Announcing Rethink Priorities

By Marcus_A_Davis @ 2018-03-02T21:03 (+50)

This essay was jointly written by Peter Hurford and Marcus A. Davis.

Rethink Charity is excited to announce our new project, Rethink Priorities, which is dedicated to doing foundational research on neglected causes in a highly empirical and transparent manner. This work will begin this year, beginning with a focus on lessons that can be taken from analyzing vaccinations as an intervention in the developing world and animal welfare corporate campaigns.

This work will be led by Marcus A. Davis and Peter Hurford, with Marcus working full-time and Peter working part-time. 

Marcus is a co-founder of Charity Entrepreneurship and Charity Science Health, where he systematically analyzed global poverty interventions, led cost-effectiveness analyses, and oversaw all technical aspects of the project. Before joining the Charity Science team, he ran Effective Altruism Chicago and worked with LEAN coordinating outreach to local EA groups around the globe.

Peter is a data scientist working from Chicago. He co-founded Rethink Charity, and is on the board of Charity Science and Animal Charity Evaluators. He has reviewed and produced research on cause prioritization and effective altruism since 2013.

In doing this research, we focus on the following principles:

Right now, our research agenda is focused on:

What we’ve done so far:

Our research agenda and approach are still in the very early stages and may change significantly as we grow and learn.

null @ 2018-03-06T20:42 (+12)

Do you/Rethink Charity need funding? I presume the EA Community fund is throwing a healthy amount of money your work?

null @ 2018-03-07T17:38 (+4)

Thanks for asking Ervin. Were we to scale this project according to our estimates, we would need additional funding. There are also some small gaps in Rethink Charity operations that we'd like to fill. Talks are ongoing with CEA about additional funding either through their Grants or Funds programs

null @ 2018-03-09T01:42 (+14)

Huh, given the odd funding splurges (things like a $60k EA Grant for developing a new version of Less Wrong for people to have fun intellectual discussions on, and I believe a similarly luxuriant amount to EA Geneva) I'm surprised an organization which does as much as Rethink Charity isn't already fully funded by the movement building fund. Does anyone know how much money got donated to that and where it's gone?

null @ 2018-03-12T19:54 (+6)

Ben West asked this question in the EA Facebook group late last year, and I believe EA Funds has updated since then:

It's not clear what the optimal amount of funding for resurrecting LW should be, but according to the EA survey (run by Rethink), LW had been a top source for introducing people to EA until recently:

Qualifying this by clarifying that I'm the ED of Development for Rethink Charity – I would say the lineup of projects offered by Rethink (SHIC, LEAN, RC Forward and Rethink Priorities, EA Survey) should be among the most competitive funding options for community building, especially considering our reach and impact on a comparatively low budget:

null @ 2018-03-02T22:14 (+6)

This all sounds really great, glad to hear you actually have a whole project on this! :)

Do you plan to use the empirical info you've gathered as guidelines for funding, or what is your idea of how your results could be employed for charity issues?

I'm also curious which factors you plan to investigate when it comes to the EA movement building?

null @ 2018-03-03T17:34 (+2)

We do plan to potentially use the research to inform grantmaking and the formation of charities. We hope that charity grantmakers (e.g., OpenPhil) and rankers (e.g., GiveWell, ACE) may find our research useful for their own decision making.

null @ 2018-03-03T12:24 (+5)

Have you asked GPI and FHI's macrostrategy team whether they have suggestions for kinds of prioritization research (if any) that you could usefully do? This is a difficult kind of research to do, and LEAN/SHIC/Peter don't have a track record of generating important prioritization considerations in the same way as these other organizations.

null @ 2018-03-03T17:33 (+7)

Give us a moment to establish a track record first. We're just starting. ;)

We have not talked with GPI and FHI but are moderately familiar with their work. I think we're suggesting a modestly different approach and research agenda. We'll see over the next few months if it pans out to anything useful.

null @ 2018-03-17T15:45 (+2)

I'm glad to see you are investigating present generation causes with significant uncertainty, which seem to be less looked at. Any interest in investigating preparation for agricultural catastrophes?

null @ 2018-04-18T00:12 (+1)

Sorry for the extremely slow reply, but yes. That topic is on our radar.

null @ 2018-03-06T00:20 (+2)

I'm excited to see what happens here! Will you be comparing different areas and the lessons learned to apply to the others? I think lessons from poverty may in some cases translate to animal advocacy and vice versa (and there may be some potential for cross-pollination with growing EA or other causes).

null @ 2018-03-06T19:51 (+2)

Thanks! We agree and definitely hope we can bring more empiricism to animal advocacy work.