Shallow Report on Nuclear War (Arsenal Limitation)

By Joel TanπŸ”Έ @ 2023-02-21T04:57 (+44)

Note: This report was produced with only one week of desktop research, for the purpose of identifying promising causes to evaluate at depth. We only have low confidence in our findings here, and the conclusions should generally be taken by readers as merely suggestive rather determinative.


Considering the expected benefits of eliminating the risk of nuclear war (i.e. averting nuclear war fatalities, averting nuclear war injuries, and consequently greater economic output), the expected costs (i.e. more conventional war fatalities, more conventional war injuries, and hence decreased economic output), as well as the tractability of lobbying for arsenal limitation, I find that the marginal expected value of lobbying for arsenal limitation to mitigate nuclear war to be 3,341,695 DALYs per USD 100,000, which is around 5000x as cost-effective as giving to a GiveWell top charity (CEA).

Key Points


Further Discussion



Expected Benefit: Averting Nuclear War Fatalities

The first and primary benefit of eliminating the risk of nuclear war would be averting the nuclear war fatalities that would otherwise occur. Overall, around 3.13 * 1010 DALYs are at stake here, with this benefit modelled in the following way.

Moral Weights: I take the value of averting one death to be 29.3 DALYs. This is calculated as a function of (a) a human's full healthy life expectancy of 63.69; (b) a minor age-based philosophical discount; (c) assuming we save someone of the median age; (d) assuming that the median age is at the halfway mark to average age of death and that DALYs are equally distributed across age groups; and (e) a probability adjustment based on age distributions. For more details, refer to CEARCH's evaluative framework.

Scale: For the scale of the problem, we have to look at both the direct violent deaths from nuclear war as well as the indirect famine deaths from nuclear winter.

For direct violent deaths, I look at the three potential nuclear wars – NATO-Russia, US-China & India-Pakistan – since these have the highest expected harm.

After this, the individual outcomes (i.e. NATO/Russia nuclear war, US/China nuclear war, and India/Pakistan nuclear war) are each weighted by the relative probability of occurrence, yielding an overall estimate of 99.5 million total direct violent deaths from an average nuclear war.

For indirect famine deaths due to nuclear winter causing agricultural failure, I once more look at the same three potential nuclear conflicts of  NATO-Russia, US-China & India-Pakistan.

After this, the individual outcomes (i.e. NATO/Russia nuclear war, US/China nuclear war, and India/Pakistan nuclear war) are again each weighted by the relative probability of occurrence, yielding an overall estimate of 3.12 billion total indirect famine deaths from an average nuclear war.

Summing up both the direct violent deaths as well as the indirect famine deaths, this gets us to 3.22 billion total deaths from the average nuclear war in the baseline year of 2024.

Persistence: Naturally, the risk of nuclear war persists from year to year, and correspondingly the benefit of eliminating such risk would counterfactually stretch over time as well. In terms of how this multi-year benefit is calculated:

Firstly, I discount for the probability of the solution not persisting – specifically, for the likelihood of weapon stockpiles being expanded again even after initial arms limitation success via treaty (n.b. the choice of this particular solution will be discussed and justified at greater length subsequently). To calculate this discount rate, I look at the rate at which nuclear arms control treaties agreed to and put into effect by the US & Russia have been abrogated, by taking the years in which abrogation occurred and divided by the total number of years in which abrogation could have occurred but didn't. This reversal rate discount, so to speak, comes out to about 2% per annum.

Secondly, I discount for the proportion of problem being counterfactually solved. There are three aspects to this.

Diagram 1: Global population growth, 2024-2100

Thirdly, I discount for the probability of the world being destroyed anyway (i.e. general existential risk discount). This takes into account the probability of total nuclear annihilation, since the benefits of saving people from nuclear war in one year is nullified if they had already died in a previous year. For the exact risk of total nuclear annihilation, I take it to be one magnitude lower than the risk of nuclear war itself (the calculations of which we discussed later), since nuclear war may not kill everyone. Of course, this probability will shift as a result of any efforts to denuclearize, but the chances of success are sufficiently small (as will be discussed) that it does not change materially change our results. Here, I do not take into account other existential risks like supervolcano eruption and asteroid impact, since the chances of those occurring at all is very marginal per Denkenberger & Pearce, let alone the chances of such events killing everyone and not just most people. AI risk is not included in this analysis as it is unclear as to the degree to which transformative AI (for which we have precise forecasts) translates to substantial existential risk (less precise forecasts). Overall, therefore, for simplicity, I treat the general existential risk discount to be just the risk of nuclear war but adjusted a magnitude down – 0.06% per annum.

Fourthly, I apply a broad uncertainty discount of 0.1% per annum to take into account the fact that there is a non-zero chance that in the future, the benefits or costs do not persist for factors we do not and cannot identify in the present (e.g. actors directing resources to solve the problem when none are currently doing so).

Then, by taking expected population growth in each year from 2024-2100, and applying the per annum discounts (i.e. solution reversal, nuclear stockpile growth, median age, existential risk & uncertainty), we can find the extent of the potential problem (relative to the baseline year) available for denuclearization to solve in each year.

Finally, by (a) summing these discounted per annum relative values for 2024-2100, and then (b) using a perpetual value formula for 2101 to infinity while taking into account post-2100 population decline, we see that the benefit of averting nuclear war fatalities will last for the equivalent of 52 baseline years.

Value of Outcome: Overall, the raw value of averting nuclear war fatalities is 4.88 * 1012 DALYs.

Probability of Occurrence: Of course, nuclear war has only a slight chance of occurring per annum. To calculate this probability, I consult the outside view, the inside view, as well as various experts' perspectives.

In aggregating the outside view, inside view, and other different perspectives, I note that each estimate has their strengths and weaknesses.

And with all things above considered, I end up giving greater weight to the historical perspective, the Sandberg & Bostrom expert estimate as well as my own more conservative estimate when aggregating, yielding a 0.6% probability of nuclear war per annum.

Expected Value: Hence, the expected value of averting nuclear war fatalities is 3.13 * 1010 DALYs.


Expected Benefit: Averting Nuclear War Injuries

The second benefit of eliminating the risk of nuclear war would be averting the nuclear war injuries that would otherwise occur. Overall, around 2.01 * 108 DALYs are at stake here, with this benefit modelled as follows.

Moral Weights: I take the value of averting a typical injury for the rest of one person's life to be 6 DALYs. This is calculated as a function of (a) the average disability weight for all injuries; (b) a minor age-based philosophical discount; (c) assuming we save someone of the median age; and (d) assuming the median age is at the halfway mark to average age of death and that DALYs are equally distributed across age groups such that any additional injury or disease has the same proportional effect. For more details, refer to CEARCH's evaluative framework.

Scale: To calculate the scale of the problem, I look to calculate the injury-to-fatality ratio in nuclear war, and to apply it to the already-calculated fatalities figures. To obtain this injury-to-fatality ratio, I look at three separate estimates: (a) Wellerstein et al estimate's, for the case of NATO-Russia nuclear war; (b) Toon, Robock & Turco's estimate, for the case of US-China nuclear war; and (c) Toon et al's estimate, for the case of India-Pakistan nuclear war (averaging the injury-to-fatality ratios for both smaller and larger nuclear weapon explosions). In aggregating, I use equal weightage, yielding an average injury-to-fatality ratio in nuclear war of 1.02.

This lets us calculate the total injuries from an average nuclear war in the baseline year of 2024 – 101 million injuries – as it is a function of the average injury-to-fatality ratio in nuclear war as well as the average total direct violent deaths from nuclear war. 

Persistence: The same per annum discounts and projections of population growth, as discussed in the previous section on nuclear war fatalities, are used here as well, such that the benefit of averting nuclear war injuries will similarly last for the equivalent of 52 baseline years.

Value of Outcome: Overall, the raw value of averting nuclear war injuries is 3.14 * 1010 DALYs.

Probability of Occurrence: The probability of nuclear war is as calculated previously – 0.6% per annum.

Expected Value: All in all, the expected value of averting nuclear war injuries is 2.01 * 108 DALYs.


Expected Benefit: Increased Economic Output

Beyond the health benefits, there are also economic benefits to eliminating the risk of nuclear war, as fewer deaths and injuries translate to more hours worked and higher productivity per hour. Around 7.35 * 109 DALYs are at stake here, with the calculations as follows.

Moral Weights: I take the value of doubling consumption for one person for one year to be 0.21 DALYs. This is calculated as a function of (a) the value of consumption relative to life from GiveWell's IDinsight survey of the community perspective, as adjusted for social desirability bias, and (b) CEARCH's estimate of the value of a full, healthy life in DALY terms. For more details, refer to CEARCH's evaluative framework.

Scale: The approach I take is to estimate the average degree of consumption doubling per DALY lost, and to apply it to the already calculated DALYs lost to nuclear war on both the mortality and morbidity fronts. To estimate this, I look at three different reference classes from global health – hypertensiondiabetes mellitus type 2, and coronary heart disease – which yields an average of 1.11 consumption doublings per DALY lost.

This lets us estimate the total number of consumption doublings achievable by eliminating the risk of nuclear war in the baseline year of 2024 – 106 billion β€“ calculated as the degree of consumption doubling per DALY and the total number of DALYs lost both to mortality (fatalities) and morbidity (injuries).

Persistence: The same per annum discounts and projections of population growth, as discussed in the previous section on nuclear war fatalities, are used here as well, such that the benefit of averting nuclear war injuries will similarly last for the equivalent of 52 baseline years.

Value of Outcome: Overall, the raw value of averting nuclear war injuries is 1.15 * 1012 DALYs.

Probability of Occurrence: The probability of nuclear war is as calculated previously – 0.6% per annum.

Expected Value: All in all, the expected value of averting nuclear war injuries is 7.35 * 109 DALYs.


Expected Cost: More Conventional War Fatalities

We've been discussing the benefits of denuclearization, but it is important not to forget that it does come with a downside, insofar as nuclear weapons help deter conventional conflict between the nuclear powers. Consequently, the first and primary expected cost of eliminating the risk of nuclear war is more conventional war fatalities. Overall, around -1.43 * 105 DALYs are at stake here, with this cost modelled in the following way.

Moral Weights: The disvalue of one death is -29.3 DALYs, as calculated in the manner described in the section on nuclear war fatalities.

Scale: For the scale of the cost, I examine the average deaths per conventional war; in particular, I look at the Conflict Catalogue for the past 100 years (1923-2022) for conflicts where data is available, and find that the average conflict cost around 311,000 lives.

Persistence: The same per annum discounts and projections of population growth, as discussed in the previous section on nuclear war fatalities, are used here as well – except in the case of counterfactual solution, where we have to look at conventional war becoming less likely.

I take an aggregated approach to this problem, by looking at the historical trend in the growth and decline of conventional warfare. Theoretically, any efforts by various agents to make more war less likely (e.g. regular diplomatic efforts by governments, or lobbying by anti-war non-profits and also by businesses wary of the cost of war), as well as any effects by long-term structural trends (e.g. economic growth increasing the chance of democratization and hence democratic peace, thus reducing security concerns and decreasing the odds of conventional war; and also cultural shifts bringing increased liberalization and hence political leaders' unwillingness to go to war) will put upwards/downwards pressure on the observable trend of deaths and injuries (and hence DALYs) lost per capita to conflict. By projecting this trend into the future, therefore, we would implicitly be taking into account all these various agentic and structural factors going forward. As it happens, by regressing 1990-2019 GBD data on conflict and terrorism on year, we find no statistically significant trend (p=0.2). Hence, this discount factor here is assigned a 0 (i.e. we assume that conventional warfare is not getting better or worse per capita).

Overall, therefore, the cost of more conventional war fatalities will end up lasting for the equivalent of 52 baseline years.

Value of Outcome: Overall, the raw value of more conventional war fatalities is -4.71 * 108 DALYs.

Probability of Occurrence: To estimate the reduced probability of conventional conflict as a result of nuclear weapons, I rely on Sobek, Foster and Robison's analysis, with my approach as follows. (a) I treat the control risk to be the "explore" phase, on the basis that countries would choose to explore the acquisition of nuclear weapons because there is a legitimate security threat that the country would have to worry about anyway even if they did not pursue nuclear weapons. (b) I compare this to the risk of war after acquisition. (c) Then, I take the difference to be the reduced probability of conventional conflict as a result of nuclear weapons. The results are multiplied by 6 given the relevant dyads of nuclear powers that would otherwise potentially go to war against each other (i.e. NATO-Russia, US-China, US-NK, Russia-China, China-India, India-Pakistan). The effect of nuclear weapons on conflict between nuclear and non-nuclear powers is not modelled here, insofar as theoretically it is both plausible that nuclear weapon states feel emboldened to start conflicts against non-nuclear states even as non-nuclear states are more averse to fighting their nuclear-armed foes, leaving the effect ambiguous. Overall, the reduced probability of conventional war per annum is 0.03%.

Expected Value: All in all, the expected value of more conventional war fatalities is -1.41 * 105 DALYs.


Expected Cost: More Conventional War Injuries

The second expected cost of eliminating the risk of nuclear war is more conventional war injuries. Overall, around -6.89 * 104 DALYs are at stake here, with this cost modelled as follows.

Moral Weights: The disvalue of a typical injury for the rest of one person's life is -6 DALYs, as calculated in the manner described in the section on nuclear war injuries.

Scale: For the scale of the cost, I estimate the injury-to-fatality ratio in conventional war, by using Khorram-Manesh's systematic review of the ratio of deaths to total casualty in major terror attacks, which is around 2.38.

This allows us to then calculate the average number of injuries per conventional war – around 739,000 injuries – as it is a function of the injury-to-fatality ratio in conventional war and the average deaths per conventional war.

Persistence: The same per annum discounts and projections of population growth, as discussed in the previous section on conventional war fatalities, are used here as well, such that the benefit of averting conventional war injuries will similarly last for the equivalent of 52 baseline years.

Value of Outcome: Overall, the raw value of more conventional war injuries is -2.3 * 108 DALYs.

Probability of Occurrence: The reduced probability of conventional war due to nuclear weapons is as calculated previously – 0.03% per annum.

Expected Value: All in all, the expected value of more conventional war injuries is -6.89 * 104 DALYs.


Expected Cost: Decreased Economic Output

The third expected cost of eliminating the risk of nuclear war is decreased economic output, since parallel to the nuclear case, more deaths and injuries translate to fewer hours worked and lower productivity per hour. Overall, around -4.91 * 104 DALYs are at stake here, with the calculations as follows.

Moral Weights: The disvalue of not doubling consumption for one person for one year is -0.21 DALYs, as calculated in the manner described in the section on increased economic output due to less mortality and morbidity from nuclear war.

Scale: The total number of consumption doublings lost from more conventional war in the baseline year of 2024 is 15.1 million; this is calculated as the degree of consumption doubling per DALY and the total number of DALYs lost both to mortality (fatalities) and morbidity (injuries).

Persistence: The same per annum discounts and projections of population growth, as discussed in the previous section on conventional war fatalities, are used here as well, such that the benefit of decreased economic output will similarly last for the equivalent of 52 baseline years.

Value of Outcome: Overall, the raw value of decreased economic output is -1.64 * 108 DALYs.

Probability of Occurrence: The reduced probability of conventional war due to nuclear weapons is as calculated previously – 0.03% per annum.

Expected Value: All in all, the expected value of more conventional war injuries is -4.91 * 104 DALYs.



To summarize our tractability findings: we can solve 0.007 of the problem with a USD 17.6 million investment into advocacy for nuclear arsenal limitation, which means the proportion of the problem solved per additional USD 100,000 spent is around 0.00009.


At the outset, we should note that there are a number of potential interventions to reduce the risk of nuclear wer: (a) abolishment (i.e. eliminating all nuclear weapons); (b) limitation (i.e. limiting but not eliminating nuclear weapon arsenals); (c) targeting reform (i.e. getting countries to shift to potentially less damaging counterforce rather than countervalue targeting); and (d) mitigation (i.e. looking to deal with the famine caused by nuclear winter rather than trying to prevent it in the first place).


In terms of our theory of change:

Note that whether commitments by the US/Russia/China translate to actual limitations is not modelled here, as it is already taken into consideration by the incorporation of a reversal rate in the analysis of the various expected benefits (i.e. averting nuclear war fatalities and injuries, or increased economic output) – to the extent that the US/Russia/China renege on their promises, it will cause counterparty withdrawal, a breakdown of the agreement, and an end to the benefits, as modelled.


Step 1: To estimate the probability of persuading the United States, Russia and China to limit the size of their nuclear arsenals to present Chinese levels, I take both the outside and inside view.

For the outside view, I consult three reference classes.

In aggregating, a higher weight is placed on the actual nuclear case study compared to the chemical and biological ones, as security considerations militate against denuclearization in a way they do not for chemical and biological weapons, making the weapons control efforts for the latter two areas unrepresentative of success on the nuclear front. This yields a probability of advocacy success of 17%.

For the inside view, I break this problem down into three separate steps: (a) persuading the US to reduce the size of its nuclear arsenal conditional on Russia and China agreeing to limits as well; (b) persuading Russia to reduce the size of its nuclear arsenal conditional on the US and China agreeing to limits as well; and (c) persuading China not to continue nuclear expansion from its present arsenal size conditional on the US and Russia agreeing to limits as well.

Multiplying these rates together yields the probability of persuading the United States, Russia and China to limit the size of their nuclear arsenals: 0.0000021%

In adjusting the outside view with the inside view, we must note that the inside view is subject to the usual worries about inferential uncertainty. However, the outside view in this case is also flawed. Firstly, selection bias is a serious concern, insofar as the nuclear arms control treaties that were successfully negotiated would only have been tried in the first place because political sentiment was favourable/permissible, and it would be very different to an arms control effort being tried in a vacuum. Secondly, these are all examples of government-initiated efforts, which skips the crucial step of outside actors persuading governments to try in the first place. Consequently, I end up weighing the far more conservative inside view more than the comparatively optimistic outside view – yielding a probability of advocacy success of 1.5%.


Step 2: For the degree to which the United States, Russia and China limiting the size of their nuclear arsenals reduces the expected harm of nuclear war, I rely on an empirical estimate. The primary modelled scenario in NATO-Russia nuclear war is Russia targeting 1000 weapons on the US while the US retaliates with 1100 weapons on Russia; and as for US-China nuclear war, the scenario considered is a 1100 warheads US attack on China and 1000 warhead Chinese attack on the US, given the projected Chinese arsenal by 2030. With all parties limited to 350 weapons, the expected harm from nuclear war falls (though correspondingly, the expected cost from less deterrence potentially falls as well, since the costs of conventional aggression, which risks nuclear war, are correspondingly less daunting), assuming harm is linear with the number of weapons. Then, by taking into account the relative proportion of the problem caused by potential NATO-Russia and US-China nuclear war rather than India-Pakistan nuclear war, the overall proportion of the problem being solved can be calculated at around 48%.


Overall, the proportion of nuclear war harm solved – as a function of (a) the probability of persuading the United States, Russia and China to limit the size of their nuclear arsenals; and (b) the degree to which the United States, Russia and China limiting the size of their nuclear arsenals reduces the expected harm of nuclear war – is 0.007.


Turning to the issue of costing, I look at two reference classes to estimate the money required to conduct lobbying (i.e. how much it would cost to run an EA advocacy organization working on the issue):

In aggregating, we have to consider that (a) on the one hand, the existing organization's financial track record generally gives a much better indication of baseline expenditure requirements in the cause area; and (b) on the other hand, the explicitly EA-aligned CE-incubatee will almost certainly be more cost-effective. Hence, I ultimately use equal weightage, which yields a total cost of USD 17.6 million. Note that we do not look at implementation costs because as mentioned above, actually nuclear arms reductions saves money.


Consequently, the proportion of the problem solved per additional USD 100,000 spent is around 0.00009.


Marginal Expected Value of Lobbying for Arsenal Limitation to Mitigate Nuclear War

All in all, the marginal expected value of lobbying for arsenal limitation to mitigate nuclear war is 3,341,695 DALYs per USD 100,000 spent, making this around 5000x as cost-effective as a GiveWell top charity.


Denkenberger @ 2023-02-27T02:00 (+9)

Impressive analysis on an important topic!

Philosophically, we take the more conservative person-affecting view, in looking specifically at the welfare of actual people, whether present or future – as opposed to contingent/merely potential people that would not exist if not for our intervention (or lack thereof).

  • Under the totalist view, this cause area would naturally be even more cost-effective – roughly 6.4x more, insofar as any person saved now will have children, who will go on to have children too and so on, such that (given expected future birth and death rates, plus relevant discount rates) counterfactually 6.4 lives are created/maintained by the averting of one death.

You only have a small ratio due to the totalist view because you have a constant exponential discounting for existential risk. Most people think that if we make it through a few centuries and start settling the galaxy, existential risk will fall dramatically, and so the expected number of human (or digital) lives becomes many orders of magnitude greater.

Using a person affecting view, we found for spending a few hundred million dollars on research, development and planning (you don't have to change the food system ahead of time to increase the chance of a good outcome significantly), the cost per life saved was $0.20 to $400, which is 1 to 4 orders of magnitude more cost-effective than GiveWell charities, so your number is near our most optimistic number.

If I understand you correctly:

This yields a probability of advocacy success of 17% [outside view]...

Multiplying these rates together yields the probability of persuading the United States, Russia and China to limit the size of their nuclear arsenals: 0.0000021% [inside view]...

Consequently, I end up weighing the far more conservative inside view more than the comparatively optimistic outside view – yielding a probability of advocacy success of 1.5%.

This could make sense if you started with an arithmetic mean. But with very large variation in size of numbers, the more appropriate mean is the geometric mean, which would be 0.006%. So then weighting the inside view similarly in logarithmic space as you have done in linear space could mean 0.00001% chance of success, which I think would then result in significantly worse cost-effectiveness than GiveWell.

Joel Tan (CEARCH) @ 2023-02-28T14:40 (+4)

Big fan of ALLFED's work! Good point on the issue of arithmetic vs geometric means - it's something I'm trying to think more about. On falling discount rates; I may be wrong, but some of the testing I did finds that declining discount rates doesn't materially affect your headline cost-effectiveness estimate too much (since a lot of the discounting is already baked in at earlier years + the effects are swamped in the long run future by a constant uncertainty discount, as CEARCH uses)

Denkenberger @ 2023-03-01T02:30 (+3)


Even though it is very unlikely that all of the three countries would dramatically reduce their arsenals if it is uncorrelated, if they are correlated, but I think it would become more likely. Also, if you could just get one country to reduce arsenals, this would reduce the expected damage of the nuclear war significantly, so then I think it would be competitive cost effectiveness.

As a simple example, if one thinks there is a 1% chance of settling the galaxy (lots of X risk, but then X security) with Dyson spheres that last 1 billion years, then I think this is around 10^33 expected future biological human lives. With digital minds, it would be far higher.

Vasco Grilo @ 2024-03-10T17:27 (+2)

Nice points, David!

So then weighting the inside view similarly in logarithmic space as you have done in linear space could mean 0.00001% chance of success, which I think would then result in significantly worse cost-effectiveness than GiveWell.

Right, then lobbying for arsenal limitation would become 3.12 % (= 0.17^(1/11)*(2.1*10^-8)^(10/11)/0.015*5247) as cost-effective as GiveWell's top charities.

Joel Tan @ 2024-03-11T04:59 (+4)

I've generally moved to the view that geomeans are better in cases where the different estimates don't capture a real difference but rather a difference in methodology (while using the arithmetic makes sense when we are capturing a real difference, e.g. if an intervention affects a bunch of people differently).

In any case, this report is definitely superseded/out-of-date; Stan's upcoming final report on abrupt sunlight reduction scenarios is far more representative of CEARCH's current thinking on the issue. (Thanks for your inputs on ASRS, by the way, Vasco!)

Vasco Grilo @ 2024-03-11T09:33 (+2)

I've generally moved to the view that geomeans are better in cases where the different estimates don't capture a real difference but rather a difference in methodology (while using the arithmetic makes sense when we are capturing a real difference, e.g. if an intervention affects a bunch of people differently).

This makes sense to me.

In any case, this report is definitely superseded/out-of-date; Stan's upcoming final report on abrupt sunlight reduction scenarios is far more representative of CEARCH's current thinking on the issue.

Cool; I am looking forward to it! I assume you will also do an intermediate report on arsenal limitation at some point.

Peter @ 2023-02-21T22:32 (+7)

I really want to see more discussion about this. There's serious effort put in. I've often felt that nuclear is perhaps overlooked/underemphasized even within EA. 

Joel Tan (CEARCH) @ 2023-02-22T06:21 (+2)

The expected disvalue is really high, especially compared to other longtermist risks, where the per annum probabilities of bad stuff happening is fundamentally low! The worry, I think, is concentrated on how tractable any intervention is, in a context where it's hard to know the chances of success before the fact, and about as hard to do attribution after.

Peter @ 2023-02-22T06:33 (+2)

Yes, it seems difficult to pin those down. Looking forward to the deeper report!

Vasco Grilo @ 2023-03-31T19:09 (+2)

Nice analysis, Joel!

For indirect famine deaths due to nuclear winter causing agricultural failure

FWIW, I have also estimated the deaths due to a nuclear winter here:

So, for Luisa's mean soot ejection of 30 Tg for a NATO-Russia nuclear war (search for "30 Tg of smoke (" here), I get roughly 2.4 billion deaths.

As it happens, taking panel data of countries' nuclear weapon stockpiles from 1945-2022 and running a linear regression of stockpiles on year, we see that there is no sign of a statistically significant decline or increase (p=0.88). Hence, this discount factor here is assigned a 0 (i.e. we assume that nuclear weapon stockpiles aren't systematically growing or declining globally, even if individual countries may see drastic increases or cuts).

I think a rule like the following is too binary:

I think it would be better to model the change in nuclear weapons based on future forecasts. Metaculus' pro forecasters predicted a median of 6.20 k for 2052, and 1.70 k for 2122 (search for "Global Nuclear Warhead Stockpiles" here). To model uncertainty (maybe we should indeed expect the number to be roughly constant), one could use the 25th and 75th percentile from Metaculus' forecasts. I did this here, and arrived at a mean number of nuclear warheads from 2024 to 2100 relative to 2019 of 84.4 %. This is pretty close to 1, so at the end I do not think this is a super important factor.

Probability of Occurrence: Of course, nuclear war has only a slight chance of occurring per annum. To calculate this probability, I consult the outside view, the inside view, as well as various experts' perspectives.

You may also want to consider this Metaculus' question, whose median community prediction yields a annual chance of 0.272 % (= 1 - (1 - 12 %)^(1/(2070 - 2023))), which is about half your final estimate.