit that supports exceptional teenagers to explore how they can best save lives, help others, or change the course of history. (Most of the hard work is being done by the wonderful Jonah Boucher though!)

Jamie previously worked as a teacher, as a researcher at the think tank Sentience Institute, and as co-founder and researcher at Animal Advocacy Careers, which helps people to maximise their positive impact for animals.


Ideas EAIF is excited to receive applications for
by Jamie_Harris @ 2024-12-11 | +92 | 0 comments
Lessons from two years of talent search pilots
by Jamie_Harris @ 2024-05-09 | +42 | 0 comments
Reasons for optimism about measuring malevolence to tackle x- and s-risks
by Jamie_Harris @ 2024-04-02 | +85 | 0 comments
Empirical data on how teenagers hear about EA
by Jamie_Harris @ 2023-11-30 | +39 | 0 comments
Corporate campaigns work: a key learning for AI Safety
by Jamie_Harris @ 2023-08-17 | +72 | 0 comments
How to quickly set up Claude as a chat bot for online fellowships and courses
by Jamie_Harris @ 2023-07-22 | +38 | 0 comments
Staff and mentors needed for Leaf: programmes for exceptional teenagers
by Jamie_Harris @ 2023-05-17 | +18 | 0 comments
New open letter on AI — "Include Consciousness Research"
by Jamie_Harris @ 2023-04-28 | +55 | 0 comments
The History of AI Rights Research
by Jamie_Harris @ 2022-08-27 | +48 | 0 comments
7 essays on Building a Better Future
by Jamie_Harris @ 2022-06-24 | +21 | 0 comments
New study on whether animal welfare reforms affect wider attitudes towards...
by Jamie_Harris @ 2022-05-02 | +52 | 0 comments
Effective strategies for changing public opinion: A literature review
by Jamie_Harris @ 2021-11-09 | +81 | 0 comments
Prioritization Questions for Artificial Sentience
by Jamie_Harris @ 2021-10-18 | +30 | 0 comments
EA movement building: Should you run an experiment?
by Jamie_Harris @ 2021-10-05 | +41 | 0 comments
Evidence from two studies of EA careers advice interventions
by Jamie_Harris @ 2021-09-29 | +84 | 0 comments
Key Lessons From Social Movement History
by Jamie_Harris @ 2021-06-30 | +123 | 0 comments
New skilled volunteering board for effective animal advocacy
by Jamie_Harris @ 2021-06-18 | +31 | 0 comments
Social Movement Lessons from the Fair Trade Movement
by Jamie_Harris @ 2021-04-02 | +44 | 0 comments
The Importance of Artificial Sentience
by Jamie_Harris @ 2021-03-03 | +70 | 0 comments
Effective animal advocacy bottlenecks surveys
by Jamie_Harris @ 2021-01-13 | +31 | 0 comments
Technical research for animal product alternatives skills profile
by Jamie_Harris @ 2020-11-30 | +23 | 0 comments
Animal product alternatives for-profit roles spot-check
by Jamie_Harris, SamiM @ 2020-11-19 | +21 | 0 comments
Jamie_Harris's Quick takes
by Jamie_Harris @ 2020-10-17 | +5 | 0 comments
A Brief Overview of Recruitment and Retention Research
by Jamie_Harris @ 2020-10-06 | +17 | 0 comments
Careers advising calls and an online course about impact-focused animal advocacy
by Jamie_Harris @ 2020-09-18 | +17 | 0 comments
Careers (to help animals) in politics, policy, and lobbying
by Jamie_Harris @ 2020-08-30 | +32 | 0 comments
Health Behavior Interventions Literature Review
by Jamie_Harris @ 2020-07-24 | +25 | 0 comments
Social Movement Lessons from the US Prisoners' Rights Movement
by Jamie_Harris @ 2020-07-22 | +32 | 0 comments
What Interventions Can Animal Advocates Use To Build Community In Their Country?
by Jamie_Harris @ 2020-07-17 | +11 | 0 comments
Animal Advocacy Careers advice
by Jamie_Harris @ 2020-07-06 | +43 | 0 comments
The Effects of Animal-Free Food Technology Awareness on Animal Farming...
by Jamie_Harris @ 2020-05-16 | +34 | 0 comments
Which institutional tactics can animal advocates use?
by Jamie_Harris @ 2020-04-29 | +17 | 0 comments
Effective Animal Advocacy Nonprofit Roles Spot-Check
by Jamie_Harris @ 2020-03-31 | +50 | 0 comments
Research on developing management and leadership expertise
by Jamie_Harris @ 2020-03-05 | +45 | 0 comments
Introducing the Sentience Institute Podcast
by Jamie_Harris @ 2019-12-05 | +22 | 0 comments
Survey data on the moral value of sentient individuals compared to non-sentient...
by Jamie_Harris @ 2019-10-27 | +5 | 0 comments
A short survey on bottlenecks in effective animal advocacy from nine attendees...
by Jamie_Harris @ 2019-10-24 | +5 | 0 comments
Effective animal advocacy movement building: a neglected opportunity?
by Jamie_Harris @ 2019-06-11 | +68 | 0 comments
How tractable is changing the course of history?
by Jamie_Harris @ 2019-05-22 | +41 | 0 comments
A case study for animal-focused local EA movement building: Effective Animal...
by Jamie_Harris @ 2019-01-23 | +15 | 0 comments
Event Review: EA Global: London (2018)
by Jamie_Harris @ 2018-12-17 | +7 | 0 comments
Book Review: The End of Animal Farming (Jacy Reese, 2018)
by Jamie_Harris @ 2018-12-17 | +9 | 0 comments