
I am looking after EA Kolkata in India. I am also actively involved in EA Film and TV group. I have meta-moderated for EA VP and facilitated EA In-depth Program. I was a volunteer in Communications department with ALLFED from Oct 2022- April 2024. I also got the opportunity to work in the Finance Department in ALLFED in 2023. I keep working on EA related projects independently and the recent one being as a coordinator of an event under AI Safety Campaign, Australia.


India has lost a Civilian award winning Philanthropist and overall a gem in...
by Nayanika @ 2024-10-10 | +7 | 0 comments
Nayanika's Quick takes
by Nayanika @ 2024-10-09 | +3 | 0 comments
Insights from a community builder in India on Effective Altruism in a Third...
by Nayanika @ 2024-09-14 | +35 | 0 comments
Traffic control for mind [with a bonus technique]
by Nayanika @ 2023-05-14 | +5 | 0 comments
Student competition for drafting a treaty on moratorium of large-scale AI...
by Nayanika @ 2023-04-24 | +36 | 0 comments
My experience attending and volunteering at an EAGx for the first time
by Nayanika @ 2023-04-13 | +54 | 0 comments
How can I start off my career as an EA aligned Venture Capitalist ?
by Nayanika @ 2023-01-27 | +19 | 0 comments