Counterproductive Altruism: The Other Heavy Tail

By Vasco Grilo @ 2023-03-01T09:58 (+186)

This is a linkpost to

This is a linkpost to the article Counterproductive Altruism: The Other Heavy Tail from Daniel Kokotajlo and Alexandra Oprea. Some excerpts are below. I also include a section at the end with some hot takes regarding possibly counterproductive altruism.


First, we argue that the appeal of effective altruism (henceforth, EA) depends significantly on a certain empirical premise we call the Heavy Tail Hypothesis (HTH), which characterizes the probability distribution of opportunities for doing good. Roughly, the HTH implies that the best causes, interventions, or charities produce orders of magnitude greater good than the average ones, constituting a substantial portion of the total amount of good caused by altruistic interventions. Next, we canvass arguments EAs have given for the existence of a positive (or “right”) heavy tail and argue that they can also apply in support of a negative (or “left”) heavy tail where counterproductive interventions do orders of magnitude more harm than ineffective or moderately harmful ones. Incorporating the other heavy tail of the distribution has important implications for the core activities of EA: effectiveness research, cause prioritization, and the assessment of altruistic interventions. It also informs the debate surrounding the institutional critique of EA.

IV Implications of the Heavy Right Tail for Altruism

Assume that the probability distribution of charitable interventions has a heavy-right tail (for example, like the power law described in the previous section). This means that your expectation about a possible new or unassessed charitable intervention should include the large values described above with a relatively high probability. It also means that existing charitable interventions whose effectiveness is known (or estimated with a high degree of certainty) will include interventions differing in effectiveness by orders of magnitude. We contend that this assumption justifies well-known aspects of EA practice such as (1) effectiveness research and cause prioritization, (2) “hits-based-giving,” and (3) skepticism about historical averages.

V Implications of the Heavy Left Tail for Altruism

What if the probability distribution of altruistic interventions includes both a left and a right heavy tail? In this case, we cannot assume either that (1) one's altruistic interventions are expected to have at worst a value of zero (i.e. to be bounded on the left side) or (2) that the probability that a charitable intervention is counterproductive or harmful approaches zero very rapidly.

Downside Risk Research

Many catastrophic interventions — whether altruistic or not — generate large amounts of (intentional or unintentional) harm. When someone in the world is engaging in an intervention that is likely to end up in the heavy left tail, there is a corresponding opportunity for us to do good by preventing them. This would itself represent an altruistic intervention in the heavy right tail (i.e. one responsible for enormous benefits). The existence of the heavy-left tail therefore provides even stronger justification for the prioritization research preferred by EAs.

Assessing Types of Interventions Requires Both Tails

Another conclusion we draw from the revised HTH is that the value of a class of interventions should be estimated by considering the worst as well as the best. Following such analysis, a class of interventions could turn out to be net-negative even if there are some very prominent positive examples and indeed even if almost all examples are positive. This sharply contradicts MacAskill's earlier claim that the value of a class of interventions can be approximated by the value of its best member.

The Institutional Critique Reassessed

If we are right about the existence of the left tail, certain interventions (even well-intentioned ones) are or can be expected to be extremely net-negative. Furthermore, even certain classes or subclasses of charitable interventions (e.g. foreign aid, food aid, or billionaire philanthropy) can be net-negative as a whole. In these cases, the most good an effective altruist can do may not be to launch new charitable ventures of her own or even to donate to the most effective charities. As noted above, the most efficient intervention might be to stop oneself or other people from launching massively negative interventions.

VI The Evidence for the Heavy Tail(s) Hypothesis: Existing Arguments

In this section, we begin by reconstructing three arguments in favor of a single right heavy tail that EAs have sketched: (i) the argument from examples of extreme values, (ii) the argument from nore systematic observational studies; and (iii) the argument from inefficient markets. For each of the arguments presented, we note that they should be extended to the existence of a heavy left tail.

VII The Evidence for the Heavy Tail(s) Hypothesis: New Arguments

The Crowding Out Argument

Consider any big goal you wish to achieve—the sort of goal that would put your intervention far out in the right tail if you were to achieve it. There is some chance that the goal will be reached anyway without your effort, due to the effort of someone else. There is also a chance—perhaps a smaller chance, but a chance nonetheless—that your effort will cause an effective intervention not to happen or to be less effective than would have been the case without your action. For example, perhaps if you had not chosen to work towards this goal, someone more competent would have noticed the need and taken up the project in your absence. Thus, your choice to work on the project has a chance of backfiring, and if it does, it is a failure of the same magnitude as your success would have been.

The Data Generating Process Argument

Given that calculating the effectiveness of even a narrow range of philanthropic interventions we are considering [e.g. distributing anti-malaria bednets] typically involves multiplying together a large number of independent variables, we should expect the distribution of philanthropic interventions by effectiveness to be at least log-normal [which "are typical when data points are the product of many independent inputs"].

The Burden of Proof Argument

Without specific research into effectiveness, your uncertainty about how effective they are will range over many orders of magnitude. Lining them up side-by-side in your position of ignorance, they might look something like Figure 4 below.

Details are in the caption following the image
Uncertainty about effectiveness of interventions

Hot takes

Minimising downside is a common theme in effective altruism. However, I still found the article interesting as a reminder that heavy left/harmful tails are often neglected, and hidden behind the status quo. What looks robustly beneficial ignoring left tails might not be so once one accounts for them. In other words, left tails may conceal crucial considerations. Some hot takes (from me, not the article):

To be clear, I am not arguing for factory-farming, global warming, shorter lives, deforestation, and resistance to invasions, nor against remittances, and foreign aid. I am just trying to illustrate what is considered robustly beneficial may have a real chance of being harmful. Relatedly, there is the concept of complex cluelessness.

sapphire @ 2023-03-01T12:04 (+46)

Less theoretical example: FWIW im not sold on 'more than anyone' but the top 2-3 current AI labs are all downstream of AI safety!

Vasco Grilo @ 2023-03-01T13:54 (+22)

Great point! It does look like left tails are everywhere in the AI safety space.

constructive @ 2023-03-24T19:14 (+3)

Though you need to consider the counterfactual where the talent currently at OAI, DM, and Anthropic all work at Google or Meta and have way less of a safety culture.

MattBall @ 2023-03-09T20:39 (+8)

Really enjoyed this piece. It is somewhat painful to read, given that I believe most of my professional life did more harm than good.

I do think that partially rationalizing torturing billions of sentient beings every year for more corn in silos in case of a nuclear winter - that's really a stretch.

Vasco Grilo @ 2023-03-10T08:48 (+6)

Thanks for sharing, Matt!

I started following a plant-based diet roughly 4 years ago mostly due to finding out about the badness of factory-farming (and also because I think it mitigates global warming, and is healthier). Meanwhile, I have gotten confused about the overall impact of a plant-based diet, given the uncertain effects on wild animals and in the longterm. I think I continue plant-based because (descending order of importance):

  • It feels intuitively wrong to be responsible for some visible torture based on unclear overall effects which are quite uncertain.
    • I think I should feel fine about doing something with overall unclear effects even if the most visible effects are bad. 
    • However, I do not, and I suppose it makes sense to avoid conflicts with intuitions to some extent. For example, if in theory eating animals was super good overall, and I could not internalise that, still feeling bad about contributing to factory-farming, it is possible the overall best option for me would be continuing not to eat animals, such that I could remain productive working on other matters.
  • I believe a plant-based diet is healthier, and can extend my life for a few years. Since I think my work is positive, having the chance to do more of it is good!
  • I no longer like the taste of animals. Switching at this point would be hard, especially given the above.
  • I think a plant-based diet is more practical (e.g. generally involves less cooking time, and less cleaning due to less fat). There would typically be factors contributing to it being less practical, but I do not think those affect me much. For example, for (rare) family meals in restaurants, I am fine with just eating soup, rice and lettuce, or whatever is available.
MattBall @ 2023-03-14T14:22 (+1)

Thanks, Vasco. I find it very difficult to imagine a scenario where I would support the active torture of factory farming chickens for any unknown / theoretical counterpoint. I'd certainly rather be a wild animal than a factory-farmed chicken. 

Take care.

Ofer @ 2023-03-02T21:45 (+6)

Is there a version of the paper that is freely available?

Pablo @ 2023-03-03T03:13 (+10)

Yes: the version available from Sci-Hub[1]

  1. ^

    On the topic of Sci-Hub generally, this may be of interest.