Upcoming EA conferences in 2023

By OllieBase, Eli_Nathan @ 2023-05-04T15:23 (+74)

The Centre for Effective Altruism will be organizing and supporting conferences for the EA community all over the world for the remainder of 2023, including the first-ever EA conferences in Poland, NYC and the Philippines. 

We currently have the following events scheduled:

EA Global


Applications for EAG London, EAG Boston, EAGxWarsaw and EAGxNYC are open, and we expect applications for the other conferences to open approximately 3 months before the event. Please go to the event page links above to apply. Please note again that applications to EAG London close 11:59 pm UTC Friday 5 May.

If you'd like to add EA events like these directly to your Google Calendar, use this link.

Some notes on these conferences:

Feel free to email hello@eaglobal.org with any questions, or comment below. You can also contact EAGx organisers using the format [location]@eaglobalx.org (e.g. warsaw@eaglobalx.orgnyc@eaglobalx.org).