Which core competencies should an EA refresh?
By Tom Gardiner @ 2022-11-12T10:14 (+25)
In the Royal Navy, there are a series of shortish online courses called Naval Core Training (NCTs), on subjects like resisting capture, operational law, and diversity & inclusion policies, that every sailor must remain "in date" for. The powers that be decided that these are the fundamental competencies that all Service personnel must have, and the courses are to be completed anew every year or two. I understand some Universities require students to review similar courses in research integrity, and I expect similar schemes exist in many other professional settings.
It struck me yesterday that I had largely forgotten some prominent topics discussed in Rationality: A-Z, as it is several years since I read it, and I resolved to read the How To Actually Change Your Mind section again. Having worked through the safety awareness NCT earlier that day, it occurred to me that I should treat the most important concepts in Rationality: A-Z as core competencies, to be routinely refreshed.
This inevitably lead me to a broader question - what other competencies should be included in Rationalist Core Training, if only that acronym weren't already taken? For someone intent on optimising charitable donations and planning their career with altruistic impact in mind, which resources should be regularly reviewed to ensure a somewhat detailed understanding is retained? I'm very keen to see what the people of this forum would suggest!
Yonatan Cale @ 2022-11-12T10:28 (+7)
Just here to point out that some people get stuck in a loop of reading more and more, always feeling like they missed something "basic", thinking they're "not ready" to do something that isn't learning.
I'm not saying you shouldn't read anything (!), I'm just saying this is something to pay attention to.
Yonatan Cale @ 2022-11-12T10:28 (+3)
The EA forum has a "library" section
Ariel G. @ 2022-11-12T20:14 (+2)
I really loved reading the Sequences, but I don't think they are actually a practical rationality guide. (And EY also acknowledges this as far as I know).
I try to keep some cognitive biases in Anki as flashcards, and review some personal reflections and writings, some of which have some valuable rationality reminders, or articulate ideas in more relatable ways to my own life experience.
The site "Effectiviology" has some great practical cognitive bias/rationality practical tips. The biggest one I try to implement is externalizing my thought process - both by talking to others (from casual chat to formal design reviews), and by metacognition - keeping a written log of my thoughts as I work, especially when I get stuck.
There's also the CFAR handbook, though I have yet to go though it.
Tom Gardiner @ 2022-11-13T08:29 (+3)
Thanks! I'll definitely check those out.