Updates to the flow of funding in EA movement building post

By Vaidehi Agarwalla 🔸 @ 2023-07-25T00:44 (+66)

This is an summary of updates made to my previous post, The flow of funding in EA movement building

Overall Changes

Total funding tracked in the data increased to $290M (from $245M). New data is from:

Changes to proportions and funding over time

During the 2012-2016 period, funding tracked in my data roughly doubled from ~$4M to ~$8.9M (quick estimate) including $4M in funding to GiveWell and $0.5M from other donors. During 2017-2023 period, funding tracked roughly increased from $241 to $281M, from other donors and the inclusion of some cause-area specific organizations that contributed to movement building.

The table below summarizes the changes to the proportions of funding coming from different sources: 

Funder CategoryChange in % New %Original %
Other donorsUp ~8% 9.6%1.5%
FTX Future FundDown ~3%14.8%17.5%
EAIF (non-OP donors), LTFF & Jaan Tallinn (incl. SFF)Down ~1%  
EA Animal FundUp ~1%1.1%0%

Open Philanthropy


OP LT: Down 9.5%
(~10.1% w. EAIF)

OP GH&W: Down 0.4%

OP Other: Up 5.9%

Overall: Down ~3%

OP LT: 50.4% (~54.5% w. EAIF)

OP GH&W: 2.6%

OP Other: 5.9%

Overall: 63%

OP LT: 59.8% (~64.6% w. EAIF)

OP GH&W: 2.2%

OP Other: 0%

Overall: 66%

 Here's the new % data in a pie chart: 

What data is still missing?

The most accurate way to do these estimates would be to ask movement building  organizations for their annual expenses and to break down the sources of their funding. This information is not publicly available, and some organizations do not publish annual expenses publicly from where you might make initial guesses. I’d encourage organizations to share their numbers to give us a fuller picture of the landscape. 

Mistakes & reflections

Thanks to Luke Ding for several helpful comments and help procuring relevant data, and to donors who shared their data with me. 

Deena Englander @ 2023-07-26T21:02 (+1)

Do you have any insight into what type of efforts these funds are allocated towards?