NOVAH (violence against women prevention) introduction and Marginal funding

By I.J.J., AlexisAt @ 2024-11-11T15:57 (+39)


Introducing NOVAH

NOVAH (short for No Violence At Home) is a charity dedicated to preventing intimate partner violence - domestic violence between partners - using mass media. 

NOVAH was founded during the Spring 2024 AIM/Charity Entrepreneurship program, by Ivy van Regteren Altena (experience in behavior change communication) and Alexis Atlani (experience in monitoring and evaluation), authors of this post.

In Summer 2024, NOVAH started operations in Rwanda. The country was selected mainly for high violence prevalence and very high radio listenership; using a weighting factors model, expert interviews and scoping visits in May 2024.

Our main vision is (i) to rigorously measure and, if validated, demonstrate cost-effectiveness, and (ii) to develop a scalable model and methodology that can be easily adapted by other non-profits across diverse countries and cultural contexts..

Intimate partner violence prevention as a cause

To our knowledge, NOVAH is the first EA/ EA-aligned charity working on intimate partner violence (IPV). IPV is 

Map of 2018 lifetime versus past year prevalence of physical or sexual, or both, intimate partner violence among ever-partnered women aged 15–49 years by  Sustainable Development Goals super region. Extracted from Sardinha et al. (The Lancet, 2020).

Mass-media edutainment on the radio as an intervention

At NOVAH, we produce and broadcast edutainment:


Past and current progress

Since May 2024, we have realized:

2025 plans

For our second year starting in April 2025, we plan to:

We estimate the cost of these plans at $310,000. We have applied for grants - for a total of $400k+ - and are waiting for answers, we believe we may receive $80-150k.

Summary 2025 budget. Detailed budget available upon request.

Why donate?

Donating to NOVAH could be counterfactually highly impactful:

Why not donate?

Of course, there are several reasons to think donating to NOVAH may not be a good fit for you, in particular if you are risk-averse in your donations preferences:

Learn more

Thank you for reading until here! You can find us online:

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    Note: Actually, IHME determined in 2021 that IPV is responsible for almost 10% of all DALYs lost due to major depressive disorder. We believe it goes further as consequences on mental health extend beyond depression. We have been recommended by the Flourishing Minds Fund to a donor for a grant for this reason, and we thank them for their support.

Larks @ 2024-11-11T18:56 (+6)

Thanks for sharing this, interesting idea. Could you share some more details about what "strategically weaves educational messages into entertaining formats, like dramas" means in practice? Do you have an example plotline - maybe the radio show features some domestic violence and then the perpetrator gets condemned? 

I.J.J. @ 2024-11-12T09:43 (+7)

Thank you for your comment! Edutainment takes many forms, and our approach centers on storytelling that includes positive and negative role models, along with a transitional character. This character might start with harmful behaviors, such as a man who initially uses violence against his wife but gradually changes due to significant events or advice from positive influences within the story. We take inspiration from this academic study by Green, which showed three short video's in Uganda. You can view one of the video's here.