

What predictions from theoretical AI Safety research have been confirmed by...
by freedomandutility @ 2024-12-29 | +43 | 0 comments
NIMBYism as an AI governance tool?
by freedomandutility @ 2024-06-09 | +10 | 0 comments
Netherlands plans 2.4 billion euro aid spending cut
by freedomandutility @ 2024-05-16 | +70 | 0 comments
Is improving crop farming efficiency in HICs bad for farmed animal welfare?
by freedomandutility @ 2024-03-03 | +9 | 0 comments
Guardrails vs Goal-directedness in AI Alignment
by freedomandutility @ 2023-12-30 | +13 | 0 comments
Prioritising between extinction risks: Evidence Quality
by freedomandutility @ 2023-12-30 | +11 | 0 comments
Best free webinars / videos for students to learn to conduct cost-effectiveness...
by freedomandutility @ 2023-12-03 | +20 | 0 comments
Still no strong evidence that LLMs increase bioterrorism risk
by freedomandutility @ 2023-11-02 | +58 | 0 comments
Increasing remittances
by freedomandutility @ 2023-08-07 | +21 | 0 comments
Engineered plant pandemics and societal collapse risk
by freedomandutility @ 2023-08-04 | +13 | 0 comments
ProMED, platform which alerted the world to Covid, might collapse - can EA...
by freedomandutility @ 2023-08-04 | +41 | 0 comments
Cultivated meat for wild animal welfare
by freedomandutility @ 2023-07-14 | +12 | 0 comments
PR risks come from the extremes
by freedomandutility @ 2023-07-02 | +29 | 0 comments
Decentralising EA: Allow EAG attendees to apply to be speakers
by freedomandutility @ 2023-07-02 | +7 | 0 comments
Starting the second Green Revolution
by freedomandutility @ 2023-06-29 | +30 | 0 comments
Details on how an IAEA-style AI regulator would function?
by freedomandutility @ 2023-06-03 | +12 | 0 comments
Can EA fund PPE stockpiles in some small, low income countries now?
by freedomandutility @ 2023-05-22 | +12 | 0 comments
Should global health donors focus on R&D?
by freedomandutility @ 2023-05-19 | +20 | 0 comments
Don't optimise for social status within the EA community
by freedomandutility @ 2023-05-17 | +52 | 0 comments
Economists can help with biosecurity via ROI models
by freedomandutility @ 2023-05-14 | +16 | 0 comments
Towards Internationalist Conservativism
by freedomandutility @ 2023-05-09 | +12 | 0 comments
Leveraging flu for biosecurity R&D
by freedomandutility @ 2023-05-06 | +10 | 0 comments
Test fit for roles / job types / work types, not cause areas
by freedomandutility @ 2023-05-03 | +92 | 0 comments
Brain-computer interfaces and brain organoids in AI alignment?
by freedomandutility @ 2023-04-15 | +8 | 0 comments
Concrete, existing examples of high-impact risks from AI?
by freedomandutility @ 2023-04-15 | +9 | 0 comments
Write more Wikipedia articles on policy-relevant EA concepts
by freedomandutility @ 2023-04-03 | +76 | 0 comments
Risks from solar flares?
by freedomandutility @ 2023-03-07 | +20 | 0 comments
What does Putin’s suspension of a nuclear treaty today mean for x-risk from...
by freedomandutility @ 2023-02-21 | +37 | 0 comments
What policy ideas do you think are both tractable and high impact?
by freedomandutility @ 2023-02-05 | +1 | 0 comments
Now that we trust senior EAs less...
by freedomandutility @ 2023-01-15 | –17 | 0 comments
Where are the headlines about EA’s successes?
by freedomandutility @ 2023-01-13 | +11 | 0 comments
Papers on the cost effectiveness / ROI of pandemic preparedness interventions?
by freedomandutility @ 2023-01-11 | +32 | 0 comments
A libertarian socialist’s view on how EA can improve
by freedomandutility @ 2022-12-30 | +143 | 0 comments
List of reasons to discount the welfare of future generations
by freedomandutility @ 2022-12-17 | +5 | 0 comments
List of cause areas that EA should potentially prioritise more
by freedomandutility @ 2022-12-17 | +37 | 0 comments
EA is probably undergoing "Evaporative Cooling" right now
by freedomandutility @ 2022-12-12 | +69 | 0 comments
Protecting EV calculations against motivated reasoning
by freedomandutility @ 2022-12-12 | +14 | 0 comments
You *should* factor optics into EV calculations
by freedomandutility @ 2022-12-12 | +10 | 0 comments
The Motte and Bailey for Expected Value
by freedomandutility @ 2022-12-12 | +6 | 0 comments
A socialist's view on liberal progressive criticisms of EA
by freedomandutility @ 2022-11-21 | +150 | 0 comments
You *should* have capacity for more transparency and accountability
by freedomandutility @ 2022-11-13 | +22 | 0 comments
Reading suggestions for how regulatory bodies can do better on vaccine approval...
by freedomandutility @ 2022-11-12 | +8 | 0 comments
EA should consider explicitly rejecting *pure* classical total utilitarianism
by freedomandutility @ 2022-11-12 | –13 | 0 comments
Restricting brain organoid research to slow down AGI
by freedomandutility @ 2022-11-09 | +8 | 0 comments
Fund biosecurity officers at universities
by freedomandutility @ 2022-10-31 | +13 | 0 comments
EA should seek out more criticism of key EA concepts
by freedomandutility @ 2022-08-30 | +7 | 0 comments
EAs underestimate uncertainty in cause prioritisation
by freedomandutility @ 2022-08-23 | +120 | 0 comments
“Existential Risk” is badly named and leads to narrow focus on astronomical...
by freedomandutility @ 2022-08-22 | +39 | 0 comments
Are AGI timelines ignored in EA work on other cause areas?
by freedomandutility @ 2022-08-18 | +20 | 0 comments
Does anyone have a list of historical examples of societies seeking to make...
by freedomandutility @ 2022-08-15 | +6 | 0 comments
The animals and humans analogy for AI risk
by freedomandutility @ 2022-08-13 | +5 | 0 comments
Prioritisation should consider potential for ongoing evaluation alongside...
by freedomandutility @ 2022-08-13 | +36 | 0 comments
Longtermism neglects anti-ageing research
by freedomandutility @ 2022-08-12 | +13 | 0 comments
Internationalism is a key value in EA
by freedomandutility @ 2022-08-12 | +52 | 0 comments
Earning to give should have focused more on “entrepreneurship to give”
by freedomandutility @ 2022-08-09 | +26 | 0 comments
Antiviral photodynamic therapy seems underfunded
by freedomandutility @ 2022-07-31 | +10 | 0 comments
Let's make EA easier to critique!
by freedomandutility @ 2022-04-07 | +17 | 0 comments
What are academic disciplines, movements or organisations that you think EA...
by freedomandutility @ 2022-03-20 | +15 | 0 comments
Stop procrastinating on career planning
by freedomandutility @ 2022-02-06 | +55 | 0 comments
Technocracy vs populism (including thoughts on the democratising risk paper and...
by freedomandutility @ 2021-12-29 | +68 | 0 comments
Does anyone know of any work that investigates whether private schools add value...
by freedomandutility @ 2021-12-19 | +13 | 0 comments
Is there any work on how best to protect young / emerging democracies from...
by freedomandutility @ 2021-10-25 | +13 | 0 comments
EA cause areas are just areas where great interventions should be easier to find...
by freedomandutility @ 2021-07-17 | +37 | 0 comments
Should someone start a grassroots campaign for USA to recognise the State of...
by freedomandutility @ 2021-05-11 | –2 | 0 comments
Are global pandemics going to be more likely or less likely over the next 100...
by freedomandutility @ 2021-05-06 | +5 | 0 comments
Has anyone done any work on how donating to lab grown meat research...
by freedomandutility @ 2021-04-28 | +7 | 0 comments