EA Data Science - Community call /Speed Friending

By Patrick Liu, astrastefania @ 2024-04-09T21:03 (+5)

Let's hang out and get to know each other in the community!  We will have several rounds of 1:1 or small group chats to hear what other Data Scientists are interested in and make new connections in the community.

Patrick Liu @ 2024-04-23T19:11 (+1)

Unfortunately there were some technical difficulties with the Zoom link.  Thanks for those who found the new room.  Also keep the conversation going on our slack channel - https://join.slack.com/share/enQtNzAyMjc2MTYzNTUyMS01NTg3MmVjODc3ZDk4ZTlkNzg3ZmMyNmE0NTc3ZjdjMWJiMWI0ODliOTJkYTYyOWNmNDhkZWU5NGIyMTVhYWEw (expires in 14 days).

Patrick Liu @ 2024-04-23T18:00 (+1)

I'm getting an error from the zoom link.  Please use this room instead: https://meet.google.com/avh-vdvw-wub