OllieBase's Quick takes

By OllieBase @ 2023-06-10T13:57 (+7)

OllieBase @ 2023-08-25T12:00 (+61)

I say this at EAGx events and in various posts, but I still don't think I say it enough: running EAGx events is a huge amount of work, and most of this work is done by dedicated and hard-working EA community members and national group staff. My colleagues and I support these teams, but I think we get too much credit.

I'm continuously impressed by EAGx teams; their thoughtfulness, their focus on impact and the sheer amount of effort they put into ensuring these events go well (and they do). There's not been a team I haven't enjoyed working with.

I think there's more I could do to make working on EAGx events more enjoyable/efficient/worthwhile, but at the very least I want to be extremely open about my (and CEA's) gratitude towards these people for all they do, have done and will do.

Applications to EAGxBerlin, EAGxAustralia and EAGxPhilippines are open, and Berlin closes tonight. (Adding this because these teams would probably rather I promote their events than just thank them)

Vaidehi Agarwalla @ 2023-08-29T15:20 (+6)

I know that at least at the events themselves, people attending are often grateful to the organizers, because they are often interacting with them before / during the event.

But online, it might be nice to have a space to acknowledge individuals by name somewhere (e.g. in an impact report?)

Kaleem @ 2023-08-25T14:59 (+2)

Thanks Ollie :) - they're also a lot of fun to work on, and its really fulfilling to see all the connections and potential impact being created at the end of the process as a result of the team's work.

OllieBase @ 2024-05-11T11:56 (+58)

Congratulations to the EA Project For Awesome 2024 team, who managed to raise over $100k for AMF, GiveDirectly and ProVeg International by submitting promotional/informational videos to the project.

There's been an effort to raise money for effective charities via Project For Awesome since 2017, and it seems like a really productive effort every time. Thanks to all involved! 

OllieBase @ 2023-07-18T09:28 (+37)

I'm pretty excited about picnics.

Picnics, or more specifically, free, inclusive events which take place outdoors, probably with cheap or bring-your-own food, seem like a great EA community event format:

Obviously, this isn't my idea: EA NYC and EA Oxford held them recently and they seemed well-attended, and there's another one in SF this weekend. I just wanted to give this idea a shout-out. There could be value in something like an "EA picnic day" where a tonne of EA groups host a picnic on the same day, one in every major city. 

Rockwell @ 2023-07-18T15:57 (+9)

This is a frequent event format in the warm weather for EA NYC, in addition to our annual 150-person picnic (that is more unconference-adjacent). The main issues we've run into are:
• Public spaces that close by a certain time that is not easily discerned
• External noise and difficult hearing announcements, especially if we are trying to do lightning talks
• Inclement weather
• Dogs descending on our snacks
Overall though, I think they're great!

We've also found people really enjoy large group walks, even just through a portion of the city. We had >50 people join a walk through lower Manhattan one winter. Compared to a picnic, it's easy to quite literally walk away from a conversation.

OllieBase @ 2023-07-18T16:34 (+10)

Thanks, Rocky! 

Dogs descending on our snacks

I think you mistakenly listed this as an "issue", FYI

NickLaing @ 2023-07-19T07:52 (+2)

Haha 100 percent! Holding a lightening talk at a picnic Ajay sounds pretty ambitious, but be EAs are nothing if not ambitious ;)

Chris Leong @ 2023-07-18T17:35 (+8)

Main disadvantage is the possibility of rain.

Nathan Young @ 2023-07-18T10:39 (+6)

Picnic day sounds great.

Ollie, are you thousands of ants in a human suit and if so, is this a ploy to increase your welfare.

OllieBase @ 2023-07-18T13:37 (+16)

I'm actually a flock of seagulls with a laptop.

NickLaing @ 2023-07-18T13:22 (+4)

Years ago in Cambridge our wee end of year thing was a picnic in a lovely garden, was fantastic.

Gemma Paterson @ 2023-07-18T09:57 (+4)

Agree! This also seems like a good place to plug that we're hosting a picnic for GWWC pledgees, effective givers and the pledge curious on Sunday 30th July in Regents Park, London details: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/events/xPk9y8GJfTReRRvh5/giving-what-we-can-social-picnic-london

NickLaing @ 2023-07-19T07:54 (+3)

"pledge curious" now officially in the EA lexicon? Love it.

JP Addison @ 2023-07-20T14:55 (+2)

Often a problem with events is how to ensure a high enough density of "people your target audience is excited to talk to". Eli touches on this here. I don't really see how picnics can manage to do this?

OllieBase @ 2023-07-20T16:33 (+2)

Yes, I expect they'll do worse on fostering great mentor-mentee relationships and I'm not proposing this as a fix-all. That said, I reckon the casual setting might mean the bar for attending is lower, especially if it's in an EA-dense city e.g. I can imagine a good mentor might not want to give a talk at a uni group, but might swing by a picnic. 

OllieBase @ 2024-03-27T12:05 (+36)

Next month, two EAGx events are happening in new locations: Austin and Copenhagen!

Applications for these events are closing soon:

These conferences are primarily for people who are at least familiar with the core ideas of effective altruism and are interested in learning more about what to do with these ideas. We're particularly excited to welcome people working professionally in the EA space to connect with others nearby and provide mentorship to those new to the space.

If you want to attend but are unsure about whether to apply, please err on the side of applying!

If you've applied to attend an EA Global or EAGx event before, you can use the same application for either event.

OllieBase @ 2023-06-10T13:57 (+35)

I often hear (and sometimes think) that EA is still "mostly students" and that means we need to outreach to "actual adults" more. I checked, and 45% of my Twitter followers (EA-heavy, I think) thought the average was 25 or lower.

If EAG attendance is anything to go by, this picture seems basically false. The median EAG attendee is 28.2 years old (mean 29.2). EAGx is not that far behind, with a mean of 27. The average age of the 2022 EA survey respondent was 26.

Joseph Lemien @ 2023-06-10T20:06 (+11)

I'm glad to see some actual facts to counteract what seems to be a false narrative. Is the median applicant age similar to the median attendee age? I'm wondering if in the application/admissions process there might affect this.

OllieBase @ 2023-06-19T09:35 (+2)

See my reply to Vaidehi :)

Vaidehi Agarwalla @ 2023-06-11T03:36 (+3)

Does median age change a lot when you look at total applicants vs accepted applicants? Do EAG(x)'s aim for any kind of age quotas?

OllieBase @ 2023-06-19T09:35 (+3)

For EAG:

Mean age rejected = 28.7
Median age rejected = 26.1

So yes, a bit.

We don't aim for age quotas.

Jessica Wen @ 2023-06-13T16:59 (+1)

Do you count PhD students as students? (although I reckon the main concern is that we have too many undergraduate students)

OllieBase @ 2023-06-19T09:34 (+3)

On the naïve (false) view, no, I mostly meant undergraduates.

OllieBase @ 2023-08-08T17:10 (+26)

It seems likely that the culture of university EA groups could be improved. I’ve also heard other pessimistic/critical takes on EA uni group organising lately.

In the spirit of claiming that “EA is often actually good” (sometimes a surprisingly hot take), I wanted to rave about EA Warwick, the EA uni group I was part of several years ago and what people from that group have accomplished since, possibly in part because of that group. For context, Warwick is a barely-top-10 UK university where a Giving What We Can group formed quite early (~2012?). 

Alumni of EA Warwick (~2014 - 2020) include:

And many other people who I’ve either forgotten or who are pursuing other (likely awesome) non-EA things. Feel free to mention if you're an alumni! 

Again, I’m unsure to what extent these people would credit EA Warwick with influencing their career path, if at all. I'm also unsure if the model EA Warwick used is the right model for today's context.

But still, I think this is pretty neat. If I helped any of these people (other than me) get into these careers even a little bit while I was organising this group, that’s something I’m very proud of.

pseudonym @ 2023-08-08T17:58 (+11)

What do you think EA Warwick did that made it more successful than other university groups?

zchuang @ 2023-08-09T05:20 (+4)

I don't think Warwick's success is abnormal compared to other university groups? 

OllieBase @ 2023-08-09T07:51 (+4)

Yep, I don't have reason to think it was more successful, this is anecdata.

Maybe worth noting that it's probably been around for longer than many other EA groups, so others might not be able to point to many alumni several years into their career.