

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: How Do Forecasters Fare by Their Own Call?
by nikos @ 2023-11-07 | +20 | 0 comments
Comparing Two Forecasters in an Ideal World
by nikos @ 2023-10-09 | +14 | 0 comments
Analysing Individual Contributions to the Metaculus Community Prediction
by nikos @ 2023-05-08 | +28 | 0 comments
Wisdom of the Crowd vs. "the Best of the Best of the Best"
by nikos @ 2023-04-04 | +101 | 0 comments
Predictive Performance on Metaculus vs. Manifold Markets
by nikos @ 2023-03-03 | +111 | 0 comments
More Is Probably More - Forecasting Accuracy and Number of Forecasters on...
by nikos @ 2023-01-31 | +36 | 0 comments
Reflections on Wytham Abbey
by nikos @ 2023-01-10 | +82 | 0 comments
Creating a database for base rates
by nikos @ 2022-12-12 | +74 | 0 comments
Announcing the Forecasting Wiki
by nikos @ 2022-04-15 | +23 | 0 comments
A Twitter bot that tweets high impact jobs
by nikos @ 2021-07-26 | +12 | 0 comments
A Twitter Bot that regularly tweets current top posts from the EA Forum
by nikos @ 2021-07-25 | +18 | 0 comments
Announcing the UK Covid-19 Crowd Forecasting Challenge
by nikos @ 2021-05-17 | +7 | 0 comments