Teo Ajantaival

Worked on suffering-focused ethics → author of Minimalist Axiologies: Alternatives to ‘Good Minus Bad’ Views of Value. You can also read it on the forum here.

I have MA and BA degrees in psychology, with minors in mathematics, cognitive science, statistics, computer science, and analytic philosophy.


Addressing challenges for s-risk reduction: Toward positive common-ground...
by Teo Ajantaival @ 2025-03-22 | +38 | 0 comments
New Book: “Minimalist Axiologies: Alternatives to ‘Good Minus Bad’ Views of...
by Teo Ajantaival @ 2024-07-19 | +60 | 0 comments
Varieties of minimalist moral views: Against absurd acts
by Teo Ajantaival @ 2023-11-07 | +50 | 0 comments
Minimalist views of wellbeing
by Teo Ajantaival @ 2023-07-15 | +58 | 0 comments
Minimalist extended very repugnant conclusions are the least repugnant
by Teo Ajantaival @ 2022-10-24 | +78 | 0 comments
Peacefulness, nonviolence, and experientialist minimalism
by Teo Ajantaival @ 2022-05-23 | +62 | 0 comments
Minimalist axiologies and positive lives
by Teo Ajantaival @ 2021-11-13 | +57 | 0 comments
Positive roles of life and experience in suffering-focused ethics
by Teo Ajantaival @ 2021-05-22 | +49 | 0 comments
Why do you reject negative utilitarianism?
by Teo Ajantaival @ 2019-02-12 | +16 | 0 comments