akash's Quick takes

By akash 🔸 @ 2023-12-18T03:42 (+3)

akash @ 2024-03-30T23:12 (+68)

David Nash's Monthly Overload of Effective Altruism seems highly underrated, and you should most probably give it a follow.

I don't think any other newsletter captures and highlights EA's cause-neutral impartial beneficence better than the Monthly Overload of EA. For example, this month's newsletter has updates about Conferences, Virtual Events, Meta-EA, Effective Giving, Global Health and Development, Careers, Animal Welfare, Organization updates, Grants, Biosecurity, Emissions & CO2 Removal, Environment, AI Safety, AI Governance, AI in China, Improving Institutions, Progress, Innovation & Metascience, Longtermism, Forecasting, Miscellaneous causes and links, Stories & EA Around the World, Good News, and more. Compiling all this must be hard work!

Until September 2022, the monthly overloads were also posted on the Forum and received higher engagement than the Substack. I find the posts super informative, so I am giving the newsletter a shout-out and putting it back on everyone's radar!

DavidNash @ 2024-03-31T11:13 (+10)

Thanks for the shout-out akash, I appreciate it. 

With engagement, there might be less comments/likes on substack but it generally gets 1.2k-1.5k views per month compared to the forum which was around 200-400 views per month.

Yarrow Bouchard @ 2024-04-10T09:48 (+1)

Why not keep posting to the forum?

DavidNash @ 2024-04-10T13:29 (+2)

Over time it was getting less engagement, and I felt that the content made more sense as a substack/newsletter than a forum post - it's not the kind of post that leads to discussions.

NickLaing @ 2024-04-01T08:27 (+5)

The global health Roundup is insanely good too. https://gdea.substack.com/?utm_source=homepage_recommendations&utm_campaign=822941

Jakub Stencel @ 2024-04-04T14:23 (+4)

Thanks for the info. Subscribed.

Holly Morgan @ 2024-04-02T19:59 (+4)

Agreed. I've relied on this as my main source of EA news for the past 6 years.

akash @ 2023-12-18T03:42 (+1)

What happened to US Policy Careers?

They had several in-depth, informative articles. Shame if they are off the Forum and there is no way to access them.

Jacob @ 2023-12-18T06:49 (+4)

I think most of their articles have been repackaged and can be found here: https://emergingtechpolicy.org/

akash @ 2023-12-18T16:24 (+1)

How did I miss this update? Either way, thank you for sharing!

Jacob @ 2023-12-19T06:58 (+1)

I didnt know that they deleted it on the the EA Forum, but the new website is run by the Horizon Institute. In their newsletter I heard about the website.