Apply Now: First-Ever EAGxNYC This August

By Arthur Malone🔸, Kaleem, Lauren M, Robi Rahman, Rockwell, Alex Rahl-Kaplan 🔸, MeganNelson 🔸 @ 2023-05-02T15:24 (+101)

TL;DR: Applications are now open for EAGxNYC 2023, taking place in Manhattan this August 18-20!


We’re thrilled to announce that this summer, EAGx comes to New York City for the first time! 



Reviewed on a rolling basis, apply here before the deadline of July 31, 2023. Applying early means you'll have more time to prep and help us plan for your needs!



August 18-20, 2023



Convene, 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY, in Lower Manhattan near the World Trade Center complex



EAGxNYC is intended for both individuals new to the movement and those already professionally engaged with EA, and will cover a diverse range of high-impact cause areas. We believe the conference will be of particular value to those currently exploring new ways they can have an impact, such as students, young professionals, and mid-career professionals looking to shift into EA-aligned work. We also invite established organizations looking to share their work and grow their pool of potential collaborators or hirees. Due to venue and funding capacity, the conference will be capped at 500 attendees. 

Geographic scope: As a locally-organized supplement to the Centre for Effective Altruism-organized EAG conferences, EAGxNYC aims to primarily serve, and foster connections between, those living in the NYC area. While we are also excited to welcome individuals from around the globe, due to limited capacity we will prioritize applicants who have a connection to our New York metropolitan area or are seriously considering relocating here, followed by applicants from throughout the East Coast. However, if you are uncertain about your eligibility, don't hesitate to apply!

Travel Grants: Limited travel grants of up to $500 are available to individuals from outside of NYC who would not be able to attend EAGxNYC without financial assistance. Applications for financial assistance have no bearing on admissions to the conference.



EAGxNYC will take place from Friday, August 18th through Sunday, August 20th with registration opening in the early afternoon Friday, followed by dinner and opening talks that evening. Content will be scheduled and the venue will be open for networking until 10PM Friday, 8AM-10PM Saturday, and 8AM-7PM Sunday. Along with dinner on Friday, the venue will be providing breakfast, lunch, and snacks and drinks on Saturday and Sunday. Dinner will not be served on the premises Saturday or Sunday, but the EAGxNYC team will help coordinate group dinners nearby and encourage all attendees to make use of the venue throughout the evening.

We aim to program content covering all effective altruism cause areas with a special emphasis on the intersection between EA and New York City. If you are interested in presenting at the conference, please reach out to the organizing team. (The form is now closed)

Satellite Programming: If you’re already in the New York City area and want to get involved leading up to or following the conference, check out the local EA NYC group for public eventscause-related and professional subgroup eventsopportunities for online engagement, and more!

More info: Detailed information on the agenda, speakers, and content will be available closer to the conference via Swapcard and updates to this website page. Periodically checking in on our website will help you stay up to date in the meantime, and if you have any questions or concerns, drop email us at


We can't wait to see you in NYC this Summer!


The organizing team :)

Arthur Malone, Lead Organizer

Lauren Mangla, Communications

Kaleem Ahmid, Content and Production

Robi Rahman, Admissions


OllieBase @ 2023-05-03T12:35 (+9)

Really excited that this is going ahead!

Andreas P @ 2023-07-27T03:23 (+2)

Just curious how applications have been going. What is the capacity and how many applications have been submitted so far? The metrics behind how many applications have been accepted/waitlisted/declined/other? I am hoping it is shaping up to be a great event!

Robi Rahman @ 2023-07-27T13:37 (+4)

Hey Andreas! The conference capacity is around 500, we've admitted 404 people so far, and CEA have told me that usually 95% of accepted applicants register and 95% of registered attendees show up to the conference. Therefore we have 500-404*0.95*0.95 = 135 spots left, so ideally we'd like to admit another 150 people.

Our acceptance rate is currently 80%, with another 10% waitlisted and 9% rejected.

Andreas P @ 2023-07-29T08:06 (+1)

Alright Robi, that's excellent! There's probably an increased rate of applications towards the last few weeks so seems to be on a successful trend.