Revisiting the Evolution Anchor in the Biological Anchors Report

By Janvi @ 2024-03-18T03:01 (+13)

A review of criticisms and an alternative estimate based on the thermodynamic approach

This is a Draft Amnesty Week draft. It may not be polished, up to my usual standards, fully thought through, or fully fact-checked. 
This is a Forum post that I wouldn't have posted without the nudge of Draft Amnesty Week (kudos!). I'd love to see comments and criticisms that take the ideas forward, but it's unlikely that I will spend much more time on this project. 

The following is just the executive summary. The full (draft) report is available here

This report is the work of Janvi Ahuja and Victoria Schmidt as part of the Epoch FRI Mentorship Programme 2023. We worked on for ~10 hours a week for two months. Tegan McCaslin mentored the project, and Rose Hadshar and Angelina Li provided significant feedback and advice as our peer reviewers. 

The Forecasting TAI timelines with biological anchors report produces an estimate of the compute needed to develop a transformative model using 2020 architectures and algorithms. It uses six different biological frameworks to estimate the compute needed to develop a transformative model, one of which is an evolution-based framework. The evolution anchor estimates the amount of computation done by all animals throughout evolution, from the earliest animals with neurons to modern-day humans. In this report, we look into criticisms of the evolution anchor and summarise their effect sizes. We then expand on one such criticism and discuss some of our own criticisms with the biological anchors framework as a whole. 

This report may be useful to you if you: 

Executive summary

Motivation statement

What we did

Summarised critiques of the evolution anchor 

Critique and approach to incorporate this into the evolution anchorExpected effect sizeUpdated evolution anchor Reference
Original estimateN/A


Ajeya Cotra

Environment simulation: 

Add costs of simulating an environment and coupling architectures with that environment

Upwards: not quantified


Jennifer Lin

Environment simulation:

Add environmental simulation cost to the original estimate

+5E27 - ≥4E29 FLOP 


Nuno Sempere

Environment simulation:

Simulate whole Earth, molecular simulation

1E60 FLOP 




Environment simulation:

Simulate whole Earth, thermodynamic approach

1E45 FLOP 


Ege Erdil
Anthropic critiques 

+up to 6 OOM 

1E41 - 1E47 FLOP

Ege Erdil
Paradigm shift

possibly +>>30 years


Jennifer Lin


Drastically shortened timelines; not quantified here

Discard biological anchors completely

Elizier Yudkowsky
Missing architecture search space

Upwards; not quantified


Jennifer Lin
Evolutionary algorithms are inefficient

Downwards; not quantified

Decrease the weight of the evolution anchor to 3%

Marius Hobbhahn


Proposed a best guess for an upper bound based on the thermodynamic approach 

Proposed reasons we think you should be sceptical of the evolution anchor framework and our results

Suggested how this might affect your TAI timelines


Oscar Delaney @ 2024-03-25T09:29 (+1)

Thanks for writing this! I agree that bioanchors is still worth engaging with and revisiting given how important it has been and is.

I like the overall approach of trying to quantify how much different criticism would update the 1e41 estimate. I don't feel well-placed to comment on the thermodynamic approach part, but if it works roughly as you outline this seems like an important robustness check for the evolution anchor.

I left a bunch of more minor comments in the report.