Patrick Gruban 🔸

COO Successif, Co-Director EA Germany, Trustee Effective Ventures UK

Entrepreneur (currently textiles, previously software) for 25+ years and interested in EA since 2015, joining the local group and donating. I joined the EA Munich organiser team and took the GWWC pledge in 2020, developed the software for the new donation management system Effektiv Spenden is using in Germany and Switzerland in 2021 and have been co-director of EA Germany since November 2022.

I run the donation drive Knitters Against Malaria, which has raised over $100,000 for the Against Malaria Foundation since 2018.


Family-friendly picnic at Maximiliansanlagen
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2024-07-30 | +11 | 0 comments
Introduction to Effective Altruism
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2024-04-27 | +6 | 0 comments
A Walk in the Park
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2024-03-28 | +8 | 0 comments
Professionals Meetup: Assessing Impact of Your Work
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2024-01-05 | +12 | 0 comments
Patrick Gruban's Quick takes
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2023-12-19 | +6 | 0 comments
EAGxBerlin 2024
by Patrick Gruban 🔸, Sarah Tegeler, Milena Canzler🔸 @ 2023-12-13 | +22 | 0 comments
EA Germany’s 2023 Report, 2024 Plans & Funding Gap
by Patrick Gruban 🔸, Sarah Tegeler @ 2023-12-08 | +72 | 0 comments
Restaurant Social at Cuno B
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2023-10-30 | +2 | 0 comments
Picnic at Englischer Garten
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2023-08-16 | +3 | 0 comments
Getting into an EA-aligned organisation mid-career
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2023-08-08 | +76 | 0 comments
EAGxBerlin 2023
by Patrick Gruban 🔸, Carolin, Ishana Koopman, Yulia Ponomarenko, Pilleriin Jukk, Iraí Martins, Riti Agarwal @ 2023-07-26 | +11 | 0 comments
High-Impact Careers
by Patrick Gruban 🔸, Sarah Tegeler @ 2023-04-21 | +6 | 0 comments
A BOTEC-Model for Comparing Impact Estimations in Community Building
by Patrick Gruban 🔸, Sarah Tegeler @ 2023-03-14 | +49 | 0 comments
Restaurant Social at Cuno B
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2023-02-02 | +5 | 0 comments
Restaurant Social at Cuno B
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2022-12-30 | +5 | 0 comments
Considerations for EA Content Localisation
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2022-11-19 | +28 | 0 comments
Social & Intro Talk by EA Munich/EA Germany/GWWC/Effektiv Spenden
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2022-11-09 | +7 | 0 comments
Restaurant Social at Cuno B
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2022-10-26 | +5 | 0 comments
Introduction to Effective Altruism + Socialising (Free Pizza!)
by Patrick Gruban 🔸, Patricia Stainer @ 2022-10-01 | +5 | 0 comments
Learning from Matching Co-Founders for an AI-Alignment Startup
by Patrick Gruban 🔸, L Rudolf L, Maris Sala, simeon_c, Marc Carauleanu @ 2022-09-24 | +83 | 0 comments
Worldbuilding Reading Picnic
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2022-06-01 | +9 | 0 comments
Mastermind Groups: A new Peer Support Format to help EAs aim higher
by Patrick Gruban 🔸, Lukas Trötzmüller🔸 @ 2022-05-31 | +108 | 0 comments
Consider Changing Your Forum Username to Your Real Name
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2022-04-26 | +68 | 0 comments
Proposal for Forecasting Givewell-Charity Impact-Metrics
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2022-04-13 | +28 | 0 comments
Social Meetup in March
by Patrick Gruban 🔸 @ 2022-02-25 | +1 | 0 comments