Coattailing and Funging to learn: strategies for non-expert donors

By Sanjay, SoGive @ 2023-05-12T17:58 (+28)

Note: I had planned to ask several parties to review this before publishing, however I've just seen the recent discussion about AI safety funding, and this prompted me to publish this sooner than planned. People who would have been asked to comment: people running Open-Phil-funded orgs and contacts at Open Phil. Expect more corrections than usual as a result.


Where a donor wants to support a cause area but is not knowledgeable enough about it, they can use the “coattail-to-learn” and “funge-to-learn” strategies. This involves:


Coattailing or funging against Open Phil allows you to borrow their thinking

If you are an ambitious donor trying to do the most good you can with your money, you may be tempted to find the highest impact donation opportunities on the margin. I.e. your logic might be: “the orgs funded by Open Phil are already adequately funded – I want to find more neglected giving opportunities”.


And where your donation has a funging effect, it’s like you’re playing a big game of whack-a-mole, where the problem of where to have the most impact is whacked away from you and springs up on the Open Phil side of the whack-a-mole gameboard. (This depends on a few assumptions, outlined below).

40+ Whack A Mole Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock |  Whack a mole game, Whack a mole mallet, Whack a mole machine

The problem of finding high impact giving opportunities is a tough one, and giving that problem to Open Phil is a good thing, if you believe Open Phil are good at thinking about and effecting philanthropy. This is an important assumption; assessing it is outside the scope of this post.

The strategy still allows you to be an active donor

If you are a donor who doesn’t want to expend lots of effort thinking about your donations, then you don’t want to be a heavily actively involved donor. You have other options, such as getting philanthropic support from a philanthropic advisor who can do lots of the work for you (full disclosure: we at SoGive offer such a service), or you can donate to EA Funds. This document is not for those donors.

The funge-to-learn and coattail-to-learn strategies are for donors who do want to add their own thoughts and perspectives to their giving process. At first glance, it may seem like the strategy robs you of the opportunity to add your own insights – after all, it’s really Open Philanthropy’s thinking that actually determines where the money goes. In the near term, this is true, but another way of thinking about it is that this strategy still allows you to add your own distinctive thoughts and perspectives, just not hastily.

We at SoGive hold the view that we should not have an ecosystem who all defer to Open Philanthropy or GiveWell. Indeed, we think it’s likely that further scrutiny will highlight areas where those organisations could have done better, and the more that other individuals and organisations are enabled to do this, the better.

But in our view improving the diversity of expert donors does not involve encouraging inexperienced donors to rush in where angels fear to tread.

We believe that the funge-to-learn and coattail-to-learn strategies can help donors on the journey to critically assessing giving decisions made by Open Philanthropy. It involves donors making donations and taking actions, and gradually, thoughtfully forming their own views.

How do you know whether you are a non-expert learner or an expert donor?

If you are already an expert donor, you don’t need to follow a funge-to-learn or coattail-to-learn strategy. How do you know where you are on the scale from non-expert learner or an expert donor?

Some questions which might help you make this assessment:

Orgs funded by major foundations such as Open Phil often welcome other donors

Orgs funded by (e.g.) Open Phil may welcome other donors for two reasons:

How confident can we be that this would actually ending up funging?

Unlike the coattail-to-learn strategy, the funge-to-learn strategy depends on the whack-a-mole effect working, i.e. that the funding does funge to Open Phil, as opposed to just making the recipient org richer than they need to be.

You can’t be 100% sure that that funging effect will occur. You can choose between “weak funge-to-learn” and “strong funge-to-learn” strategies:


Is talking to leaders of organisations sufficient to learn what you need to be an expert donor?

No. There are other things which you should be doing as well, such as:

But having access to people in the relevant organisations certainly helps.

How much should you be donating for this to work?

Crucial to the funge-to-learn strategy is that you are donating enough that the recipient feels it’s worth their time to have a conversation with you. Here’s a rough indication of whether I expect an organisation is willing to have a 1-1 hour-long conversation with you once a year.


How should you be a “well-behaved” funge-to-learn donor?

As a funge-to-learn or coattail-to-learn donor, you are a serious donor, and you should not exhibit the behaviours that sometimes give donors a bad reputation. This is particularly true when the people you are meeting with are the leaders of the organisation you are donating to. Building a relationship with you may be part of their job, but putting lots of effort into educating you shouldn’t be. If the people you’re interacting with are fundraisers, it’s slightly different, but even then it’s possible to place excessive demands on them.

Here is a not-comprehensive list of guidelines for good behaviour:


Ian Turner @ 2023-06-19T16:19 (+3)

Personally I think it was a mistake to publish this without speaking with Open Phil. They specifically recommended against what you are suggesting here:

In many cases, we find a funding gap we’d like to fill, and then we recommend filling the entire funding gap with a single grant.

Sanjay @ 2023-06-19T22:40 (+3)

Although we didn't run this post past Open Phil before publishing, we are in touch with Open Phil, and we do ask them for suggestions of places to direct the money we support.

If they were against what is being outlined here, I think they would have said so when we've been in touch with them. Instead they were helpful.

Sanjay @ 2023-05-14T16:39 (+3)

If anyone is interested in joining a coattailing/funging-to-learn group, feel free to drop me a note via private message on the EA Forum, or email me on sanjay [at]