EA reading list: replaceability and discounting

By richard_ngo @ 2020-08-03T10:10 (+12)

Start here:

Replaceability (Paul Christiano, 2013)

Four flavors of time discounting I endorse, and one I do not (Paul Christiano, 2013)

Giving now vs. later: a summary (Julia Wise, 2013)

Further reading:

Andy_Schultz @ 2020-08-25T23:58 (+1)

For "RPTP is a strong reason to consider giving later", I'd recommend linking to the forum version of the article since it has been updated, unlike the currently linked version. https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/m85Ecd8QFE7muvojj/rptp-is-a-strong-reason-to-consider-giving-later

richard_ngo @ 2020-08-26T06:55 (+3)

Done, thanks!