Bsc. genetics and informatics engineering student. I organise Altruime Efectiu UAB and help with AI Safety Barcelona.
I'm looking for people in BCN interested in EA, if that's you, reach out to me!
Launching Screwworm-Free Future – Funding and Support Request
by lroberts, johantang🔸, bruce, diegoexposito, Nia, MathiasKB🔸, Aaron Bergman, Johannes Pichler 🔸, Ramiro, carolinaollive @ 2024-12-31 | +216 | 0 comments
by lroberts, johantang🔸, bruce, diegoexposito, Nia, MathiasKB🔸, Aaron Bergman, Johannes Pichler 🔸, Ramiro, carolinaollive @ 2024-12-31 | +216 | 0 comments