Bugout Bags for Disasters

By Fin @ 2022-03-08T17:03 (+10)

Author: Finan Adamson

Last Updated: 09/2020


A bugout bag is a selection of supplies you put together to take with you when you have to leave your home in a hurry. This could be for a wide variety of disasters. You’ll want to have the basics you need to survive for sure, and then you can consider how much more to add based on how much room you have and how you’re traveling. 

Premade Options

If you don’t want to think about packing, you could buy a bugout bag. You will make the tradeoff of not tailoring a bugout bag to your specific needs, but you won’t have to spend much time thinking about what to get.

Customizing Your Bugout Bag

Choosing a pack

If you’re traveling in a car it doesn’t matter much what kind of bag you’re packed in, but if you have to walk you’ll want a backpack that fits. You should use a pack that fits even if you are driving so that you can hike if your car breaks down or roads are impassable. 

Packing Water


Packing Food

Other Packing for Driving or Walking

What you take is up to you. You want to be set up to meet your basic needs as you travel and return to some level of normalcy at your next location. Think about how you will get water, food, and shelter on your trip. What are things you can bring that will help you stay positive and happy? I know it’s cliche, but having a good attitude can really make a huge difference, especially if you are hiking for days. 


Example Bugout Bag

Basic Walking/Camping

Add if Driving