Some readings & notes on how to do high-quality, efficient research

By MichaelA🔸 @ 2021-11-17T17:01 (+76)

Here is the doc version of this, which has some additional comments and which I'll continue adding to occasionally without bothering to edit this post. 

You might also be interested in my similar collections on how to do high-impact research, write/communicate well, manage/mentor researchers, and/or get useful input from busy people

I made all of these things in a personal capacity, and they don't necessarily represent anyone else's views.

How to use this doc

What this doc focuses on

Some things this doc doesn’t focus on are listed in the following footnote.[1]

Readings - misc 

Notes - misc

[There are probably various other things I could say that might be useful to some people, and I might think more about that later.]

Purpose & epistemic status of this doc

There are probably literally thousands of existing resources (and collections of resources) covering the topics covered here, and I’ve engaged with a very small fraction of them. So in some ways it feels silly to make my own one. 

But after my first experiences managing or mentoring junior researchers, I realised that their projects had gone less well than they could’ve because I hadn’t thought to provide various links or bits of advice that I already knew of. This made me think that creating this doc would help me be a better research manager/mentor, since I could use the doc as a sort of checklist to see what links/advice I should share, and/or just share the doc as a whole. Hopefully the doc will also be useful for me and for people I don’t manage/mentor. 

But maybe people other than me would be better off reading some other resource or collection of resources. That said, this doc will itself link to all relevant things that I know of, think are potentially useful, and remembered to add.[2]


[1] Things this doc doesn’t focus on include how to:

[2] Further epistemic status info:

Vasco Grilo🔸 @ 2024-11-27T20:50 (+2)

Thanks for the post, Michael. Thanks to the EA Forum team for sharing it in the EA Forum Digest.

I think the advice Carl gives in sections "Good habits", "Research project process" and "Mindset" is quite good.