
As a founder of Woyago, we help teams increase their cohesiveness, which is one of the main factor for increasing a team's performance.

As of November 2022, looking to help EA. My calendly: www.woyago.com/antodemo


Is there a lunchclub for EA?
by wachichornia @ 2022-10-19 | +7 | 0 comments
Is there a positive impact company ranking for job searches?
by wachichornia @ 2020-10-13 | +22 | 0 comments
Resources to learn how to do research
by wachichornia @ 2020-07-04 | +12 | 0 comments
Has any EA oriented organization tried promoting donors on their social media?
by wachichornia @ 2019-10-29 | +5 | 0 comments
Are there any celebrities promoting EA?
by wachichornia @ 2019-10-22 | +2 | 0 comments