Rethink Priorities - 2021 Impact and 2022 Strategy

By Peter Wildeford @ 2021-11-15T16:17 (+134)


Our purpose and people

Our 2021 impact

In 2021, we achieved some tangible impact from our work, such as:

Our plans for 2022

Among other projects in 2022, we’re especially excited to:

Our funding goals

If better funded, we would be able to do more high-quality work and employ more talented researchers than we otherwise would.

Currently, our goal is to raise $5,435,000 by the end of 2022. This consists of gaps of:

However, we believe that if we were maximally ambitious and expanded as much as is feasible, we could effectively spend the funds if we raised up to $12,900,000 in 2022.

If you’d like to support our work, you can donate to us as part of Facebook’s donation matching on Giving Tuesday on November 30, or donate directly to us here. We do accept and track restricted funds by cause area if that is of interest. If you have questions about tax-deductibility in your country or are interested in making a major gift, please contact our Director of Development Janique Behman.

Ask us more

We’re running an AMA on the EA Forum this Friday, November 19. Ask us any questions you may have!

Our path to impact

Rethink Priorities achieves impact by improving the decisions made by grantmakers and on-the-ground organizations, multiplying the impact of their work. The effective altruism movement currently allocates hundreds of millions of dollars and millions of hours of work every year — we aim to improve that allocation.

We work independently to uncover new insights while also collaborating with existing groups and funders to ensure the most effective actions are taken based on rigorous research.

Our organization can be understood as all three of the following:

Our theory of change works as follows:

Organizational structure and staff

Rethink Priorities currently has a staff of 28 people, corresponding to 24.75 full-time equivalents (including 5 FTE operations staff). This year we spent 61% of our time working on research relevant to farmed and wild animal welfare, 23% on longtermism, 8% on EA movement research, 9% on global health and development, and 8% on other research projects.[1]

New hires in 2021

In 2021, we made a number of hires to improve our team. Significantly, we added a global health and development team, currently supervised by Jason Schukraft, which will explore global health and climate change interventions that might be competitive with GiveWell’s top charities. We’ve already begun this work by looking into interventions like lead reduction campaigns and charter city development.

We also expanded our animal welfare team, integrating much of The Humane League Labs (the research wing of The Humane League) and adding new staff — a staff entomologist, a new research manager for wild animal welfare, and an additional researcher. In addition, we launched a major expansion of our moral weight research, working with dozens of academic collaborators to measure capacity for welfare of different animal species, and try to establish reasonable interspecies moral weights.

We added two additional survey team staff members to help us tackle the growing number of requests we’ve received to conduct public opinion surveys, and to expand our ability to analyze annual projects like the EA Survey.

And finally, we are currently in the process of hiring researchers in longtermism and AI governance and strategy, who will help expand our research in both fields. \

Here’s an outline of all of the hires we added this year.

Animal welfare

Global health and development

Surveys and EA movement research

Operations and development

Internships and fellowships

Our internship/fellowship program welcomed 11 aspiring researchers in 2021, who were given the chance to build their skills, test their fit, and strengthen their career networks. Several of these interns went on to immediately take high-impact jobs at EA organizations, including Founders Pledge, Centre for Effective Altruism, and here at Rethink Priorities.

This program also helped our own staff build research management capacity, and gave our operations team an opportunity to stress test processes to ensure we could handle planned growth.

We plan to continue running the program in future years (or otherwise provide a valuable entry-level EA position), though we may reduce the total number of interns/fellows.

Our work and impact in 2021

Summary of our 2021 achievements

We launched a new research database, where you can browse all our published reports.

We’ve also achieved several milestones and breakthroughs across all four of our cause areas:

Our Animal Welfare department

Our Global Health and Development department

Our Longtermism department

Our EA Movement Research and Surveying Department

The results from several commissioned research projects were shared with the organizations who requested them. We do surveys across multiple cause areas.

Our impact in 2021

We are internally driven by a motto that “good research is not enough” and created a strategy to ensure our research gets put into action:

As a research organization, we’re usually a step or two removed from direct work, and thus it can be challenging to determine what impact on the world we’re having. We’re very interested in ascertaining how those in a position to implement are acting on our work, if at all, and we’re committed to tracking our impact in multiple ways.

Impact survey qualitative interviews

Over the past month we’ve conducted structured interviews with key decision-makers and leaders at EA organizations that either use our work or that we want to use our work. We sought interviewees’ feedback on the general importance of our work for them and for the community, what they have and have not found helpful in what we’ve done, what we can do in the future that would be useful for them, and ways we can improve.To encourage frankness, interviewees were promised that the details of these conversations would not be made public. Some interviews are still forthcoming, so these are tentative conclusions.

Overall we found that all of our stakeholders do read at least some of our research and consider at least some of it to be generally useful. For ~50% of our stakeholders, we did successfully help them improve the quality of at least one important decision. For ~25% of our stakeholders, we had not yet improved any of their decisions with our work because it is too early in our relationship and we had not yet produced any relevant work. For the remaining 25% of our stakeholders, we have so far failed to be useful to them in the way we had hoped.

Areas for improvement

According to the stakeholders we interviewed, there is still an unmet desire for us to directly present our work to organizations and to funders. Despite our efforts to better summarize our work and key takeaways over the last year (a focus from our interviews last year), some think there’s still more to be gained from directly presenting our work to them, such as through webinars or other presentations. We’re currently hiring a communications coordinator, who will work in part on more direct presentations of our work to organizations and funders.

Another area of feedback given to us was that we sometimes spend a lot of research time working on analysis that does not end up being relevant to any particular important decisions. While we think research is inherently exploratory and there are going to be inevitable dead-ends, we are going to work more on considering more clearly what parts of our work we ought to invest a lot of time in to get right and what parts of our work can be cut or done more quickly. We will also work more closely and more frequently with our stakeholders and target audiences to ensure that we are working on useful things.

Our goals and funding needs for 2022

Project plans


Surveys and EA movement research

Global health and development

Animal welfare

Funding status

We have set a 2022 goal to raise at least $5,435,000, and as much as $12,990,000. This will enable us to:

Our budget will be allocated as shown below in low, high, and maximally ambitious scenarios.

Budget - Low[2]

Budget - High

Budget - Maximally ambitious

Room for more funding in 2022

Meeting our low budget scenario will allow us to continue our projects with our current staff and some small already-planned expansion.

The high budget scenario will enable us to deploy greater research capacity by hiring about a dozen additional staff to address some of the most important questions we’ve identified. We are highly confident that we could effectively deploy funding at this level to build up our organization for sustainable impact moving forward.

Our maximally ambitious scenario would enable RP to scale at the maximum rate we think is possible. This plan involves:

We are less confident of our ability to execute the maximally ambitious plan, but it does feel at least moderately plausible, and we think this number represents a good view for the maximum amount of money we could possibly put to productive use, such that any money raised beyond this amount would very likely be deferred to cover spending in 2024 or later.

For context, a new researcher costs us on average around $130,000 per year (including all benefits, fees, taxes, and necessary operations support).

We’d be happy to discuss the details of how each of these budget levels would unfold with funders upon request.

Reasons to fund Rethink Priorities

How to give

We believe we are entering 2022 prepared to do more important research than ever before, and with the ability to continue growing. We are excited about where we could go with your support.

If you’d like to help fund our work, you can donate to us as part of Facebook’s donation matching on Giving Tuesday on November 30, or donate directly to us here. If you have questions about tax-deductibility in your country or are interested in making a major gift, please contact our Director of Development Janique Behman.


This post is a project of Rethink Priorities.

It was written by Marcus A. Davis, Peter Wildeford, Abraham Rowe, and Janique Behman. Thanks to Katy Moore for copyediting.

If you like our work, please consider subscribing to our newsletter. You can see more of our work here.

  1. We also work extensively with external collaborators. By the end of 2021, we expect to have around 3.1 FTE-years of research completed by collaborators, primarily as part of our two-year moral weight research project. We worked with 17 collaborators in 2021. ↩︎

  2. All budgets include overhead costs, including administrative expenses, communications, and fundraising costs. ↩︎

PeterSlattery @ 2021-11-15T21:45 (+11)

Thanks for writing this up. Really impressive!

Linch @ 2021-11-18T01:17 (+10)

These and other large organizations often only fund 25–50% of our needs in any particular area

I'm confused about this phrasing. Is this saying that large orgs only fund 25-50% of our needs each, or total?

I keep up with the fundraising much less than you and some others at RP do, but my impression is that the number is more like 25-50% from each funding org, rather than 25-50% total. 

E.g., LTFF may only be willing to fund up to 25% for our longtermism team's work, Open Phil 50%, and other large orgs less willing to "top up" after 75% from existing institutional donors. 

So maybe 50-75% may be more accurate. Though again I haven't really kept up with the numbers since late 2020 (thanks Peter, Marcus, Janique et al for sparing researcher time!), so maybe my impressions are way off.  

Janique @ 2021-11-19T15:09 (+3)

Yes, we were referring to several instances in which a major grantmaker either gave us only 25% or only 50% of the amount we requested in a specific grant application.
Thanks for helping us clarify!

Ward @ 2021-11-16T18:38 (+7)

I've respected Rethink's work for a long time. Excited to see you guys expanding into the longtermist space!

Could you clarify how your stated "room for more funding" relates to your budget plans? For example, the maximally ambitious RFMF for longtermism in 2022 is $5.34m, but the maximally ambitious budget for 2022 is $2.5m. Is the idea that you would hold onto some money for 2023?

abrahamrowe @ 2021-11-16T20:04 (+6)

This is correct - the RFMF is how much we think we'd like to raise between now and the end of 2022 to spend in 2022 and 2023 according the budgets above. 

anpr @ 2021-11-28T00:47 (+3)

Can you give more details on the $$ you moved in EU animal welfare advocacy/funding? What kinds of approaches did it move from and to? Any exact numbers and specific organizations you can share?

I poked around your website but couldn't see more on this—apologies if I missed it!

Marcus_A_Davis @ 2021-11-29T00:03 (+9)

Thanks for the question, but unfortunately we can not share more about those involved or the total.

I can say we're confident this unlocked millions for something that otherwise wouldn't have happened. We think maybe half of the money moved would not have been spent, and some lesser amount would have been spent on less promising opportunities from an EA perspective.

anishazaveri @ 2021-11-24T16:16 (+3)

How do I make cause area restricted donations?

abrahamrowe @ 2021-11-24T20:54 (+5)

If you're donating on our website (, on the second part of the donate form, you can add a comment. Just add a note there if you'd like us to restrict your gift to a specific pool - our finance team sees these notes.

If you're giving via another platform (EA Funds, a DAF, etc.) feel free to just email us at and let us know!

Thanks for supporting us!