EA Barcelona: Our first year of impact

By Melanie Brennan @ 2024-01-02T16:38 (+57)

TL;DR: 2023 was the first year that EA Barcelona has had a designated community builder (me!), and our community has grown substantially as a result. This post summarises what went well, what we found challenging and our plans for 2024.

Disclaimer: This is my first EA forum post and I’m nervous. This time a year ago, I didn’t really know what an “x-risk” was, and I pronounced “utilitarianism” as "utalatarianism” (but hey, I wasn’t the only one!). But things have changed a lot since then, so I wrote this post with different goals in mind: to reflect, to inform, to entertain and (hopefully) to inspire. Also, I come from an Arts background, and I think it’s kind of nice to balance AI Safety heavy stuff with lighter fun stuff from time to time.

Shoutout: This post was partially inspired by (but can never live up to) the post The Spanish Speaking Effective Altruism community is awesome! written by Jaime Sevilla.

EA Barcelona: We are now officially the poster children of the CEA Groups Resource Centre page “How do EA groups produce impact?” #proud

Some context on EA in Spain & in Barcelona

There have been a number of attempts to build an EA community in Spain over the years. In Madrid circa 2019, there was quite an active community infamously known as “Jaime and the Pablos”, who held weekly activities and organized several larger events as well. And in Barcelona, there was also a small but passionate group meeting up regularly around the same time. However, due to the pandemic, changes in direction and other factors, neither one continued beyond 2020 as a formally coordinated, sustainable local group.

Fast forward to July 2021 and enter another Pablo: Pablo Rosado - principal data scientist at Our World In Data and also my partner. Pablo R. had been learning about EA online and trying to apply its principles to his life for a couple of years already when he discovered the semi-dormant EA Barcelona Facebook page. He noticed that a couple of guys were planning to meet up and “have a chat about EA” that afternoon, so he went off to meet them and didn’t come back until about 7 hours later. And that was the origins of what is now the second wave of EA Barcelona - kudos to Sam Bakeysfield, Miguel Gimeno and others for taking the initiative back then! This small group continued meeting up for their long and thought-provoking chats from time to time, until eventually I got curious and started tagging along too. Then in 2022, once Sam had moved to Portugal and Miguel to The Netherlands, Pablo and I decided to take over as group organisers. For the rest of the year, we ran a couple of introductory talks and arranged the odd casual meeting for the tiny number of EAs who remained.

Then, in April 2023, after attending the amazingly inspiring EAGxLatAm in Mexico City, quitting my job immediately afterwards and taking a 2-month sabbatical in Australia to visit friends and family, I applied for funding from the EAIF to do community building professionally. I returned to Barcelona to the exciting news that I had been awarded the grant, and the rest is history! Well, 8 months of history for now.

EA Barcelona finally starts to take shape

I started on the grant in May, and what a whirlwind of a time it’s been since then! We’ve run lots of different kinds of events, such as expert talks, discussion groups, coworking sessions and social activities, and we’ve managed to attract a diverse group of interested people to the movement. 

Here are a few highlights of 2023, as always best expressed in images and (occasionally amusing) captions:

Pablo R. talking about how climate "doomerism" is just as bad as climate denial, as it leads to inaction - the total opposite of what we need right now. At an event organised by BcnAnalytics in June.
Roger Thisdell explaining how meditation practice can be used to increase our sense of compassion for others. At Apocapoc Nest City Lab in June. 
Discussing the flawed notion of the “dream job” and how to apply the 80k framework to our careers in Parc de la Ciutadella in June. With hummus.
Guillem Bas from Riesgos Catastróficos Globales talking about AI governance and generally being impressive. At an event we co-organised with Adevinta in July.
Back in Parc de la Ciutadella for an EA intro picnic in August. Barcelona summers are gloriously never ending!
Pablo Melchor - one of the original “Pablos” (for a full breakdown, please refer to the official Pablo/Jaime Alignment chart here). This particular Pablo is the co-founder and president of Ayuda Efectiva (Spain’s equivalent of Giving What We Can), and can be seen here giving a very compelling talk on effective giving at Happy Scribe in September. I think this was my favourite event of the year.
The conclusion of the giving game we ran shortly after Pablo’s talk: Just give it all to the animals!
Even Luke was suitably impressed with our innovative ideas :D
Our first ever book club - having your worldview torn to pieces by Peter Singer is always easier if you don’t have to go through it alone.
They begged us just to do something fun without discussing consequentialism and deontology for a change, so we hiked up to Tibidabo one mildly windy afternoon.
Coworking in the lovely Laie Llibreria Café: 6 different nationalities and one important thing in common.
In-person viewing of EAGx virtual in November: We discovered that the best way to convince people to attend a virtual conference is to “unvirtualise” the conference :)

Our main achievements in 2023

Our overarching goal was to both consolidate and grow the local EA community for the rest of the year (May through December). Given the humble state EA Barcelona was in prior to this, having about 5-7 committed members and very few activities, I would say that we have achieved this: We now have around 20 active[1] (including 12 highly engaged) and 50 passive[2] members, and several different activities each month. And beyond this, we’ve managed to spread the ideas and values of effective altruism to hundreds more people in Barcelona. 

Here are some other cool things that happened:

Some issues we’ve faced

Community building is not without its challenges, as many of you on this forum know very well. Here were some of ours:

Language barrier

Barcelona is a dynamic, cosmopolitan city full of people from all over the world. And given the international crowd that most of our events attract, English tends to be the default language used. This was sometimes problematic because the mother tongues of most people who live here are Catalan and/or Spanish. And while EA does tend to attract people who are at least competent in English, it shouldn’t mean we exclude local people who aren’t, and there were definitely times where communication broke down and people couldn’t understand each other. We tried to address this by running separate discussion groups in Spanish and English, which helped somewhat, but I still think we have a long way to go in making our community more linguistically inclusive. I’d be very open to hearing advice about this from other CBs working with multilingual groups. 

People tend to come and go

Everyone knows that lots of great people come to Barcelona, only to leave again before very long. It’s a very transient city, and plenty of international community members have now left (like Sam), while several key people who are originally from here are now living and working abroad (like Miguel). So much movement has made it difficult to reach a critical mass, and the language issues mentioned above only make things worse, if local people are more likely to feel excluded (they are the ones more likely to stay, after all). I’m not quite sure what can be done to address this, other than safeguarding the group by reaching a critical mass of local and/or international not-likely-to-leave people, so that it doesn’t affect us as much when someone does leave. Any thoughts?

The wider Spanish-speaking community has taken a hit recently

Activity of the international Spanish-speaking EA community has decreased in general this year compared to the previous two years, since several people working on community building grants stepped down to focus on other things. This has meant that, currently, our wider community lacks a clear direction, so it’s been harder to share resources among sub-groups and to feel part of a bigger community striving for a common goal. That’s how I feel anyway. I’d be curious to know if other Spanish-speakers feel the same way or not, and what we can all do to lift our collective spirits again. 

2024: Onwards and upwards?

After a productive 2023, we are excited to see what 2024 may bring for our small but growing community. Our funding situation remains unclear, but assuming everything goes according to plan, here are some things we’re excited about for this year:

Norrsken (pronounced “Norhien” in Swedish): We have our sights set on you.

And lots more! Happy new year everyone and best of luck for 2024!

A huge thank you to all the people who’ve helped me along my journey into EA and community building, and to everyone who has supported EA Barcelona now and in the past (incomplete list): Pablo Rosado, Pablo Melchor, Jaime Sevilla, Sandra Malagón, Laura González, Lynn Tann, Guillaume Vorreux, Neil Ferro, Isabel Johnson, Sasha Berezhnoi, Sam Bakeysfield, Miguel Gimeno, Andy Masley, Ricard Soler, Michael Haeulsmann, everyone else in EA Barcelona and all the companies that have hosted us.


*Minor edits made to more accurately describe the past history of the community in Spain.

  1. ^

    We define "active" as having had at least 3 touch points (i.e. attending an event or having a 1-1 with an organizer) with EA Barcelona within the last 12 months and participating regularly on social media channels.

  2. ^

    We define "passive" as having had 1-2 touch points with EA Barcelona within the last 12 months and participating only occasionally or not at all on social media channels. 

Jaime Sevilla @ 2024-01-02T21:11 (+8)

Amazing achievements Mel! With your support, the group is doing a fantastic job, and I am excited about its direction.

>his has meant that, currently, our wider community lacks a clear direction, so it’s been harder to share resources among sub-groups and to feel part of a bigger community striving for a common goal.

I feel similarly! At the time being, it feels that our community has fragmented into many organizations and initiatives: Ayuda Efectiva, Riesgos Catastróficos Globales, Carreras con Impacto, EAGx LatAm, EA Barcelona. I would be keen on developing better the relationships between these pieces; for example I was enthused to have Guillem from RCG present in EA Barcelona. Would be cool to have more chats and find more links!

Melanie Brennan @ 2024-01-03T15:17 (+2)

Thanks for your support, Jaime! 

Yes, I think a team brainstorming session would be useful. The more voices we hear on this, the clearer it will be what needs to happen to improve the situation. Let's discuss this soon in Slack!

aderonke @ 2024-01-07T07:00 (+3)

This is great, Mel. As a city group organiser, I can relate to "People tend to come and go". It was a wild wild west for us at EA Lagos when many members of our community emigrated circa 2019-21 due to worsening performance of the Nigerian economy.

Melanie Brennan @ 2024-01-09T10:57 (+2)

I'm sorry to hear that, Aderonke, that must have been really tough. Maybe as group organisers in quite "internationalised" cities, we should expect some amount of transience as the norm. A potential upside of this that someone pointed out to me the other day, is that maybe people discover/get involved in EA in our kinds of cities, but then they take it with them wherever they go. So while it's a shame for us to lose some members, the involvement they have with our groups may help them to start or strengthen EA communities in other places too one day. Just a thought!

Milena Canzler @ 2024-01-03T09:26 (+3)

Amazing accomplishments, Mel! Congratulations also for growing your team to include another human (not to disrespect cat teammates...). 

Re language: We face the same problem in Germany. The best comparison to Barcelona would likely be the Berlin group, since they have not only Germans, but international members as well. If you want to have a chat, reach out to me, Sarah Tegeler or Patrick Gruban for general strategic stuff, and if you want to talk to someone in Berlin, Martin Wicke is the core organizer there. He might also be a good contact point for discussions about transient populations.

Melanie Brennan @ 2024-01-03T15:20 (+2)

Thanks, Milena! Yes, cat teammates serve a noble purpose too ;)

I would love to have a chat with some of the CBs from Germany about the language barriers we each face, and transient groups. I'll reach out soon via the Groups slack :) Cheers!