Local Groups Activity: Discussing Effectiveness

By Yuval Shapira @ 2025-02-24T12:54 (+12)

This is a Draft Amnesty Week draft. It may not be polished, up to my usual standards, fully thought through, or fully fact-checked. 

Commenting and feedback guidelines: 

  1. This is a Forum post that I wouldn't have posted without the nudge of Draft Amnesty Week. Fire away! (But be nice, as usual)


Discussing Effectiveness are virtual discussions we used to host every month at Effective Altruism Israel (about three years ago, this post has been long-drafted). After I stopped being the community manager, I received funding from IF grants to continue them. There is also an option to host the meetings in person. In this post I’ll describe in explicit details how we designed it and give tips for running this yourself!

We kept updating our guidelines for this project on this document - this post is a copy of its current version.

Purpose of Discussing Effectiveness:

The purpose of the discussions is to have light and fun community meetings that don’t require advance preparation from the participants. It enables community members to meet each other through EA-related content, and we found it efficient in getting new community members motivated to take bigger steps of involvement with EA or with EA Israel. 

*Additional background and context about this project can be found in this post.

Target audience:

Goals and KPIs:

Content preparation:

I believe that it’s usually good to plan for 45 minutes of facilitated content, with 15-20 minutes spare for unplanned questions and discussions.

Before session:

Before previous session

*It is preferred to create a sustainable sign up sheet that will connect directly to the airtable.

2 weeks before

1 week before:

1 day before:

30 minutes before:

During session:



End of session:

After session:

Pro Tips:

Thanks @Gidi Kadosh  and @EdoArad for the tips for this post, sorry I didn't post it sooner :)

Please comment if you read this and found it helpful, if you have additional questions, or have any feedback. These could help  encourage to stop fearing posting on the forum!