Luke Freeman 🔸

From 2020-2024 I led the team at Giving What We Can (GWWC), a global community on a mission to make giving effectively and significantly a cultural norm.

Prior to GWWC my career later was mostly in tech start-ups, focusing on marketing and growth. I was on the initial team at Sendle, Australia’s first technology B-Corp, and co-founded Positly.

Beyond my work, I’m a devoted member of Giving What We Can (🔸10% Pledger #1560) and Founders Pledge, pledging to donate a significant portion of my income to effective charities.

I enjoy sharing my thoughts and experiences on effective giving and have had the pleasure to do so on platforms such as BBC Radio 4, Aussie Firebug, DW News, and hosting The Giving What We Can Podcast


Australians for AI Safety Launches New Election Campaign — Here's How You Can...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2025-03-24 | +47 | 0 comments
Stepping down from GWWC: So long, and thanks for all the shrimp
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2024-09-10 | +417 | 0 comments
Profit for Good: Driving Social Impact with Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can, Effective Altruism Australia @ 2024-08-13 | +8 | 0 comments
Profit for Good: Driving Social Impact with Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can, Effective Altruism Australia @ 2024-08-13 | +8 | 0 comments
Sydney Trivia Night: Hosted by Giving What We Can and Effective Altruism...
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can, Effective Altruism Australia @ 2024-05-02 | +8 | 0 comments
Where are the GWWC team donating in 2023?
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can, Fabio Kuhn🔸, GraceAdams🔸, Luke Moore 🔸, Lorenzo Buonanno🔸, Michael Townsend🔸, Sjir Hoeijmakers🔸 @ 2023-12-20 | +54 | 0 comments
GWWC is spinning out of EV
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can @ 2023-12-13 | +193 | 0 comments
GWWC Operational Funding Match 2023
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can, GraceAdams🔸 @ 2023-12-08 | +46 | 0 comments
Join GWWC's governance or advisory boards
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can @ 2023-11-28 | +61 | 0 comments
Koala-ty Giving: A New Year for Effective Philanthropy Down Under
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can, Effective Altruism Australia, Manisha Lishman @ 2023-11-27 | +8 | 0 comments
Koala-ty Giving: A New Year for Effective Philanthropy Down Under
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can, OnefortheWorld, Effective Altruism Australia, The Life You Can Save @ 2023-11-27 | +10 | 0 comments
Impact in The Bay: A Celebration of Effective Giving
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can @ 2023-11-27 | +16 | 0 comments
The 2023 Giving What We Can Donor Lottery is now open
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can, Fabio Kuhn🔸, Lorenzo Buonanno🔸 @ 2023-11-23 | +37 | 0 comments
GWWC is funding constrained (and prefers broad-base support)
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can @ 2023-11-23 | +85 | 0 comments
Preventing the Next Pandemic: A Policy Workshop
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Greg Sadler, Manisha Lishman, chelsea_liang @ 2023-11-22 | +8 | 0 comments
How we approach charity staff pay and benefits at Giving What We Can
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can @ 2023-11-16 | +109 | 0 comments
Impact Philanthropy: Better Questions for a Better World
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can, GraceAdams🔸, Manisha Lishman @ 2023-08-22 | +7 | 0 comments
We can all help solve funding constraints. What stops us?
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2023-06-18 | +383 | 0 comments
AMA: Luke Freeman, ED of Giving What We Can (GWWC)
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2023-06-13 | +110 | 0 comments
New Cause Area: Portrait Welfare (+introducing SPEWS)
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2023-03-31 | +73 | 0 comments
What are the best charities to donate to in 2022?
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Michael Townsend🔸, Sjir Hoeijmakers🔸, Giving What We Can @ 2022-12-26 | +33 | 0 comments
Update on GWWC donation platform
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can @ 2022-12-26 | +100 | 0 comments
GWWC Celebration Picnic: Sydney
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can @ 2022-12-22 | +14 | 0 comments
Effective Giving Day 2022 is live
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can @ 2022-11-28 | +30 | 0 comments
Effective Giving Open Forum (Europe/Asia)
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can @ 2022-10-17 | +9 | 0 comments
Effective Giving Open Forum (Americas/Oceania)
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can @ 2022-10-17 | +7 | 0 comments
Effective Giving Open Forum (Americas/Europe)
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can @ 2022-10-17 | +9 | 0 comments
We’re still (extremely) funding constrained (but don’t let fear of getting...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2022-09-16 | +183 | 0 comments
Caring about the future doesn’t mean ignoring the present
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2022-08-30 | +15 | 0 comments
Effective altruism's billionaires aren't taxed enough. But they're trying.
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2022-08-24 | +56 | 0 comments
[BBC Future] What is longtermism and why does it matter?
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2022-08-08 | +16 | 0 comments
Tony Senanayake (ID Insights) @ GWWC Meetup (Europe/Asia)
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can @ 2022-08-04 | +7 | 0 comments
GWWC Meetup (Americas/Oceania)
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can @ 2022-06-17 | +6 | 0 comments
GWWC Meetup (Europe/Asia)
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can @ 2022-06-17 | +7 | 0 comments
Effective Giving Open Forum (Europe/Asia)
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Giving What We Can @ 2022-06-16 | +6 | 0 comments
On being ambitious: failing successfully & less unnecessarily
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2022-05-26 | +173 | 0 comments
EA Funds donation platform is moving to Giving What We Can
by Luke Freeman 🔸, calebp, Giving What We Can @ 2022-05-23 | +47 | 0 comments
"Big tent" effective altruism is very important (particularly right now)
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2022-05-20 | +343 | 0 comments
GWWC has ambitious plans from 2022 onwards (we're hiring!)
by Luke Freeman 🔸, Michael Townsend🔸, GraceAdams🔸, Fabio Kuhn🔸, JulianHazell, Jasper Hartong @ 2022-03-16 | +133 | 0 comments
High schoolers were given over $8,000 to donate to charity. Here's what they...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2022-02-01 | +41 | 0 comments
Celebrating 2021: What are your favourite wins & good news for EA, the world and...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-12-14 | +19 | 0 comments
GWWC October 2021 Newsletter
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-10-29 | +9 | 0 comments
[Podcast] How to talk about effective altruism and giving effectively
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-10-27 | +12 | 0 comments
October Effective Giving Meetup by GWWC (Europe/Asia)
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-10-01 | +6 | 0 comments
October Effective Giving Meetup by GWWC (Americas/Oceania)
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-10-01 | +6 | 0 comments
GWWC September 2021 Newsletter
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-09-28 | +10 | 0 comments
Does awareness of global inequality increase personal giving or support for...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-09-28 | +17 | 0 comments
Guide to talking about effective altruism and effective giving
by Luke Freeman 🔸, gb, Matti Wilks @ 2021-09-10 | +57 | 0 comments
GWWC August 2021 Newsletter
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-08-27 | +9 | 0 comments
Effective Giving Open Forum (Americas/Oceania)
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-08-25 | +5 | 0 comments
Crafting Your Effective Giving Story | GWWC September Meetup (Europe/Asia)
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-08-25 | +8 | 0 comments
Crafting Your Effective Giving Story | GWWC September Meetup (Americas/Oceania)
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-08-25 | +5 | 0 comments
Stephen Fry narrating a video on effective altruism, explaining the...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-07-30 | +52 | 0 comments
GWWC July 2021 Newsletter
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-07-29 | +6 | 0 comments
Member motivations survey: Why people pledged to give 10% of their income to...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-07-29 | +11 | 0 comments
GWWC June 2021 Newsletter
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-06-29 | +14 | 0 comments
Climate change questions for Johannes Ackva and John Halstead
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-06-04 | +19 | 0 comments
World Environment Day: How big are the risks from climate change and how can we...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-06-01 | +26 | 0 comments
Why should we be effective in our altruism?
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-05-31 | +11 | 0 comments
Follow ups to 'Personal Finance for Generous People' event
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-05-26 | +14 | 0 comments
GWWC May 2021 Newsletter
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-05-25 | +9 | 0 comments
"Other comments" that make my day: What people have said when signing up to GWWC
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-05-20 | +93 | 0 comments
Don't we need political action rather than charity?
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-05-17 | +11 | 0 comments
GWWC April 2021 Newsletter
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-04-22 | +9 | 0 comments
What are your questions for World Malaria Day with Rob Mather (AMF), Maddy...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-04-20 | +17 | 0 comments
What key facts do you find are compelling when talking about effective altruism?
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-04-19 | +12 | 0 comments
If I pay my taxes, why should I also give to charity?
by Luke Freeman 🔸, ToniA, Surbhi B @ 2021-04-15 | +6 | 0 comments
Can foreign aid and international charity make a difference?
by Luke Freeman 🔸, ToniA, ProbablyFaiz, Surbhi B @ 2021-04-13 | +10 | 0 comments
GWWC March 2021 Newsletter
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-03-30 | +10 | 0 comments
Why do EAs have children?
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-03-15 | +31 | 0 comments
Brainstorm: What questions will the general public find most interesting about...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-03-02 | +11 | 0 comments
GWWC February 2021 Newsletter
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-03-01 | +10 | 0 comments
Would an interactive table help you to make donation decisions or understand the...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-02-23 | +11 | 0 comments
Welcome to our 978 new giving pledges!
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-02-08 | +54 | 0 comments
GWWC January 2021 Newsletter
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2021-01-26 | +8 | 0 comments
Social change happens one person at a time – so start multiplying your impact!
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2020-12-22 | +18 | 0 comments
GWWC Pledge Drive: Give a gift to the world and make a new years resolution to...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2020-12-03 | +7 | 0 comments
Don’t wait: The case for giving sooner rather than later
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2020-12-02 | +11 | 0 comments
How to buy happiness (for you and others)
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2020-12-01 | +8 | 0 comments
Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE) released their 2020 recommendations (with Wild...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2020-11-25 | +31 | 0 comments
GiveWell have released their 2020 recommendations (including a new top charity)
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2020-11-19 | +21 | 0 comments
What quotes do you find most inspire you to use your resources (effectively) to...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2020-11-18 | +55 | 0 comments
Promoting Effective Giving and Giving What We Can within EA Groups
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2020-11-09 | +17 | 0 comments
Effective Giving Advocacy Challenge
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2020-10-27 | +14 | 0 comments
Companies pledge to donate at least 10% of profits to effective charities
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2020-10-23 | +44 | 0 comments
People Who Give: Stories of people pledging to donate effectively. Discover...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2020-10-23 | +10 | 0 comments
Charity Navigator acquired ImpactMatters and is starting to mention...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2020-10-14 | +48 | 0 comments
Luke Freeman's Quick takes
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2020-09-28 | +3 | 0 comments
5,000 people have pledged to give at least 10% of their lifetime incomes to...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2020-09-27 | +108 | 0 comments
Cause/charity selection tradeoffs
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2020-08-24 | +7 | 0 comments
Positly wants to accelerate social science research and have a greater impact...
by Luke Freeman 🔸 @ 2018-07-06 | +13 | 0 comments