GWWC January 2021 Newsletter

By Luke Freeman ๐Ÿ”ธ @ 2021-01-26T01:23 (+8)

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We've finished up the 2020 giving season with our biggest year on record!

Welcome to our 1,787 new pledges and thank you to all of you who've continued to use your income to help improve the lives of others

We hit some incredible milestones in 2020: 5,000 members of The Pledge, $200M in reported donations, and $2B pledged in total.

So far our members donated more than $16 million in 2020 alone!

Members: If you've not yet reported your 2020 donations, we encourage you to do so using the pledge dashboard.

Reporting using the pledge dashboard gives you a convenient way to track whether you're fulfilling your pledge. It also helps us understand how much and where our members are giving. Your personal donation records are private, but seeing everyone's donations in aggregate gives us a better sense of how much this community has accomplished!

Highlights from 2020

Our 1,787 new members came from a wide range of sources, including 80,000 Hours, various podcasts, and referrals by friends and family (a great example of how vital member advocacy is).

Our top viewed resources included the How Rich Am I CalculatorGiving Recommendations, and the classic essay Famine, Affluence and Morality by Peter Singer.

Our top new blog posts included the video message to our 5,000 members, the member profile of Arvind Raghavan, and the announcement of our Company Pledge.

A significant number of members shared their stories which in turn inspired others to take a pledge (here are some ideas for how you can also advocate for effective giving).

A BIG thanks to all of you who took new pledges, donated to effective charities, shared your effective giving stories, attended our events, and made an effort to learn more about effective giving. It has been so inspiring and heartwarming to see so many of you taking significant steps to make the world a better place.

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Global Health & Development

Animal Welfare

Long-Term Future

Climate Change

Share Our Ideas

A great way to multiply your impact is to simply tell people about effective giving. Here are just a few ways you can help advocate for effective giving:

Useful Links

For more news and articles, you can follow us on TwitterFacebook or LinkedIn, or subscribe to the EA Newsletter.

Do you have questions about the pledge, Giving What We Can, or effective altruism in general? Check out our FAQ page, or contact us directly.