A New Compact for Global Health Financing: Could Countries and Donors Rewrite the Rule Book on Health Aid?

By TomDrake @ 2024-09-11T16:24 (+11)

This is a linkpost to https://www.cgdev.org/blog/new-compact-global-health-financing-could-countries-and-donors-rewrite-rule-book-health-aid

Last year, myself and colleagues outlined how donors and recipient countries could radically change how health services are financed. In short, we proposed three things: 


The paper got a lot of interest and so today I’m delighted to publish the results of several collaborations to build on that work. 


You can read it here:


In the above, you will find a summary blog which will take you through the feedback we had and provide links to a set of papers:

•              A case study in Ethiopia

•              A case study on Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

•              Implications for financing of common goods

•              Public financial management considerations

•              An exploration of the global political economy


With thanks to co-authors of related pieces: Adrian Gheorghe, Alec Morton, Amanuel Haileselassie, Anastassia D., Jamaica B., Javier Guzman, Mishal Khan, Mizan Habtemichael, Ole F. Norheim, Pete Baker, Solomon Tessema Memirie, and Tesfaye Mesele.