Empirical data on how teenagers hear about EA

By Jamie_Harris @ 2023-11-30T12:41 (+38)

How do people hear about and get involved in effective altruism (EA)? We have good data about this for active community members who fill out the EA survey, but it’s harder to get data on people earlier in their exploration or people in demographic groups that have less outreach and services specifically for them.

Here, I share some data from 63 smart, curious, and altruistic UK teenagers who participated in programmes run by myself (aka Leaf) who reported to have heard of effective altruism before.

The key results and takeaways:


Methodology & context

This information comes from 15-18 year olds in the UK who were offered a place on one of two programmes by Leaf this year (2023):

I advertised both of these programmes as for “smart, curious, and ambitiously altruistic” teenagers — effective altruism was not discussed on the programme landing pages but was highlighted for transparency on Leaf’s “About” page and FAQ.

After being offered a place on the programme, participants were sent a consent form, which included various other questions. The data in this post all comes from people who first answered “Yes” (out of “Yes”, “No”, or “Maybe”) to the question “Before hearing about this programme, had you heard of the term ‘effective altruism’?”.

 Changemakers FellowshipHistory to shape history
Filled out consent form54 (7% of applicants)66 (43% of applicants)
Answered “Yes” to having heard about EA36 (67% of respondents)27 (41% of respondents)

 I then informally analysed free-text, qualitative responses to the question “If you had heard of effective altruism and/or longtermism before hearing about this programme, please describe in your own words how you heard about them or explored them.”

Applicants to the Changemakers Fellowship who hadn’t participated in Leaf programmes previously were 28% white and 40% male. History to shape history applicants were 50% white, 27% male. All were aged 15-18 and live in the United Kingdom.

This appendix contains:



I categorised responses twice:

Indirectly or earlier via Leaf14 (22%)18 (29%)
Non-Trivial7 (11%)8 (13%)
Through a class or teacher at school5 (8%)9 (14%)
Peter Singer4 (6%)6 (10%)
Through a school or extra-curricular club4 (6%)9 (14%)
Friend3 (5%)13 (21%)
YouTube or TED talk3 (5%)8 (13%)
Article / media / other book2 (3%)7 (11%)
Will MacAskill (inc WWOTF)2 (3%)6 (10%)
LessWrong or rationality community2 (3%)3 (5%)
Googling or independent research1 (2%)8 (13%)
80,000 Hours1 (2%)3 (5%)
Other EA book0 (0%)4 (6%)
EA Forum0 (0%)2 (3%)
Philosophy / ethics interest0 (0%)8 (13%)
NA*13 (21%)9 (14%)

*Likely a misunderstanding, hadn't actually heard about it until hearing about this programme, or didn't answer the question.

My thoughts

The main point of this post was just to share the raw data. But here are some brief reflections:

I haven’t gone into detail about the various caveats and limitations of this ‘data’; I think they’re probably pretty self-explanatory. I wouldn’t change your beliefs too strongly about ~anything from this info, though I firmly believe that weak evidence is often still useful evidence!


Your thoughts?

I’d love to hear what surprises you, if anything, in the comments.

I wrote this post as a bit of a test. There are a bunch of other mini posts like this that I could write up based on data from Leaf’s programmes. Writing these up probably won’t help me or Leaf in any very tangible way, and I don’t have a very clear reason or theory of change for actually writing them up; these things lead me to think it’s not worth spending time on it. So if you would find any of these topics useful to have a writeup on, please let me know (and why), otherwise it probably won’t happen:

For reference, this post took me ~3.5 hours to write, and most of the above would take (much) longer.

David_Moss @ 2023-11-30T14:56 (+16)

The most common places that people first or primarily heard about EA seem to be Leaf itself, Non-Trivial, and school — none of these categories show up on the EA survey.


"School" does appear in the EA Survey, it's just under the superordinate "Educational course" category (3%) of respondents. 

We have 3 surveys of our own assessing where non-EAs more broadly heard of EA, which also find that education is among the most important source of hearing about EA:

Peter Singer, and YouTube / Ted talks all seem to have been more important than I would have expected.

Peter Singer is actually very frequently mentioned in the EA Survey, as I have noted before. Individuals just don't appear in the top-line listed categories, which focus on orgs or media. As we highlighted here, Peter Singer was mentioned in 17.6% of people's qualitative comments about where they heard of EA. At a glance, the results for TED Talk and YouTube don't seem too different.

Of course, people who get involved with EA during their teens are a very small minority of total EAs, so I would not be surprised if that particular very small sub-population differs from the broader population in some ways, especially since some major sources like university groups and careers advice (from 80K) are most relevant to slightly older people.

It's also worth bearing in mind that any differences found in a sample of 63 people could easily be noise. For example, purely by way of illustration, if we randomly sampled 63 people from a larger population and found 7 people were such-and-such, the estimated proportion of 11% would be bounded by 95% confidence intervals of around 5-21%.

Jamie_Harris @ 2023-11-30T15:19 (+2)

Those additional unpublished-but-referenced results are v helpful comparisons, thank you!

I've noticed a fair few times when people (myself included, in this case) are gesturing or guessing about certain factors, and then you notice that and leave a detailed comment adding in relevant empirical data. I'm a big fan of that, so thank you for your contributions here and elsewhere!

I'll tone down the phrasing about Singer and Ted talks and make a couple of other wording tweaks.

Agree with your caveats!

James Özden @ 2023-11-30T13:34 (+4)

This is super interesting Jamie, thanks for writing it up! FWIW I would be interested in the marketing successes and failures of LEAF as well as pre-post cause prioritisation changes, if they weren’t too time intensive to write up.

(The former is for me thinking about podcast marketing and the latter is general interest)

Geoffrey Miller @ 2023-11-30T18:05 (+2)

Jamie - thanks for sharing these helpful data.

Do you have any impressions about the role of social media in raising EA awareness among teens? 

Or any thoughts about the potential of using the main social media platforms that teens tend to use (eg TikTok, Intagram, Snapchat, and YouTube shorts), as distinct from those that older adults tend to use (eg Twitter/X, Facebook). 

On the one hand, we can stereotype TikTok users as shallow, superficial, unlikely to be EA material, etc; on the other hand, I can imagine a lot of key EA ideas could actually be conveyed very quickly and clearly in TikTok or YouTube short videos.

Jamie_Harris @ 2023-12-01T09:02 (+4)

Hi Geoffrey! I did try a campaign with paid Meta ads for History to shape history, mostly on Instagram, and it went really quite poorly. But (1) this was partly due to technical issues with my account, and (2) I know that Non-Trivial and Atlas have had much more success with paid ads. (My suspicion is that having a financial incentive for programme participation is a big multiplier on the effectiveness of paid ad campaigns, at least for this age group.)

It sounds like you're asking more about broad outreach rather targeted promotion of specific programmes. I could share miscellaneous thoughts on this, but I don't think I really have any particular insight or evidence on this based on the work I've done.

Geoffrey Miller @ 2023-12-02T01:01 (+2)

Jamie - yes, I was thinking mostly about general outreach and EA education, rather than paid ads.  I could imagine a series of short videos for TikTok explaining some basic EA concepts and insights, for example. 

SummaryBot @ 2023-11-30T13:47 (+1)

Executive summary: A survey of UK teenagers interested in effective altruism found the most common sources were Leaf, Non-Trivial, school classes and clubs, Peter Singer's work, and friends. This differs from the EA Survey results.

Key points:

  1. 63 UK teenagers interested in EA reported first hearing about it via Leaf (22%), Non-Trivial (11%), school (14%), Peter Singer (10%), friends (21%), or other sources.
  2. These results differ from the EA Survey, where uni groups, 80K Hours, LessWrong, podcasts and personal contact are more common intro points.
  3. The author speculates EA ideas may be filtering into more schools and classes now.
  4. Many teenagers encountered EA from multiple sources or dug deeper themselves after an initial introduction.
  5. Light-touch, low-cost outreach may still efficiently identify promising teenagers open to EA ideas.


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kuira @ 2023-11-30T13:20 (+1)

To add a datapoint, I've told a lot of my non-ea friends (e.g from shared game communities) about EA, and a good portion (majority?) of them are teens