CEA’s Approach to Moderation and Content Curation

By MaxDalton @ 2023-06-13T14:11 (+27)

This is a linkpost to https://www.centreforeffectivealtruism.org/moderation-and-content

I recently heard that some people want CEA to publicly state how we approach content curation, and justify those decisions. We already do this, so I’m writing this linkpost to draw attention to this page on our website.[1] 

I published this page in October, and I think it broadly represents how CEA tried to approach these topics during my tenure (Jan 2019 - Feb 2023).[2] I also think it’s still broadly representative of how CEA is currently doing moderation/content, but I no longer make those decisions. 

Future CEA leadership might take things in a different direction, and I don’t want this post to tie their hands.

This is a really tricky topic, and I’m not sure if I handled this well while I was running CEA. 

Some things that seem difficult about it:

Thoughts and feedback are welcome, but note that I now don’t have control over these things, and CEA is biased against making large changes while we search for new leadership. But I do have some influence in my role as Interim Advisor, and we might be able to make tweaks. Obviously, new leadership might take things in a substantially different direction.


  1. ^

    I think it’s my fault for not publicizing this earlier: it’s reasonable for people not to know about every page on our website!

  2. ^

    Though we made some mistakes around this in the earlier part of that tenure.

  3. ^

    For the intro sequence, I nevertheless tried to get content from a bunch of different viewpoints, and I think that having a variety of voices can also be pretty good for showing the variety of thinking styles/attitudes within EA - different voices might resonate with different people.