Insights into mentoring from WANBAM

By KMF @ 2021-05-17T17:46 (+78)

This post was updated on the 27th of October with insights from our last sharing session. 

WANBAM started in 2019 with a group of volunteer mentors. As we build and grow the program, we collaborate to create and test mentorship resources. While we created this with our mentors in mind, we hope these insights can assist other programs.We have produced two mentor resources:

WANBAM holds sharing sessions with our mentors at the beginning of every mentorship round, where we discuss insights and useful resources on mentoring. This resource document builds upon these discussions and will be refined over time. Additionally, mentors made recommendations on specific resources they find helpful. Those have been added to the second resource above.

It is important to note that WANBAM mentees consistently rate their mentorship very highly. This is not intended to recommend a “one-size-fits-all” mentorship style but to provide insights into what our mentors have found helpful. We are incredibly grateful to our mentors for their expertise and guidance. 

On setting goals with mentees:

Mentees have varying goals and support needs. For the WANBAM program, the first meeting is ordinarily to get to know one another and explore how to work together productively. The second meeting delves further into goal-setting. While optional, this encourages mentees to consider how we can best assist them and make meetings as productive as possible for both parties. When setting goals, our mentors have found the following helpful:

On building a relationship with mentees:

Our mentees report that a core value of mentorship is having someone who listens and is genuinely invested in their progress. Our best-reviewed mentors are those who build a kind and supportive relationship with their mentees. As such, we have found managers and community-builders are frequently some of our most successful mentors. Some recommendations on building trust and understanding are:

On feedback with mentees:

Our mentors have found the following helpful:

Some logistical tips:

Concluding note:

We are very encouraged by the initial outcomes of WANBAM and are here to help other programs. If you have any other suggestions or would like to discuss what we have found helpful/challenging, please reach out to Kathryn at


Status Update:  WANBAM released their blog post “WANBAM: Successes and challenges from our first two years.” The post summarizes their activities, initial results, and their risk mitigation steps. They additionally onboarded their next round of mentees for their fourth round. 

BrianTan @ 2021-05-18T01:14 (+9)

Thanks for this writeup Kathryn! One question:

We are currently actively exploring how we can scale and provide mentoring support, in addition to WANBAM, to our community (those who are interested in/ inspired by Effective Altruism) more broadly.

Do you mean you/your team are exploring how to provide mentoring support to men in the EA community?

KathrynMecrow @ 2021-05-18T01:44 (+19)

Yes to both questions. We are still discussing exactly what this could look like. My guess is parallel streams, i.e. myself and a team would run a WANBAM round then at the mid-point of that round we might kick off the second pool of mentees. My early intuitions would be to advertise to a restricted pool to maintain the quality of current service to all users.  We might do something like WANBAM/"Longtermist Entrepreneurs"/WANBAM/"Effective Animal Advocates" and so on, depending on the demand. It is early stages and we would need more money and time but I feel excited about exploring this idea and cautiously optimistic thus why I worded it carefully in our update ;) Thanks as always, Brian!

BrianTan @ 2021-05-18T04:16 (+10)

Got it, thanks! Yeah I think quite a few men could benefit from mentorship, especially those in countries with small EA presence, or men that are people of color. Mentoring either subgroup of men would still fall in line with what I assume is one of WANBAM's goals, which is to improve the diversity of the EA community.

BrianTan @ 2021-05-18T01:20 (+7)

Also, is it correct that since you have 62 active mentors and 117 mentees for round 3, that most mentors are assigned to 2 mentees?

BrianTan @ 2021-05-18T06:15 (+6)

Also, you've probably already thought about this, but it would be great to see WANBAM publish more details about its impact in an annual report or end-of-grant report. 

I'd like to know things such as what mentees are able to achieve as a result of the mentorship, i.e. how many mentees were able to land better jobs or take further studies thanks to the mentorship, how many new connections they were able to form thanks to any introductions made by their mentor, how much they feel they belong more in the EA community, and how counterfactual these likely were.

WANBAM seems to be the biggest mentorship program currently in EA, and is quite different from the model 80K or Animal Advocacy Careers uses. I know WANBAM isn't mainly a career advising program, but the mentorship probably helps people in their careers, which makes it comparable to 80K or AAC. Local group leaders like me often have to weigh a tradeoff of whether one-off calls like 80K's or regular mentoring calls like WANBAM works better, so being able to view deeper impact data would be good!

KathrynMecrow @ 2021-05-18T14:21 (+10)

I agree. Next in the production line as our capacity (hopefully) grows! I can give my intuitions based on the program on the question of:

"Local group leaders like me often have to weigh a tradeoff of whether one-off calls like 80K's or regular mentoring calls like WANBAM works better, so being able to view deeper impact data would be good!"

Commenting on the models: I would say it depends on what your program user is looking to achieve and your capacity. At WANBAM, we have experimented both with one-off calls (now combined with access to our Slack and all our events) and our standard model of an average of monthly meetings for six months. To make this concrete, if I had someone who was interested in lots of different career paths but whose plans were still in the process of developing, I might connect them to a handful of people for a one-off call and then invite them to our events.  If I have someone who is building their leadership skills with the aim of being promoted at work to management, I might connect them to one person who excels in this field to work with them over a period of six months. Essentially, capacity allowing, I work out (and this is not to say flawlessly- I am learning!) what we can concretely help with and try and tailor to do so. Thanks so much, Brian! Always happy to have a call with Group organizers if I can help :)

BrianTan @ 2021-05-19T06:02 (+7)

Ah I didn't know WANBAM has experimented with one-off calls, and it makes sense that you would try that out. Thanks for the information!

John_Maxwell @ 2021-05-18T18:06 (+5)

We are currently actively exploring how we can scale and provide mentoring support, in addition to WANBAM, to our community (those who are interested in/ inspired by Effective Altruism) more broadly.

You probably thought of this, but I suppose you could move in more of an 80K-ish direction by asking mentees to take notes on the best generalizable advice they get in their mentoring conversations, then periodically publishing compilations of this (perhaps organized by topic or something). If I was a mentor, I think I'd be more willing to spend time mentoring if my advice was going to scale beyond a single person.

KathrynMecrow @ 2021-05-18T20:15 (+12)

Yes! We have a couple of pieces a bit like this, notably our career profiles and a blog I put together /update around once a round of resources recommended by our mentors/mentees and indeed the piece above. In our post-survey, I ask mentees what was a particularly useful piece of advice their mentor gave them, and plan to create a blog in that vein when it hits a critical mass (we have a large cohort this time so I think that might be next round). Thank you, John! :) 

gergogaspar @ 2023-04-17T08:30 (+1)

Hey there! Thanks for sharing this! I also just wanted to flag that the hyperlink of "We asked our WANBAM community what resources they would recommend. Here’s what they said" no longer seems to work (for me)!

KathrynMecrow @ 2021-10-29T15:46 (+1)

Update: New section added on the role of feedback in mentorship relationships. I additionally highlighted our recent Status Update: 

 WANBAM released their blog post “WANBAM: Successes and challenges from our first two years.” The post summarizes their activities, initial results, and their risk mitigation steps.