EA Core Skillset

By JP Addison🔸 @ 2025-03-04T22:28 (+64)

This is a (late) Draft Amnesty Week draft

I claim that there’s a special thing about some EAs. It’s really hard to describe this using a low number of bits, which should make me skeptical that it exists. I’ve here settled on describing the collection of skills that people with that thing have. I claim that this set of highly correlated traits predicts success in EA about as well as raw intelligence (or more), and is much more trainable. I won’t justify this, and instead, please accept this draft amnesty post gesturing at a thing.

Epistemic status: I find this model useful, and make this claim with the part of me that buys into it, but I’m aware that it doesn’t land for many people I describe it to, including those who I would describe as having this skillset. So take it as a model but not one with my full endorsement.

The “skills”:

The EA Spark

Nicole Ross called the potential for the EA Core Skillset “the EA Spark”, which I also love, and I expect may evoke the right idea if my previous writings have failed.


I think there are people who are committed EAs, who really don’t buy into the whole enchilada. I’m sympathetic to that being an option. So: “What the hell, JP, you’re telling me that I can only ‘have this skillset’ if I accept all these independent claims that EAs make?” Am I? I’m not sure. I do think that many people can have the EA Core Skillset without buying into everything, or engaging much with EA. But many do, and without a better definition I just want to gesture at this cluster.

RFF @ 2025-03-06T13:24 (+1)

I really like the thought of the EA spark :) 🔥 I’m on week 6 of my EA intro course which is really interesting. I’m feeling stuck in terms of finding so many issues worth pursuing, knowing my skill set and also how much more I want to and plan to learn whilst balancing with just getting out and adding to the action to help make change. I can;t seem to find how to help as traditional job applications have not been successful which is surprising since I resigned from a senior position in the tech space (“soft AI” ) to pursue opportunities in climate friendly areas plus AI - since I was in the field. Any advice as to how I can unstick and get out to help make change??