80,000 Hours wants to see more people trying out recruiting

By Niel_Bowerman @ 2022-12-18T18:50 (+71)



The aim of this article is to:

  1. Encourage more people to test their fit with recruiting, and reduce the extent to which 80,000 Hours is inadvertently "crowding out" other organisations and people from working in the recruiting space.  
  2. Communicate some tentative "lessons learned" from our time recruiting in 2019-2020.  

Historical context

In 2019 and 2020 I worked on a team with Peter McIntyre at 80,000 Hours, helping organisations working to solve some of the world's most pressing problems to identify candidates to hire.  Below are some reflections and lessons learned from that period.  At the start of 2021 we put on hold much of our efforts to help organisations hire in order to focus on increasing 80,000 Hours' capacity to have conversations with people who applied to speak with us.  (We are hoping to increase our capacity on recruiting again in 2023.)

We did ~534 calls with potential candidates in 2019 and 2020.  We generated lists of names for roughly 174 roles.  We spent just a few minutes on some of those lists, and up to a month on others.  We think something like 23 people from the lists we generated were later hired by organisations, though we make no claims about counterfactual impact in this article.  

I've written this article for people who are considering trying out recruiting, but haven't done much recruiting before.  I've put the article together pretty quickly, and expect to update parts of it in response to questions and comments, so please do fire away in the comments section.  I've posted this on the forum as part of the draft amnesty days.  

Lots of hiring managers want help hiring

Focus on building great models of what hiring managers want in a candidate

Having buy-in from the hiring manager is crucial

Give a great experience to the hiring manager

Hiring managers sometimes want the impossible

On the ground knowledge is valuable

You can get a long way by just knowing a hundred great people

Data is valuable but expensive to centralise

A lot of people could contribute valuably in this space

You can just keep investing more time and getting more returns

Build feedback loops wherever you can


Thanks to Tom Rowlands, Peter McIntyre, Mike Levine, Howie Lempel, Devon Fritz and Michelle Hutchinson for comments.  All errors are my own.  

Yonatan Cale @ 2022-12-18T19:42 (+10)

Hey, I agree that EA could totally use more recruiters, but at the same time, it seems to me like you're suggesting that lots of people work on recruiting for free (?), which I think has downsides. What do you think?

Also, you mention and I agree:

The best way to build up a model of what the hiring manager is looking for is to be able to ask them a lot of questions.  

But I expect it would be hard to get more than ~1 meeting with a hiring manager, for someone working for free as a recruiter. And "begging" for such meetings to understand the needs might, I suspect, be discouraging.

I say again that I agree with you, I'd also like to see more people trying out recruiting, I'm just pointing out big problems I've seen with trying this

Yonatan Cale @ 2022-12-19T15:44 (+3)

I assume (not from knowledge, so please correct me) that the main reason that hiring managers don't want to spend their time or the org's money on independent recruiters - is that the prior about these recruiters being any good is very low.

Do you think this is true?


If so: Wouldn't it be better for everyone if the recruiters got something-like-an-interview and some of them got a response of "the chance you'll be good at this are low, probably try something else" and others get "yeah we think you're promising, enough to put some resources on helping you" ?


[tone: unconfident but no idea what I'm missing, expecting corrections; on board with your vision and trying to brainstorm ways to improve the current situation, or at least improve my understanding of it so that I can think of something better]

CristinaSchmidtIbáñez @ 2022-12-18T20:50 (+6)

For people interested in recruitment/hiring, this post is probably of interest as well.