What would you like to see Giving What We Can write about?

By JulianHazell @ 2022-04-28T11:22 (+11)

I'm soliciting topic ideas for our blog and would love your input on what you'd like to see us publish. Here's a shallow overview of what I have so far.

You can include either (or both): 

1: Topics you personally would like to read about;

2: Topics you may or may not already be familiar with but think a general audience would like to read about.

Feel free to leave a comment below, or you can fill out this Google form if you'd like.


ThomasFowl @ 2022-05-05T06:12 (+2)

I would like to read more about the ways in which we can promote effective giving without coming across as too pushy. 

Aaron_Scher @ 2022-05-08T23:27 (+1)

#17 in the spreadsheet is "How much do charities differ in impact?"

I would love to see an actual distribution of charity cost-effectiveness. As far as I know, that doesn't exist. Most folks rely on Ord (2013) which is the distribution of health interventions, but it says nothing about where charities actually do work. 

pradyusp @ 2022-05-05T03:10 (+1)

Rank billionaires by philanthropic impact.

Yitz @ 2022-04-29T05:51 (+1)

I’d be interested in reading about the impact of artistic careers!

Paula Amato @ 2022-05-05T02:27 (+1)

Related:  I am interested in the impact of spending discretionary income on purchasing art.