[LW xpost] Unit economics of LLM APIs

By dschwarz, Daniel Hnyk, nikos, Peter Mühlbacher, Lawrence Phillips @ 2024-08-27T16:55 (+19)

This is a linkpost to https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/SJESBW9ezhT663Sjd/unit-economics-of-llm-apis

Full content and disclaimers on the LessWrong post. This post contains only a summary image of our results.

MathiasKB🔸 @ 2024-08-28T06:10 (+2)

Thanks, this was quite informative. Would love to read the full report, but $1000 is a bit steep!

hnykda @ 2024-08-28T06:47 (+1)

Hey! Just in case you missed that, there is info at the top of the post on who to contact to get it for free (dan at futuresearch dot ai)!