Is there a lunchclub for EA?

By wachichornia @ 2022-10-19T10:28 (+7)

I'm going to my first EAGx event in a couple of weeks and talking to people who've been to these before say that the most significant value comes from the one-on-ones. So I guess that since one on one conversations bring so much weight, does EA have a lunchclub-like app/website/etc? where EAs can add their availability, interests, and get matched up for conversations on a regular basis?

jack jay @ 2022-10-19T11:20 (+2)

Ive used EA gather town for this purpose but see further value in your proposal

Patrick Liu @ 2024-03-15T17:41 (+1)

Just came across this but if you are still looking, some of the EA slacks have a virtual coffee channel that uses a bot to match people up.  Also, there is probably opportunity for interest based events to be organized.