Take the 2024 EA Forum user survey

By Sarah Cheng @ 2024-08-01T15:31 (+77)

One year ago, the EA Forum team ran a survey for EA Forum users. The results have been very helpful for us to clarify our strategy, understand our impact, and decide what to prioritize working on in the past 12 months.

From today through August 20[1], we’re running an updated version of the survey for 2024. All questions are optional, as is a new section about other CEA programs.

We estimate the survey will take you 7-15 minutes to complete (less if you skip questions, longer if you write particularly detailed answers). Your answers will be saved in your browser, so you can pause and return to it later.

Take the survey

We appreciate you taking the time to fill out the survey, and we read every response. Even if you do not use the Forum, your response is helpful for us to compare different populations (and you will see a significantly shorter survey).

All of us who work on the Forum do so because we want to have a positive impact, and it’s important that we have a clear understanding of what (if any) work on the Forum fulfills that goal. We spend our time on other projects as well[2], and your responses will inform what our team works on in the next 12 months.

  1. ^

    By default, we plan to close the survey on Tuesday August 20, but we may decide to leave it open longer.

  2. ^

Dacyn @ 2024-08-01T20:41 (+1)

I don't see a link to the survey?

Sarah Cheng @ 2024-08-01T21:18 (+2)

Ah, it's the button in the middle of the post - here's the link for convenience. :)

Dacyn @ 2024-08-02T18:41 (+4)

Ah, the problem was I was viewing the post on GreaterWrong, and for some reason the button didn't make the transition :/ Anyway, thanks for the link,