Preprint: Controlled experiments on reducing meat portion sizes

By MMathur🔸 @ 2024-05-19T01:33 (+16)


This post summarizes a new preprint by the Stanford Humane and Sustainable Food Lab, led by PhD student Anaïs Voşki and former postdoc Mika Braginsky:

Voşki A, Braginsky M, Zhang A, Bertoldo J, Egan S, Levig LA, Ihrig MM, Mathur MB. Effect of a default portion-size reduction on meat consumption and diner satisfaction: Controlled experiments in Stanford University dining halls.

The preprint will ultimately be published in an academic journal, but has not yet undergone peer review. We welcome feedback!


Scientific abstract

Reducing animal-based food consumption, especially in Global North countries such as the United States, is an important factor in mitigating the climate and biodiversity crises and improving public health and animal welfare. Choice-architecture interventions or nudges that target the decision structure of consumers, especially within the food domain (e.g., reducing default portion sizes), have outperformed other intervention categories in most studies. Yet the evidence for nudging effectiveness is limited in large-scale, real-life settings, and little is known about effects on diner satisfaction and about backfiring effects that reduce or even reverse the desired behavior. Indeed, concern about the latter two has been a substantial barrier to scalability and wider adoption by the food service industry. In our single-blinded, quasi-experimental, and pre-registered studies in university dining halls, reducing the size of spoons used to serve meat by 25% resulted in ~24 lbs (18%) less meat consumed per day (Study 1, made-to-order burritos) but with a wide confidence interval that included the null. This intervention did not reduce diner satisfaction. Surprisingly, a more substantial 50% reduction in serving spoon size (Study 2, varying menu items) did not reduce consumption, triggered backfiring effects, and significantly decreased diner satisfaction. Internal meta-analysis indicated that on average, the two interventions reduced daily meat consumption by ~12 lbs with a small effect size (standardized mean difference= 0.24), but again with a wide confidence interval that included the null. Key differences in contextual nuances and factors may help explain these mixed results and underscore the importance and challenges of finding the ‘Goldilocks’ zone for successful portion size default nudges. Future research exploring different menu items and in different dining hall stations and food service industry models beyond staff-served is suggested to continue disentangling the nuances of these types of nudges in service of collective, societal-level sustainable diets.


Plain-language summary

Key design elements

Left to right: Original spoon size (4 oz); 25% reduced spoon (3 oz); 50% reduced spoon (2 oz)
A sandwich station offering tuna during a control week (usual spoon size).

Key findings

Study 1: Total weight measures of meat consumed at lunch. Small points represent individual days; large points represent means, and bars represent 95%confidence intervals. The left panel represents the effect of the intervention vs. control condition; the right panel is the secondary weight measure (i.e., normalized by the number of diners) that shows considerably more variability.
Study 2: Distribution of meat consumed (lbs) on intervention versus control weeks at the target station. Small points representindividual days; large points represent means, and bars represent 95% confidence intervals.


Data availability

All code, data, and materials required to reproduce this research are publicly available. The preregistration is publicly available.


We thank Food Systems Research Fund for funding this work. The funders had no role in the design, conduct, or decision to publish this research.