Where on the continuum of pure EA to pure AIS should you be? (Uni Group Organizers Focus)

By jessica_mccurdy🔸, Uni Groups Team @ 2023-06-26T23:46 (+44)

Note: I wrote a version of this for the pre-EAG university group organizer summit and found it helpful to lay out my messy thoughts. I thought it might be helpful to share with more people so I made this version. It isn’t up to my standards for mass consumption (especially in some unsubstantiated claims) but I thought it would be better to share than not.


If I were an EA group organizer right now I would be pretty confused about whether I should pivot most of my attention toward an AIS specific group[1]. To be honest, I am fairly confused about the value of EA community building versus cause-specific community building in the landscape that we are now in (especially with increased attention on AI)[2]. I think both are plausibly very high value.


In this, I tried to lay out some key considerations for thinking about what you personally should focus on. This is meant to complement Kuhan’s post and shouldn’t really stand on its own. Since Kuhan’s is a bit more positive on AIS groups, I wrote this with more of a lens of why you might not choose to run an AIS group.  I’ll also note that this is targeted at people who think AIS is plausibly the most significant problem to work on and doesn’t make any arguments as to why that may or may not be true. I also want to add a disclaimer that while some of these points gesture at EA CB as a means to AIS CB, I generally think it is bad to build an EA group with intentions of convincing people to go into certain career paths rather than helping introduce new ideas and connect people to opportunities. I have said more on this here and here.


So the decision is "Where on the continuum of pure EA to pure AIS do I want to be[3]" and some factors you could weigh include: Personal fit, Track records, Keeping options open, and Risks. I will go into each of these with a bit more detail.

Personal fit

Track Records

Keeping options open




Appendix: My extremely rough guess about what we might want to see the total landscape to look like in 1-2 years (because I was told I should share it)


  1. ^

     And in fact, as an organizer of organizers I am also confused about this (ie: I have a lot of on the ground experience with an EA group but maybe I should go get some with an AIS group so I can help there)

  2. ^

     I am also confused about whether we should focus on uni students or people further along in their careers. Personally I think that EA should put more effort than now into later career professionals but we should still target uni groups and this is an especially good option when you are university aged.

  3. ^

     Note that I say spectrum since shifting towards more cause-specific CB =/ only doing cause-specific CB.

  4. ^

     But this is a bit handwavey and I don’t know if we have sufficient evidence backing this (but I lean towards it)

  5. ^

    Or at least, I think AI labs are not having trouble hiring for capabilities researchers so the marginal capabilities researcher produced by the AIS group is probably fine unless that person is particularly brilliant. In which case we either want that person working on safety or not working on this at all (maybe go ETG)

  6. ^

     Although I should flag that needs change fairly rapidly - we might find use for a bunch of junior researchers soon - and already might have more junior positions available in policy

  7. ^

     There is also big tent EA broad movement/effective giving - seems good to have effective giving be its own meme. I don’t actually think students are the best audience for this but maybe - but it also seems a bit easier/I am happy to just have others do it.