

Is it time for development economists to start considering the welfare of...
by Forumite @ 2024-07-09 | +16 | 0 comments
Using AI to match people to jobs?
by Forumite @ 2024-05-30 | +5 | 0 comments
Where can I meet for-profit startup co-founders/collaborators?
by Forumite @ 2024-03-27 | +10 | 0 comments
An example of how to write a good job description
by Forumite @ 2024-03-20 | +2 | 0 comments
Date format: this year is 02024
by Forumite @ 2024-02-12 | –5 | 0 comments
Potentially actionable opportunity: eliminating the New World screwworm...
by Forumite @ 2023-10-06 | +136 | 0 comments
BBC: Should extraterrestrial life be granted 'sentient' rights?
by Forumite @ 2022-11-02 | +7 | 0 comments
BBC: 'Sentient' (?) mini-brains...
by Forumite @ 2022-10-12 | +8 | 0 comments
Cerebral organoids
by Forumite @ 2022-07-20 | +17 | 0 comments
Someone should create an 'EA Blinkist' book summary service
by Forumite @ 2022-07-13 | +22 | 0 comments
Searle vs Bostrom: crucial considerations for EA AI work?
by Forumite @ 2022-07-13 | +11 | 0 comments
Flagging up a 'prediction market'
by Forumite @ 2022-07-12 | +3 | 0 comments