Forecasts estimate limited cultured meat production through 2050

By Neil_Dullaghan🔹 , Linch @ 2022-03-21T23:13 (+122)

Note: For brevity, we use M for a million (106) and B for a billion (109).


                        Aggregated probabilities of cultured meat production targets

Metric tons203120362051
>10MNot asked3%18%
>50MNot askedNot asked9%


Is it worth the effective altruism (EA) community trying to accelerate the growth of cultured meat production? Should EA just let market forces move it forward? Should EA invest directly in cultured meat R&D or identify high-leverage ways to increase funding? Or should EA just not invest in it because it is insufficiently promising? 

A key question is whether (and how much) EA philanthropy and advocacy can counterfactually increase the probability that cultured meat becomes a significant part of the food supply. Imagine we expect an X% probability that at least 50M metric tons of meat and seafood production in 2051 will come from cultured meat (an arbitrary but significant threshold we estimate to be 5% to 7% of total meat demand by then). Can we see some ways to increase that probability to a multiple of X through targeted grants? That may be something that the market would not be incentivized to do (e.g., because it is too high risk, or venture capitalists may think they are unable to capture most of the value), but that EA funders could fill (due to our longer time horizons, risk neutrality, and moral preferences). 

Unfortunately, cultured meat seems to be one of those technologies where hype clouds accurate assessments of the state of the industry. Cultured meat companies’ track record of making public predictions appears to be systematically overoptimistic (Dullaghan 2021). We are launching a tournament on Metaculus to incentivize more accurate and transparent predictions. This report lays out an initial set of forecasts and maps areas of uncertainty.

Two other things worth keeping in mind as you read this report:

Why the focus on production volume

Past work and forecasting questions have had different stakeholders and theories of change in mind. This project is interested in whether philanthropic dollars can be used to nudge cultured meat trajectories in a way that makes a significant positive impact on farmed animals. Others making claims about cultured meat are interested in additional impacts such as environmental benefits (Shah 2021a), food system reform more broadly (Datar 2021; Dutkiewicz 2021), or for cultured meat to be a premium specialty product or an ingredient in plant-based meats in the short to medium term (Peppou 2021; Swartz 2021a). Few quantify what production volumes would satisfy these needs and this leads to some confusion about what counts as optimism or pessimism. Someone hoping to end factory farming in a few decades might see 100,000 metric tons as pessimistic, but someone hoping to make a profit selling cultured tuna might have a reason to be optimistic. For others, even millions of tons of cultured meat might be framed pessimistically if it does not bring with it a transformation of who has power in the food system. 

Prior work on cultured meat forecasting has mostly focused on price targets, but we operationalized questions on either (price, volume) pairs or just pure volume. Claimed prices may be unreliable since venture capitalists can burn large sums of money on subsidies for small volumes (selling at a loss), so we believe that restaurant or storefront prices are a poor signal for ultimate cost-competitiveness. Other questions have asked about maximum production capacity of a single facility, but this only matters in worlds where the economics allow such capacity to be fulfilled, so we think it is less directly useful for the EA community than actual production volume.

We have intentionally chosen to define cultured meat products as being made mostly from cellular meat (>51% of the meat[2] is from cultured animal cells) rather than plant-based meat with small cultured muscle or fat additions. It seems plausible the path of cultured meat production will be as an ingredient in otherwise plant-based meat (Specht et al 2021; Swartz 2021c; Ben-Arye 2020). Probabilities for production volumes of meat products that are <51% cultured meat might be higher. We did not forecast on them here but we include a question about ≥20% cultured meat in the tournament. One theory of change is that investing in alternative proteins can reduce farmed animal suffering by speeding up the development of products that will displace conventional meat. A hypothesis in this theory is that “true” cultured meat products (not plant-cultured hybrids) will make up most of the products that people are willing to replace conventional animal meat with because they are closer to the original. If the EA community buys this, then forecasts of low production volumes may help raise awareness of the problems with this hypothesis and shift the EA community to consider other hypotheses more seriously. 


Mapping uncertainty around speculative technological innovation is hard, especially when looking at timelines of 10, 15, and 30 years out. We initially began by reading the existing techno-economic analyses (TEAs), consultancy reports, and articles from the EA community and experts on cultured meat (discussed below). 

Given our lack of domain knowledge in this area, we put a lot of weight on TEAs: CE Delft (2021), Humbird (2020), and Risner et al. (2020). While we do not have experience analyzing TEAs, there was a clear difference in rigor (Zhang & Dullaghan 2021) and we read the TEAs carefully enough to notice a conceptual error in CE Delft (2021) (which resulted in the authors correcting the specific error but not addressing more general concerns about their approach). We also had informal conversations with cultured meat scientists to get a sense of how plausible they found the claims made in the TEAs. Quoting from our review of the TEAs: “Humbird (2020) is very high quality and suggests cultured meat cost-competitiveness is hard and needs everything to go right. CE Delft (2021) outlines some of what will need to go right, but doesn't provide much evidence that any of it is possible, has internal validity errors, and arguably has too much motivated reasoning. Risner et al. (2020) is decent, within the narrow limits it sets itself, but too many details are under specified for it to reflect the full costs and challenges of scaling up cultured meat” (Zhang & Dullaghan 2021).

We read through the public opinions of experts, think tanks, public intellectuals (Broad 2021; Datar 2021; DeSantis 2021; Dutkiewicz 2021; Dyson 2021; Fassler 2021; Hayek 2021; Mosa Meat 2021; NewHarvest 2021; Phillips 2021; Peppou 2021; Schweizer 2021; Shah 2021a, 2021b; Specht et al. 2021a, 2021b; Swartz 2021a, 2021b, 2021c, 2021d; Open Philanthropy 2015), and posts made on the Effective Altruism Forum about cultured meat (Avacyn 2021; Fish 2021a; Stijn 2021a, 2020a, 2020b; Wen 2020).

We developed forecasting questions on cultured meat reaching annual production volumes in metric tons (>100,000, >1M, >10M, >50M) before the end of a certain year (2031, 2036, 2051) with some iterations on price and species (<$10/kg wholesale and cow-based meat). We also included variables we hypothesized would be signposts of progress (biotech venture capital and public funding, >250 cultured meat researchers, media input costs, discount retail and quick service restaurant sales, public protests, and public opinion surveys). Note these forecasts were all conditional on no transformative AI arriving before their resolution. 

We (Neil and Linch) independently made forecasts on these 29 questions, discussed our results, and then made updates. 

We also paid a panel of five highly ranked Metaculus forecasters and one cultured meat scientist to answer the questions we formulated. The forecasters were given from October 27, 2021 until November 15, 2021 to spend 15 hours making forecasts. Here is the recruitment, outreach, and payment used to assemble the forecasters, as well as the reference material provided to forecasters to optionally assist them in creating their forecasts. Forecasters were not able to see the predictions from others on the panel.

The forecasters’ probabilities (including forecasts from Linch and Neil) were transformed into odds and then we calculated the geometric mean of the odds. Finally, we transformed these odds back into probabilities to arrive at the aggregate results per question.


The spreadsheet of anonymized forecasts on all questions and the forecasters’ reasoning is here. The aggregated probabilities of cultured meat production targets from all the forecasters are given in the table below. For example, the aggregated forecast is a 15% probability that >100,000 metric tons of cellular meat (where >51% of the “meat” is produced directly from animal cells) will be sold at any price within a continuous 12-month span before the end of 2031.

                 Aggregated probabilities of cultured meat production targets

Metric tons203120362051
>10MNot asked3%18%
>50MNot askedNot asked9%

To put these production volumes in context, total US plant-based meat production in 2020 was 90,000 to 180,000 metric tons (the former according to Shapiro (2020) and this paywalled page from cited in Bollard (2020); the latter according to data obtained from 13M metric tons of alternative protein (meat, seafood, milk, eggs, and dairy, excluding pulses, tofu, and tempeh) were consumed globally in 2020 (BCG 2021). ~545M metric tons of conventional meat, including seafood, is produced each year (according to OurWorldinData), mostly via the industrial farming of animals.

The average of all the differences between the highest and lowest probabilities for all the production volume questions is 48 percentage points, suggesting some variation. The figure below plots the probabilities per year for the pure volume questions (for the sake of simplicity, this graph does not show the probabilities for the questions about <$10/kg meat or exclusively cow-based meat). While there was some variation in probabilities (especially 2051 probabilities), overall the probabilities for large volumes of cultured meat were below 50%.

The results also show:

The full list of questions is available in the table at the end of this post. 

The questions about signposts of progress also yielded some interesting results, including:

Analyzing the correlation of production volume predictions and predictions on the other inputs (media prices, public funding, biotech funding, and researchers) does not reveal much. However:

Other inputs were not significantly correlated with production volumes (numbers of researchers, consumer approval, cheap media). The figure below presents only the correlations reaching conventional levels of statistical significance (p<0.05). No statistically significant negative correlations were found (data and script available here). 


These forecasts suggest production volumes far lower than projections from consultancies (McKinsey 2021, BCG 2021, AT Kearney 2020). They are also lower than what GFI expected if the cultured meat production life cycle followed the path of other industrial biotechnologies (suggesting millions of tons in the next 10 to 15 years (timestamped video GFI 2021a though GFI have not issued any official forecast or predictions on cultured meat production volumes)).  

Source: own calculations

The calculations behind the growth rates proposed by these consultancies are not public and some of the claims they make are unsubstantiated, biased, or contradictory. For example: 

Given the few significant correlations between our hypothesized input factors (media, researchers, consumer approval, and media costs), we discuss the forecasters’ reasoning more qualitatively below to tease out the cruxes behind their forecasts. We encourage interested readers to examine some of the detailed and well-considered reasoning given by forecasters. 

The cruxes that appear to shape the reasoning for our forecasting panel are their probabilities that:

Efficiency of innovation

A stylized version of the most optimistic argument that cultured meat technology will scale is: "There are challenges, but with time and money, technological innovation can replicate or outperform any biological system" — followed by examples of solar panels, electricity, synthetic fibers, insulin, or genome editing. The optimistic argument is that it is only a matter of growing the one part of the animal you want without all the extra unnecessary bits (brains, ears, etc.) and no rules of nature need to be violated, so it should not be difficult to be more efficient (Stijn 2021b; Hayek 2021). 

The pessimistic argument is that the task of growing cultured meat is to replicate each of the parts of cell growth (immune system, cell differentiation, nutrition supply) and make them compatible in a single process, but this is unlikely to be the approach that gets you meat more efficiently (and cheaply) than factory farming (Fish 2021a). This pessimistic argument says technologies that replaced biological systems (solar panels vs. plants, cars vs. horses, planes vs. birds, recombinant vs. porcine insulin) were new (and better) ways of accomplishing a goal that were completely free from the limitations of the biological systems they’ve replaced (Fish 2021b; Zhang 2021). 

The range of these opposing viewpoints are exemplified by our forecasters:

Difficulty of challenges

The GFI state of the industry report (2021b) claims “fundamental technological breakthroughs are not necessary to eventually achieve economically viable, scaled production of cultivated meat,” but they have also stated, “there are some areas where true constraints, dictated by the laws of physics or thermodynamics, forbid workarounds” (Specht et al. 2021b). They argue that given the nascency of the field, we are not close to exhausting opportunities to innovate around problems (Specht et al. 2021b). However, they do not identify these "true constraints" or suggest why they would not also constrain a more mature field. 

Reference classes

Those bullish on cultured meat often point to price drops in solar panels and batteries as evidence that cultured meat can scale. Those who are bearish often point to the limited production of genetically modified (GM) crops and biofuels. 

However, these arguments do not tell us why those cases succeeded or failed and why cultured meat is more like those cases than ones where the growth trajectory was different. To overcome this limitation:

Across the series of questions, the forecasters in our panel made references to nuclear fusion, photovoltaics, insect-based foods, GM foods, plant-based meat, and nanotechnology. 

The table below shows the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) needed to reach production targets, assuming cultured meat production in 2021 was 1 or 10 metric tons (we believe the amount produced and sold was actually only in the hundreds of kilograms).

                                 CAGR needed for cultured meat projections

One attempt to map out the CAGR in seven reference classes that are often touted as analogous to cultured meat (production of solar energy, electric cars, GM crops, biofuels, margarine, nuclear fission, and lithium-ion batteries) is be made in a separate write-up on Metaculus (Dullaghan 2022). We encourage others to clearly quantify the growth rates of their proposed reference classes.

Reliance on Humbird (2020)

As most of the forecasters were not domain experts, they were required to make a judgment call on how much weight to put in the more pessimistic estimates from the Humbird (2020) TEA versus other more optimistic signals. 

While some forecasters referenced the obstacle of sterile bioreactor systems, few made reference to Humbird (2020) at the same time. This was somewhat surprising since our read of the TEAs was that the Food versus pharmaceutical grade assumptions could be a key source of uncertainty and error (some forecasters did note that the costs of factories in Humbird (2020)  CE Delft (2021) were not that different so the pharmaceutical-v-food grade system issue did not seem to be a big crux). Instead, the reliance on Humbird (2020) was especially true regarding how forecasters thought about costs of growth factors and amino acids. 

We incorrectly included recombinant proteins in the question wording and transferrin and insulin in the reference material for the amino acid question. As these are unrelated and more expensive, it is possible this biased forecasters’ estimates. None of the forecasters seemed to notice this error in their reasoning.

Innovations needed

If we want to shift cultured meat production trajectories towards >50M metric tons per year before the end of 2051, what can we do? Based on our review of the TEAs and the cruxes identified by our forecasters, we should focus on:

What would change our probabilities

Below we list what would make us update, and in the sub-bullets offer some information possibly meeting that update criteria. Linch’s list was made before we began forecasting and Neil’s was made after all the forecasts had been aggregated.

Linch (2021 October 9)


Neil (2022 March 1)

My personal take is that we could have >100,000 metric tons of cultured meat per year sold at any price in 15 years if an ultra-wealthy business entrepreneur (for example, Elon Musk) made it their goal and poured in billions of dollars per year while making a huge financial loss. The overriding obstacle I see is scaling to millions or tens of millions of metric tons requires an enormous and expensive infrastructure and ingredient supply build-out — and that this is not necessary for cultured meat companies to make a profit. I see similar challenges for plant-based meat but without the concerns around pharmaceutical costs. Having said that, I am not an expert and EA has a lot of money. I’d be willing to put up to $10 million into lobbying/prizes for public R&D on fundamental breakthroughs in material science, sterility, and hydrosolates which will survive any private investment winter.

I would update these claims based on the following:

Aggregated probabilities for all questions

QuestionAggregated probability
>100 metric kilotons of Cow-cell based cellular meat will be sold at any price within a continuous 12-month span before the end of 2031.8%
>100 metric kilotons of Cow-cell based cellular meat will be sold at any price within a continuous 12-month span before the end of 2036.15%
>100 metric kilotons of Cow-cell based cellular meat will be sold for <$10/kg wholesale on average within a continuous 12-month span before the end of 2031.4%
>100 metric kilotons of Cow-cell based cellular meat will be sold for <$10/kg wholesale on average within a continuous 12-month span before the end of 2036.7%
>100 metric kilotons of cellular meat will be sold at any price within a continuous 12-month span before the end of 203115%
>100 metric kilotons of cellular meat will be sold for <$10/kg wholesale on average within a continuous 12-month span before the end of 2031.6%
>100 metric kilotons of cellular meat will be sold at any price within a continuous 12-month span before the end of 203622%
>100 metric kilotons of cellular meat will be sold at any price within a continuous 12-month span before the end of 2051.46%
>1M metric tons of cellular meat will be sold at any price within a continuous 12-month span before the end of 20313%
>1M metric tons of cellular meat will be sold at any price within a continuous 12-month span before the end of 20369%
>1M metric tons of cellular meat will be sold at any price within a continuous 12-month span before the end of 2051.31%
>10M metric tons of cellular meat will be sold at any price within a continuous 12-month span before the end of 20363%
>10M metric tons of cellular meat will be sold at any price within a continuous 12-month span before the end of 2051.18%
>50M metric tons of cellular meat will be sold at any price within a continuous 12-month span before the end of 2051.9%
Conditional upon >10 cumulative metric kilotons (10,000 metric tons) of cellular meat produced at any price before the end of 2031, will there be large-scale protesting (at least 100,000 people within a 14 day period, including one protest of at least 10,000 people, within national boundaries of the USA, China, India, UK or an EU country) explicitly against cellular meat products, according to credible media reports (Agence France-Presse (AFP), Associated Press (AP), BBC News, Reuters and EFE)?18%
Conditional upon >10 cumulative metric kilotons (10,000 metric tons) of cellular meat produced at any price, will >50% of a representative sample of US, China, and EU survey respondents respectively say they are willing to try cellular meat in 2031 according to a survey group/research institute deemed credible by Open Philanthropy?69%
Will at least two companies in our list of top biotech Venture Capitalists (Arch, Flagship, Atlas, Third Rock) each lead a funding round of total size >$100M USD in a cellular meat company, OR credible evidence of >$3B USD total in funding rounds for cellular meat companies with participation from at least two of the predefined top biotech VCs before the end of 2031?30%
Will the US federal government have allocated at least $1B across a 12-month period to fund cellular meat research before the end of 2031?15%
Will the EU have allocated at least $1B across a 12-month period to fund cellular meat research before the end of 2031?13%
Will official Chinese national government sources claim to have allocated at least $1B across a 12-month period to fund cellular meat research before the end of 2031?25%
Will there be more than 250 PIs and PhD students full time equivalents working explicitly on cellular meat in 2036 (working in a lab, degree, or project dedicated to cellular meat), according to sources Open Philanthropy deems are credible?52%
“Impartial Effective Animal Advocacy evaluators” (a majority opinion among Kieran Greig, Karolina Sarek, Alexandria Beck, Mikaela Saccoccio) in 2036 will consider that a marginal $10M donated between 2021 to 2026 would have been better spent on cellular meat rather than plant-based meat36%
“Impartial Effective Animal Advocacy evaluators” (a majority opinion among Kieran Greig, Karolina Sarek, Alexandria Beck, Mikaela Saccoccio) in 2036 will consider that a marginal $10M donated between 2021 to 2026 would have been better spent on cellular meat rather than increasing spending in a dollar-weighted average of Open Phil’s existing farmed animal welfare donations.22%
Will reputable sources estimate that growth factors (inclusive of but not limited to FGF2, TGF-β) contribute less than $1/kg wet mass on average to the production of cellular meat in 2031?30%
Will reputable sources estimate that amino acids other than growth factors (inclusive of but not limited to the form of individual amino acids, vegetable hydrolysate, and recombinant proteins) contribute less than $20/kg wet mass on average to the production of cellular meat in 2031?Due to the inclusion of “recombinant proteins” in the question and references to transferrin and insulin in the reference material, cost estimates here may have been incorrectly biased upwards.
Will one of the top ten largest discount store chains by revenue (akin to today’s Target, Aldi, Lidl, Trader Joe's, Save-A-Lot Grocery Outlet, Costco, Walmart) sell cellular meat own-brand goods at any price before the end of 2031, according to credible industry reports?8%
Will a well-known US Quick Service Restaurant (Subway, McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Domino’s, Hunt Brothers Pizza, Taco Bell, Wendy's, Hardee's, Chick-fil-A, Chipotle, Little Caesars, Dunkin, Starbucks, Baskin Robbins) offer a cellular meat product at any price before the end of 2031?19%
In 2051, would cellular meat look harder in 2021 than the Manhattan project looked in 1942?

Due to an error discussed in the read me doc, we don't have full results for these questions



In 2051, would we believe that a Manhattan project for cultured meat in 2021 would have been successful? 
What will total global conventional meat and seafood production be in 2051 in millions of metric tons (80% confidence interval i.e. 80% probability that the true value is between this range).Minimum was 30M and maximum was 1.5B




This report is a project of Rethink Priorities.

It was written by Neil Dullaghan. Thanks to Linch Zhang, Jacob Peacock, Jason Schukraft, and Peter Wildeford for their extremely helpful feedback and contributions. Any mistakes are my own. Thanks to the forecasters who agreed to be on our panel and to the cultured meat scientists who spoke with us. Thanks to Stefan Schubert who provided comments that improved the summary.

If you like our work, please consider subscribing to our newsletter. You can see more of our work here.


  1. ^

    The tournament includes a newish Metaculus feature called question groups to allow for more efficient, consistent forecasting for multiple questions at a time. The tournament currently has a prize of $0. Putting up a prize could be counter-productive: the tournament has a small number of very correlated questions, which makes the scoring much easier to game. A user winning by gaming the rules would cast shade on the reliability of the results. We are working on a way to implement a novel payment mechanism to account for the long time period covered and the correlation issue and will increase the prize amount if we find a solution.

  2. ^

    Note that the instructions given to the forecasting panel did not specify the 51% was “by weight”, which is what we intended. Nothing in the reasoning provided by forecasters reveals whether they were thinking about the 51% in terms of weight or volume.

Stefan_Schubert @ 2022-03-22T11:28 (+18)

We (Neil and Linch) developed forecasting questions around cultured meat reaching annual production volume sold in metric tons (>100,000, >1M, >10M, >50M) by a certain year (2031, 2036, 2051)

I think that it would be good if you put these numbers in context. Specifically I suggest you say what you think that the total annual production volume of meat will be, and translate >100,000, >1M, >10M, >50M tons into percentages of that total production volume. Since most readers don't know how much meat is produced annually, they likely find it hard to get a grasp of the size of the numbers you list.

Neil_Dullaghan @ 2022-03-22T12:12 (+2)

Thanks for the suggestion. I've added a few production numbers of plant-based and conventional meat after the first table in the results section to provide this context.

One reason we didn't ask questions about "what % of meat production will be cultured meat in 20XX" was that it would require forecasters to also produce models of total meat production (including plant-based and funghi-based meat). This seemed overly taxing and could introduce a lot of unclear underlying assumptions. We did ask  "What will total global conventional meat and seafood production be in 2051 in millions of metric tons (80% confidence interval i.e. 80% probability that the true value is between this range)" and there was quite a large range: For example, forecaster 1 estimated 30M to 600M metric tons, while forecaster 3 estimated 695M to 1.1B metric tons (I gave 620M to 1.1B metric tons). So it's not entirely clear what a reasonable denominator to use would be to arrive at the %, and I think is an area where people can have reasonable disagreement.

Stefan_Schubert @ 2022-03-22T12:38 (+20)

One reason we didn't ask questions about "what % of meat production will be cultured meat in 20XX" was that it would require forecasters to also produce models of total meat production (including plant-based and funghi-based meat).

Yeah, I'm not saying there was any problem with the questions you gave to the forecasters. My comment concerned how to present the findings to the readers of this article.

I've added a few production numbers of plant-based and conventional meat after the first table in the results section to provide this context.

Fwiw I would also include additional information in the very first bullet point; e.g.:

We (Neil and Linch) developed forecasting questions around cultured meat reaching annual production volume sold in metric tons (>100,000, >1M, >10M, >50M) by a certain year (2031, 2036, 2051) in addition to hypothesized signposts of progress (funding, researchers, input costs, food service sales, and public support). By comparison, today annual production of conventional meat, including seafood, is 500M metric tons [if that's correct].

I think that without such a comparison, most readers won't be able to properly understand the summary on its own.

Relatedly, I found this sentence a bit hard to grasp:

Imagine we expect an X% probability that at least 5% of meat and seafood production in 2051 (an arbitrary but significant threshold we estimate to be 50M metric tons) will come from cultured meat.

I thought that this meant that total meat and seafood production  in 2051 would be  equal to 50M metric tons . But reading the data about production volumes you just added, I now realise that you may have meant that 5% of  total meat and seafood production in 2051  would be equal to  50M metric tons. I think it would be good if this was more clearly disambiguated.

Neil_Dullaghan @ 2022-03-22T13:38 (+5)

Makes sense. Made a few edits along those lines.
Genuinely appreciate suggestions on how to make our summaries more useful to readers, so thanks again. 

Stefan_Schubert @ 2022-03-22T13:52 (+2)

Thank you!

simeon_c @ 2022-07-23T17:01 (+4)

I know it's not trivial to do that but if you included your AGI timelines into consideration for this type of forecast, you'd come up with very different estimates. For that reason, I'd be willing to bet on most estimates

Linch @ 2022-07-23T22:45 (+2)

Note these forecasts were all conditional on no transformative AI arriving before their resolution. 

This is an important caveat. I think it's a defensible/correct choice for us to focus on that for our forecasts[1]. However, it was a communication mistake of mine to not mention it more prominently earlier on, rather than buried in the "Methods" section. 

EDIT: Thanks to Neil for fixing this error despite being on vacation! This is now displayed prominently in "Key Takeaways"

I take responsibility for the communications mistake. Because my work is more in the forecasting/longtermist/x-risk side of things, I should've realized that this post will be misleading to many people who might have thought these forecasts are an all-things-considered probability. 

Thanks to simeon_c for pointing out this mistake (also mentioned on Twitter).

[1] Roughly speaking, the primary target audience for who those forecasts are meant to inform are funders looking into investing in cultured meat, and a secondary target audience are individuals looking into working in CM. Since worlds where AGI will make this problem irrelevant are not worlds where you want to invest in CM (even/especially if AGI can make it happen much more quickly). 

Neil_Dullaghan @ 2022-03-29T17:53 (+2)

For those interested in participating  in the Metaculus tournament, I have written up an essay on my reasoning.

MichaelPlant @ 2022-03-22T10:37 (+2)

This was really interesting, thanks! A quick, slight orthogonal question: why did you focus on it reaching 100,000 metric tons as the comparison point? I see you said

 As a comparison, total US plant-based meat production in 2020 was 90,000 to 180,000 metric tons 

By why choose that comparison? I thought the questions lots of animal welfare-types were concerned with was when cultured meat would replace farmed meat, rather than there would be as much cultured meat as there currently is plant-based meat. 

Is there any forecasting on when we should expect farmed meat to be replaced, either by plant-based or culture meat? I recognise that not everyone would switch over even if cultured meat were cheaper, so I suppose, more concretely, I'm asking when cultured meat is either cheaper than farmed meat or we eat more of it. 

Neil_Dullaghan @ 2022-03-22T12:26 (+4)

(Note that I've replaced that exact sentence with a new paragraph about plant-based and conventional meat production volumes in response to a comment from Stefan.)


The production volumes were not chosen as a comparison to plant-based meat. It was more that we started with an upper target we thought would be meaningful (arriving at the >50M metric tons in 2051) and then wanted to add an intermediate time prediction. >1M metric tons we thought could indicate cultured meat was "on track" since it would have exceeded mere startup volume, and then the >100,000 and >10M were simply picking one order of magnitude up and down to increase the range of estimates. We didn't choose lower volumes such as 10,000 mostly to not overload the forecasters since there were already 29 questions.

I agree that animal advocates should care whether or not alternative protein production is actually replacing/displacing conventional meat production (to reduce numbers of animals farmed). I do not know of any questions directly asking about this. The closest might be the Metaculus questions asking "How many commercial cattle, in millions, will be slaughtered in the U.S. in 20XX if the lowest retail price of clean meat in 20YY is less than $Z per kg?" (here, here, here) (which fwiw, only suggested the number of cows in 2032 would drop (by 8M) if cultured meat was <$8/kg in 2026). We didn't develop replacement/displacement questions here since pure production volume was a "cleaner" question in that it didn't require forecasters to also develop models of meat substitution. To use forecasting for this purpose, I personally would be more interested in taking pre-registered studies aiming to test if people are buying & eating cultured meat instead of conventional meat and having forecasts of what the results of that study will be. (Versions of these studies (Lusk et al 2021, Piernas et al 2021, Tonsor & Lusk, 2021, Zhou et al 2021, Malan 2020, Lusk et al 2019))