Tristan Cook
I am a research analyst at the Center on Long-Term Risk.
I've worked on grabby aliens, the optimal spending schedule for AI risk funders, and evidential cooperation in large worlds.
Some links
Calculating how much small donors funge with money that will never be spent
by Tristan Cook @ 2023-01-16 | +34 | 0 comments
by Tristan Cook @ 2023-01-16 | +34 | 0 comments
How important are accurate AI timelines for the optimal spending schedule on AI...
by Tristan Cook @ 2022-12-16 | +30 | 0 comments
by Tristan Cook @ 2022-12-16 | +30 | 0 comments
The optimal timing of spending on AGI safety work; why we should probably be...
by Tristan Cook, Guillaume Corlouer @ 2022-10-24 | +92 | 0 comments
by Tristan Cook, Guillaume Corlouer @ 2022-10-24 | +92 | 0 comments
Neartermists should consider AGI timelines in their spending decisions
by Tristan Cook @ 2022-07-26 | +68 | 0 comments
by Tristan Cook @ 2022-07-26 | +68 | 0 comments