

35 Interactive Learning Modules Relevant to EAs / Effective Altruism (that are...
by spencerg @ 2024-06-23 | +72 | 0 comments
What should the EA community learn from the FTX / SBF disaster? An in-depth...
by spencerg @ 2024-04-16 | +107 | 0 comments
Who is Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) really, and how could he have done what he did? -...
by spencerg @ 2023-11-11 | +46 | 0 comments
Should Effective Altruists be Valuists instead of utilitarians?
by spencerg, Amber Dawn @ 2023-09-22 | +21 | 0 comments
Announcing the Clearer Thinking micro-grants program for 2023
by spencerg @ 2023-08-07 | +19 | 0 comments
Valuism - an approach to life for you to consider
by spencerg @ 2023-07-19 | +33 | 0 comments
Understanding the two most common mental health problems in the world
by spencerg @ 2023-07-06 | +35 | 0 comments
Understand how other people think: a theory of worldviews.
by spencerg, Amber Dawn @ 2023-05-03 | +22 | 0 comments
Sense-making around the FTX catastrophe: a deep dive podcast episode we just...
by spencerg @ 2022-11-30 | +87 | 0 comments
Take part in our giant study of cognitive abilities and get a customized report...
by spencerg @ 2022-11-25 | +20 | 0 comments
Estimating the probability that FTX Future Fund grant money gets clawed back
by spencerg @ 2022-11-14 | +30 | 0 comments
Opportunities that surprised us during our Clearer Thinking Regrants program
by spencerg, Clare_Diane @ 2022-11-07 | +116 | 0 comments
$13,000 of prizes for changing our minds about who to fund (Clearer Thinking...
by spencerg @ 2022-09-20 | +46 | 0 comments
Find out how utilitarian you are - a mega thread of philosophy polls
by spencerg @ 2022-09-10 | +9 | 0 comments
A podcast episode exploring critiques of effective altruism (with Michael...
by spencerg @ 2022-09-01 | +14 | 0 comments
Curated conversations with brilliant effective altruists
by spencerg @ 2022-04-11 | +37 | 0 comments
Have an idea for an interactive learning module? Consider applying for a...
by spencerg @ 2021-04-22 | +12 | 0 comments